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Combat Drill - Engineering simulation - Hirogens in the night

Posted on 25 May 2013 @ 2:45am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

2,019 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Holodeck 4

[Deck 11 Holodeck 4]

Van Berg was waiting outside the holodeck, which was already running the program she and Lantiq had created. She waited for the Marines to arrive.

Having put her team together, consisting of what Recon Marines she had avaliable and a handful of regular Marines to make up the numbers Post and her team were approaching the holodeck. Presumably there was some form of boarding to contest, that was what the Marines were deployed aboard Starships for after all, and given that rumous had circulated down from the bridge that they were facing Hirogen, she figured they were in for a tough time.

Kaz looked at the entrance to the holodeck, where a command Petty Officer stood waiting for them. She's kind of cute, he thought, then smiled inside his armor. Head in the game man, keep your head in the game.

"Well, this is going to be fun." Dawn grinned, she loved drills.

Feeling a tiny bit out of place, Eirias was surprised at the situation that had 'developed'. He'd never heard of this Hirogen species, and made sure his Mk. 17 was ready for use. Being the youngest and most junior, he was resigned to be at the back of the formation until told otherwise, though aware that meant he had to keep an eye forward, and back to make sure nothing came up to surprise them all.

Once they had all arrived, Stevens with his team and Post with a dozen Marines in tow, Van Berg briefed them:

“Ok, this is a combat simulation drill. We have been attacked by five Hirogen ships. They have knocked out warp power and we have a boarding party of unknown numbers on the engineering decks. You will need to clear and secure the area and restore warp power. Go to it!”

With that she opened the holodeck door. Inside was the Main engineering compartment on Deck 12. The area was bathed in the red glow of emergency lighting and clouds of smoke billowed around the top of the warp core. There was a loud explosion of noise off to the left and a fire fight erupted as a group of Hirogen hunters appeared, their weapons blazing out as they attacked four holo Engineer crewmen taking cover behind one of the engineer control stations.

The Hirogen charged, saw the group of Marines and Stevens in the door way and opened fire! Simulated weapon’s fire flashed between them, followed by another simulated explosion as one of the Hirogen tossed some kind of grenade at them.

“Computer! Freeze program!” The COB announced before anyone could react, then Van Berg stepped up to six of the Marines, and peeling stickers from the sheets in her hand, she slapped one on each of the Marines. “You’re dead! You’re dead! So are you! And you other three have serious injuries!”

Having knocked out most of Post’s team, leaving her with just the specialists Van Berg turned the program back on “Computer! Continue program! All yours Captain” She stepped back and the door disappeared with her.

Instantly the weapons fire from the Hirogen hunters restarted as they took cover around the base of the warp core.

Post looked around her with a scowl. Half of her team had been taken out, all of her regular marines save for PFC Eirias and a few of her recon marines as well, not an ideal situation to be in. It wasn't a particularly fair simulation, she'd never have silhouetted her Marines in the door like that, and would have assaulted with stun grenades, but there was no point in complaining right now, bad things happened in combat and she had to deal with it. Quickly ordering her Marines into cover she turned to speak to them.

"Set your weapons to maximum safe internal settings, we've got Hirogen armour to deal with, but for fraks sake watch out for the warp core," Post instructed, more for the young PFCs benefit than the experienced recon marines "Eirias, you stick close to me, Recon I need you to flank their position, the PFC and I will give you covering fire but I need you to get round the back of them, once you're in position let me know and we'll stop suppressing them and try and actually kill them."

From behind his part of the cover, all the sudden Eirias wished he had a SWAP instead of the 17, but he could make do with it. Setting the weapon to ignore the scan mode, he also changed it to the lowest possible setting that wouldn't damage the core. As the Captain assigned the positions, he adjusted the fire rate to the max setting before responding. "Understood, I'll stick close Ma'am." He was about to comment that the engineer could vent a small bit of warp plasma and take out the Hirogen without much problem, provided they could get to a console, but kept quiet for the moment.

Dawn nodded, setting her rifle to the MSI setting. "Let's rock and roll." she smiled.

"Oh yeah, Villalobos all over again, ladies and androgynous individuals," Kaz said over the helmet radio. "Except we're the Kziniti. All right. Brianna, you're on point, we're going to maneuver around. Computer, I need a route plotted. Take us through the vents if you have to. Send to Omega team and Sergeant Brianna." He smiled when the schematic popped up. The ship's computer had them going through a maintenance shaft around to the back of Engineering.

"Watch yourselves. Like Tenaka said, there's a chance they'll have IEDs and detection equipment set up. Once we get into place - and that means taking some sort of cover, people, you wait until I give the signal." He grinned. "It's one word: 'Warsaw'. Hear that, you light this place up. Try to not shoot the red pipes; those apparently run coolant to the warp core. Any questions?"

"Computer, send projected route to Captain Post and establish com link. Ma'am, we're moving out," Kaz said. The team took formation and silently headed off toward the maintenance shaft. (OOC: pending anything from CPT Post, of course.)
Tag Post

Post waited until she got affirmatives from all of her Marines before activating the mic on her tactical headset.

"Post to Bridge, we've got fourteen Hirogen in main engineering, we've taken casualties and I've got three badly injured personnel," Post reported for formalities sake. "I'm going to take them out and secure the room so that Lieutenant Stevens can get power restored then secure the rest of the engineering decks, we've got numerous engineering casualties alongside my own, we're going to need medical down here once we're secure. Will report further."

=^= Bridge copies! We're about to separate the ship, deal with those intruders and restore warp power! Bridge out!=^=

The group of hirogen around the base of the warp core had split into two groups, one was trying to smash the warp control panel; the other was coming directly at the group of marines!

With the Recon team gone to flank the enemy it fell to Post, PFC Eirias to hold the enemy in place until the team could strike. Post swore as the split into two groups, not only would it make actually flanking the enemy harder but the second crew was actually heading straight for her handful of Marines. Post knew from reputation that Hirogen were damned dangerous in hand to hand combat so keeping them at length was essential. Giving an order she popped up over the side of cover with her Marines and opened fire, flicking the selector from single shot to automatic fire, it would decrease her accuracy but at this range it was hardly likely to make a difference. Lining up the first Hirogen charging at her she started squeezing the trigger in quick, controlled bursts.

Fortunately, the type of enemy didn't matter as much to Eirias as did the numbers. With two groups, and one coming for them, he pulled the 17 up and let it fire in the wide sweep configuration to cause a distraction and try and suppress both groups. He had one stun grenade on him as part of the normal load out, but without authorization, he was not going to use it, but he would let the Captain know he had it. "Captain, I have a stun grenade if you want me to toss it..." He managed to yell out over the suppression fire.

"It's worth a try private, whether it'll work or not's another matter but we won't know if we don't try," Post nodded. "Toss it!"

Taking a moment to reach, Eirias grabbed the grenade from his kit while making sure to continue his suppressing fire. After he secured the grenade, he first double checked to make sure it was indeed a stunner. Next, he peeked out to make sure no friendlies were in range of the effect, then walked through the motions to prime and toss it towards the main group they were firing at.

As the recon group left Captain Post, Kaz frowned. Leaving the CO with just a PFC and a few others was not the best of ideas in his opinion, but hopefully the main group would hunker down and keep quiet until recon got into position.

He saw Sergeant Brianna pop open the maintenance hatch and slide in, followed by the rest of the team, then himself with Corporal Tenaka closing the hatch behind him. As quietly as they could, they crawled down the tube until Corporal Sarnek threw up a hand signal for everyone to stop.

Kaz edged forward as best he could, catching a few people with elbows or the muzzle of the man-portable phaser cannon slung over his back.

"Increase your helmet's telescope, sergeant," the Vulcan said once Kaz was next to him. "They are attempting to disable the warp core."

"Can you take them?"

"Of course."

Kaz thought quickly, then radioed everyone.

"All righty, everyone else down to the next exit hatch. Whelan, you stay with Sarnek. Listen for Warsaw. Sarnek, you make the shot then. When he makes his shot, you two say do widzenia and go down to the next hatch to meet us. Everybody else, we get set up and then we get the party started."

It was but a few minutes later that the team got into place.

"Open channel to Captain Post and recon team," Kaz whispered to his helmet's radio. He paused for a moment, making sure everything was in place. Then he said the word.


A slash of phaser beam light tore from the vent, burning a neat hole into the head of the Hirogen working on the warp core.

Post watched with satisfaction as her Recon team sprung their ambush, taking out the first Hirogen they would have to follow that up with the rest and, hopefully, deal with the remaining two Hirogen that her own marines had managed to pin down, having killed the rest of the second group.

The recon team had maneuvered themselves into concealment behind various consoles while Sarnek was setting up to take his shot. Upon the word 'Warsaw' they opened fire, phasers set to stun in order to avoid damaging equipment. It took a bit, but with Sarnek shifting further down the air duct, they were eventually able to eliminate the group at the warp core.
TAG Marines

The sight of the Hirogen starting to fall was welcome, but for the moment, he was busy focusing on the two they had managed to pin down, while keeping an eye out for others incoming. Every so often, he yelled out "changing!" to the Captain as he switched out energy cells, and made sure they never did it at the same time so that the Hirogen remained trapped.

Within a few minutes the remaining Hirogen had been neutralized as holo-engineers began repairing the damage the Chief of the Boat repaired at the Holo-Deck Portal.

"Computer - End program!" She announced then turned to group of Marines "Good work. You achieved the objective. You may stand down"



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