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Another light bulb got turned on

Posted on 01 Jun 2014 @ 1:24am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,532 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD 3

Things were running smoothly, too smoothly it seemed. That was the problem as they prepared to leave orbit on the next leg of their mission he felt uneasy as if there was something looming yet unseen. Call it a hunch, a warriors intuition or just his craving for action. At any rate he was uneasy as he drank his bloodwine, staring out the portal at the planet below.

Several things had changed since they had left Earth. Key among these use the possibility of his crew developing a sentient hologram, which he had authorized. The Achilles was not a research vessel, but he could not deny his science and medical staff the opportunity to earn honor for themselves. That in mind he decided it was high time he used all the ships resources to their full potential...flesh-n-blood or not. Besides if his gut was right they would need all at their best.

Turning from the portal he spoke to the emptiness. "Computer activate the Emergency Command Hologram."

The hologram instantly materialized in-front of the admiral, standing at attention and said "The Emergency Command Holographic program has been activated." as it turned and saw the admiral, it said "Please state the nature of the current predicament, Rear-Admiral Da'nal."

"There is no 'predicament' at the moment. I have decided to activate your program, and leave it operational. What do you think of that decision?"

"This program was designed for temporary use in emergency situations... I do not believe it would be efficient if my program remained online indefinitely in order to assume vacant positions in the ships ranking system." the hologram stated in its emotionless tone.

Da`nal could feel his frustration rising but he kept in mind that this was program...which made it more analytical than even the most logical Vulcan. "The very nature of your program is to fill any potential holes in this ships command structure is it not?"

The hologram looked to the Klingon in a most intriguing manner and said "My programming states that I am to assume the role of the entire command structure if necessary. However, if required I could assume the role of a crew member within the command structure temporarily, but nothing more."

"Oh, and as to efficiency. A ship’s crew is more efficient when it is accustomed to and trusts those issuing the orders. You are programmed with every known tactical maneuver both offensive and defensive. It would be inefficient of me not to take advantage of that resource. Would it not?"

"That is correct, but it is also a danger to Starfleet and the Federation as my programs' memory core does contain several pieces of highly classified data, which is only available to the highest ranking officers. I cannot allow, under any circumstances, take the risk of this information being released to the general population of the Federation, or hostile races, organizations or such like." The hologram then looked upon the Klingon in a rather inquisitively.

Da`nal's fingers traced the edges of his beard as he listened. "As a program you have much to learn, another reason to keep you active. Life would not be worth living if there was no risk. It is the challenges we face that shape us into the men and women of honor or cowards that flee at first sign of danger. The fail-safe’s in the ships computer have that data encoded and like the data in the computer I know information that would great interest to foreign powers. I have reservation to giving the order to end my life or destroy this ship, your program included, if necessary."

The hologram now looked to the rear admiral and said in a relatively sarcastic tone "Yes, my programming can be optimized, however I do not live a life, therefore I do not wish to take risks regarding my program, the lives are Starfleet personnel or the interests of the Federation/Starfleet are the priority." the hologram imitated a sigh and then finally muttered "If my program must be active until a replacement or replacements are found then so be it. But, I was designed to stay online for extensive periods of time."

Flesh or not, sentient or not, willing or not he was already learning...if only slightly. "Good. The risks in activating your program are not your responsibility but mine. Additionally there is another thing you must learn, your wishes are of little concern. This is not because you are just a program. The wishes of any member of this crew nor myself matter when the decisions must be made. No being wants to die, as what cause can be served best by living. However, if our deaths are needed; that order will be given without hesitation. It is my belief that by living amongst the crew and interacting with them you will be a better commander and not just a calculator balancing the lives of this crew in some mathematical equation.

"You say you do not live a life; well I am giving you that opportunity. We have been shown that given the chance, holograms can grow beyond their original programming to become sentient artificial life forms. On that not you should know that you are not the only hologram aboard. A member of this crew is in the process of developing a sentient holographic life preprogramming like you or the ships medical hologram...but an independent free thinking hologram able to choose its own destiny."

"My program is installed into one of the most advanced holographic matrix available to Starfleet; I'd hardly say this other hologram will develop to a point it which it can be considered fully sentient without years of editorial optimization. Oh, and admiral, understand that holograms adapt to their surroundings in order to properly carry out the purpose of the core purpose of its primary programming, nothing more." replied the hologram, who now appeared to become rather bored.

Knowing that throwing him across the room would not harm him at all Da`nal contained his anger, but his own tone was one that made it clear the program was over stepping the bounds. "For a program you are arrogant and close to insubordination. Despite your extensive programming you seem to be ignorant of your own kinds history. I would suggest you access the ships historical database on the USS Voyager; specifically their EMH who is currently the only hologram recognized as a sentient artificial life form by the Federation. And if memory serves is currently married to a human."

The hologram looked to the Klingon rear-admiral and then looked to no-where in-particular as he accessed the computer’s memory core. "First of all, if you'd like me to become a permanent addition to your crew I suggest your familiarize yourself, and accept how my personality sub-routines currently operate. But yes, it appears you are correct." states the rather shocked hologram, as he continued "never-the-less he reached his current stage in development through years of development and adaptation to his program. If similar adaptations were made to my holo-matrix, my programs original cause could become corrupt, I would not... Like that."

"Well hologram..." Thinking to himself, ~that's going to get annoying~ making a mental not to come up with something to call him. " this time you are not in command. At this time you are subject to the chain of command. Which means, YOU, need to show the proper respect and apply the appropriate customs and courtesies to those who ARE in command."

Da`nal let out a long huff of an exhale as his stress subsided. "Yours is a dynamic learning matrix and you will learn as you interact with the command team and the crew. As changes to your matrix that would allow you to become more have my word that none will be made unless you request them. In the mean time, you are dismissed. Report to the XO for placement on the ships duty roster."

The hologram looked at the Klingon rather confused, then he laughed and said "Well, sir since I appear to have little choice in the matter I suggest you remove the command codes from my program, since when I'm activated I automatically receive all your command codes."

He opened his mouth to reply and stopped. "No. Every command officer has their own command codes based on need and levels of access based on the status of the rest of the chain of command. They are each trusted to safe guard and use those codes properly. You will keep your codes, they will be restricted appropriately of course, but you will be given that same trust and held to the same expectations of every other command officer. "

"Very well." he stated firmly. "I know the way to the bridge." he turned swiftly, and walked towards the doors and out onto the bridge.

Grinning to himself slightly as he imagined the XO's reaction when the hologram found her. Chuckling to himself as he lifted his glass to his lips, "Make me take an escort will ya...."

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

As yet to be named


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