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Combat Drill - Here We Go - Part 4

Posted on 17 May 2013 @ 12:07am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Hank Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant Lucas Drake & Ensign Morag NA & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski & Sergeant Dawn Brianna
Edited on on 17 May 2013 @ 12:10am

807 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Bridge & Elsewhere
Timeline: MD 3 - O3.30 hours Enroute to Dandurand 4

Lantiq followed the team up and took a seat at the rear of the bridge saying nothing. When the senior staff glanced at him, he gave them a thin smile and pointed to the sticker on his chest “Ignore me. I’m not here”

He tapped his commbadge =^=Lantiq to Van Berg! Start now Chief =^= Then leant back in his chair and crossed his arms, keeping a blank face as much as possible and trying not to notice the grin on Da'nal's face. it seemed he'd found the Klingon a worthy foe.

[Marine Country]

A transporter shimmer appeared in the corridor outside the door to the Marine accommodation just as the troops were piling through it. The beam faded leaving Chief of the Boat Van Berg in it's place. She did not seem fazed to be faced with a group of freshly roused Marines looking for a fight.

"Captain Post, Commander Lantiq's compliments, Ma'am." Van berg said "Please select a Marine detail and report to Holodeck Four for combat drill training!=^= AS soon as her message was delivered she tapped her comm badge and dematerialized again.

"Lucky us," Rebecca scowled and glanced around "Alright, Staff Sergeant Kasmierski, muster your team on me, Sergeant Major Velez I need a section of Marines for combat duty.

"Copy, ma'am," Kaz replied, turning to his team. "Tenaka, I need everything you got on the Hirogen."

“Um, they're hunters. Most likely weaponry will be neural disruptors, with sensors that would detect you taking a dump at 2a.m.”

Kaz groaned. “Tenaka, I'm running on stomach acid and replicator coffee, mmkay?”

“Happy to gross you out, sarge. If they're on this ship, they're most likely looking to see what sort of prey they can flush out.”

“Okay, so let's play their little game and head on up to Holodeck Four."


"Any reports of damage? Stevens asked the duty officer.

"None sir" replied the Ensign".

"Probably a drill" Hank muttered.

Hank signaled the Bridge.

"Bridge this Engineering. What's going on?" Hank asked .

A split second later the engineering spaces were filled with the sounds of warning alarms and the computer announced This is a Drill! Simulated warp core power failure commencing. This is a drill

"We're losing main power!" one of the Engineers called "Well, the computer says we are anyway! Now the warp core is going off line. System reports some kind of subnucleonic interference. We're slowing and dropping out of warp too!"

The woman did a quick check of her panels "It's okay Chief, it is just the simulation, damn bitch of a drill though! What shall we do?"

Her question was interrupted by a comm signal.

=^= Lieutenant Stevens, this is Chief Van Berg. Commander Lantiq's compliments, Sir. Please gather an Engineering party and report to Holodeck Four for combat drill training!=


Hank was coordinating with Gronk when his badge chirped
=^= Lieutenant Stevens, this is Chief Van Berg. Commander Lantiq's compliments, Sir. Please gather an Engineering party and report to Holodeck Four for combat drill training!=^

Hank swisher under his breath and replied "Roger that Chief. I am en route.
Hank signaled for two of the more senior ensigns to follow him.

Hank ordered Gronk to "take charge" and with the two ensigns sprinted to the designated holodeck.
As they way hoe way quickly to the Training area, Hank instructed the other two engineers.

"I have no clue what the XO was up to. Expect a firefight and a struggle to keep Control of the engineering facilities of the Achilles. Watch each other’s backs ok?" Hank said.

[Transporter Room 3]

Van berg appeared on the pad and nodded to the crewman at the transporter controls "One more group to select then you can send me to the holodecks"

Tapping her commbadge she announced =^= Chief of the Boat to Lieutenant Har'tar, Lieutenant Wendsar, Ensign Morag, Ensign Valentine. Report to Holodeck Two for combat drill training! =^=

Finishing up her few checks and services on her med kits, let alone a few other things in sickbay, the Andorian Klingon, com badge beeps to life. With a quick tap, she listened to what the Senior NCO had to say and the warrior Doctor reply "Understood, Chief, heading there now. Har'tar out"

Morag tapped his comm badge, "on my way."

=^=Understood. Be there in a sec.=^= Cammy replied. She quickly made her way to the holodeck.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LtCmdr Lantic Ryal

Lieutenant Lucas Mason

Lt. Naja Jas

Lt. Sara'Marbela Har'tar

Captain Rebecca Post

Lieutenant Lucas Drake

Ensign Morag NA

Ensign Cammy Valentine

Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

Sergeant Dawn Brianna

Private 1st Class Jason Eirias

MCPO Viktoria Van Berg

SSgt Jason Frey
Recon - NPC


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