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Doctor-Patient Confidence

Posted on 19 Jun 2014 @ 1:33am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Lieutenant JG Alana Tambor

1,844 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Achilles- Sickbay


Elas was asleep after a long day, his dreams of the young vixen in Astrometrics were stirring him and he loved it. He had seen her in the Sciences briefing, her off duty attire alluring and more than provocative. That long hair made him want to run his fingers through it, over her body...

The dream made him feel sexual and fluid, the heat in him was building. He knew it was just a dream and he let himself go, explore the deeper parts of his primal self. Elas delighted when his mind's eye created that woman's tight lithe form, her mute silence normal for her and somehow more perfect for this. He saw them alone...

He pictured bending her over the console, the stars spinning overhead. He pictured himself doing much more, and he squirmed some more in his sheets. It was rapture, it was exquisite and he breathed pleasure in every moan. He felt her grip, felt her resist, felt the nails dragging into his skin but even the pain was a hot trail across a field of Ecstasy...

She said "No." but it wasn't speech... it was her mind, she was screaming with her mind...

Screaming as in "No! No! No!"

Elas exploded in delight, her screams and anguish feeding his frenzy. He wanted more, and wanted to take it from her, from anyone, it was all his to take. The power, the fulfillment, it was mighty and it made him hungry for more.

The violation and complete invasion became a sudden reality as he realized what had just happened. He awoke in tears, "No... No... please... say it wasn't real... it wasn't realllll......" Elas shook in fear and disgrace, his body wracking in sobs. He had to do something about this, he couldn't fight it anymore. For hours he sat bolt upright, too terrified to go back to sleep, only the fact he could talk confidentially to the CMO allowed him to move. An hour before the alpha shift he wordlessly put on his uniform and marched in a total haze to Sickbay.

Elas grimaced at the buzz of activity, his mental senses still charged and raw. In a near panic for relief he spotted a medical officer.

With a half cough he barked, "Doctor!" and lost his sense of balance, leaning against the door frame.

Wallace turned at the commotion. Upon seeing the officer on the verge of collapse he rushed to the door lifting the mans arm around his neck. "NURSE!"

Together they carried the counselor to a bio bed and the monitors coming to life as he was laid back. Wallace looked over the preliminary readings his brain chemistry, Serotonin, Norepinephrine levels were WAY off, he looked to the nurse across from him. "15cc's Synaptizine."

As the drugs were and ministered he issued a final order for his newest patient's care. Keep him sedated to the time being, at least until his neural chemistry stabilizes." He turned to let her complete he task as he went into the office to brush up on his Ullian brain physiology.


Alana Tambor was working in the Astrometrics department, she was upgrading the resolution specs on the displays to overlay spectral data from non visual spectrum as translucence in wave form. The result was impressive, it allowed for a visual tracking of the realities of what was present around them. It made the cosmos a little more crowded, a little bit smaller. The order of it made her smile, the splendor of it made her smile wider.

A slight wave of nausea overcame her, vague feelings of lust and primal desire filled her sense but it was barely recognizable. Something about it greatly upset her however and when she stood to leave the room the sensations she hadn't shared with anyone since her husband suddenly filled in her. Her confusion mounted, the voder she wore couldn't understand the brains signals and made odd sounds, and to the alarm of the other ensign in the room let out a warbled scream.

Just as quickly, the sensation left. Alana stood only a few steps from her station, crying, in pain, and confused. She staggered back to her chair and tried to recover but the sensations remained. She felt violated, that was how she felt. It was the same as when the Vians had tried to forcibly impregnate her, but nothing had happened to her at all. Her shift had just started, but she couldnt wait for it to end, maybe she could get a session in with the counselor to talk about this...

[Some time later]

Elas awoke to the hive of activity Sickbay usually was, nobody had noticed yet but the CMO had a ping active for Alpha brain waves and knew he was up. He tried to remember how he got here, but the haze of his recent seizures and whatever had just happened to him confused him that he couldn't begin to guess. He focused on his own memories, allowing his techniques to work on himself... a flash of feelings, a glimpse of action... he was feeling thrilled... sensual... he chased the feelings, the dream eluding him.

He saw the doctor approaching, but nothing had occured to him yet. He had to know more, and hoped for some answers.

Seeing his patient was awake he nodded as he approached and glanced over to the bio-beds readings. "Well you are a little more balanced than when you got here. Do you know what happened to you?"

Elas swallowed hard, this was the most dreadful part. "Doctor... in my recent medical history you'll find I was treated alongside Commander Kelan for psychic trauma and shared cortical stimulus over-exertion. This is the cause: I am out of control now, I tried so hard but I fear I may have caused harm to someone. My telepathic profile has become shared... MY primal self is emerging...I am making no sense." Elas felt the tidal wave of panic starting to rise, but the discipline of many years held. "It was an Ensign in Astrometrics, a woman. And Commander Kelan! Please make sure she is okay!"

Wallace spun in his chair to see what was going on. With Elas's brain chemistry as off as it was when he had arrived he could have easily imagined the whole thing. Then again with Ullian mental abilities there could be two crew members in serious trouble. The ships sensors found then easy enough and the bi signs showed that they were both unconscious. Slapping his badge, =^= Medical teams to Astrometrics & the Admiral's quarter's! Security team to sickbay. =^=

The wheels were stet in motion now but so fat it appeared that his actions had been unintentional. "I will need to full work up on them and you as well. Standard procedure in this situation would be to have to confined to the brig until everything gets sorted out."

Elas quavered and followed up the Doctors serious reply with, "Nothing physical will affect it, I am afraid restraints won't help with how I seem to be evolving in this. I should have come to you long ago but I... If a counselor cant control themselves who can they possibly help... I am sorry Doctor, maybe a medical coma... but even then..." Elas trailed off as he realized the implications of his future. He might not ever be able to live amongst non-Ullians. Even in a coma his mind could affect others, distance was the only recourse. The thought made Elas want to weep.

"There has to be a why to monitor...we could have you were a neural monitor to let us know if the telepathic centers of your brain go active." He trailed off thinking as the security team arrived and motioned them over. "Over here."

As they took position on either side of the councilor a thought occurred. "I will see if there are any telepathic races serving in the relief efforts that can assist. A Vulcan with a high esper rating should have the mental shields and training to help monitor you and perhaps even help you with your control."

Elas was crying at this point, the emotions flooding into him uncontrolled, "Please hurry, I feel my control slipping..." Ullians didnt experience this sensation normally, it was wrong. It was the noise a betazoid has a large telepathic cortex to sort and buffer, but for him it was pure chaos. "I am sorry Doctor." Elas let his meditations take over, the drop in the pond, the ripple in a gentle spread... He knew what he had to do to protect everyone... His smaller telepathic cortex with an imzadi like connection was the problem, and stopping it was the only solution.

Elas was beginning to slip into a coma, the effort to shut down his own cortex killing him...

Wallace had read enough to know what he was doing and he sprang into action. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" Shouting to the security detail. "GET HIM ON A BED KNOW!"

As they hoisted him out of the chair, they followed the Doc out of the office and lifted the counselor onto the neatest bio-bed. No soon had that been done than Wallace shoved one of the security out of the way pressing a hypo to Elas' neck and administering a high powered stimulant. Forcing Elas back to consciousness.

Elas' eyes shot open and Wallace had him by the his uniform, pulling him up off the bed. "Don't you try that again! While you are awake you have a choice to enter someone's mind. That will tell us if you meant any harm or not!"

Elas was trying to get a handle on his reality but control eluded him. He whispered, "I didnt mean to, but I wanted to...."

Dropping him back to the bed he slapped the hypo into the hand of one of the guards. "That should last for about an hour or so..." Programing the bed he continued his instructions the security officer. "...if his cerebral functions drop below this setting here an alarm will sound and you shot him up again. Understood?"

In a low tone Elas looked at the doctor, "I-" the doors opening to sickbay cut him off. What he saw paralyzed him with guilt and dread.

Before the guard could reply the medical teams he had sent out returned, each with a patient for him. Both Lt. Commander Ayren and Lt. Tambor were unconscious. How long they had been this way he didn't know yet but from his research he had read that victims usually came to within 24 hours. He stood there as the med teams continued their task of aid to the two women for now he waited and watched until they were done...making sure they did things right. Glancing back he looked to the bed where Elas laid; all he could do was think to himself...~what a mess.~

Dr. Robert Wallace
Med Officer & Acting CMO
NPC played by Da`nal

Lt. Elas Vonti

Lt. Alana Tambor


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