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31 Oct 2013 @ 7:17pm

Ensign Morag NA

Name Morag NA NA

Position Xeno Archaeologist/Anthropologist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 30
Languages Klingon, Federation Common

Physical Appearance

Height 1.9 Meters
Weight 200
Hair Color DK. Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Morag is imposing as most Klingons go standing a commanding 6'4" tall. He has dark brown hair, steel blue eyes and a moderately muscular ans sinewy body.


Spouse Ens. Ahna Morag
Children Simeon Ruktah:
Simeon is an impressive student despite his visual acuity from Hemeralopia which he has had from age five. Though not acute, when in bright sunlight his vision becomes blurred to a point of near blindness. In the starship environment his vision is quite normal and functions well in the classroom.

Favorite subjects seem to be Planetary Geology, Klingon History and spatial geometry. We think that this is to set his mind to see without his eyes. Simeon is given to long periods of meditation during play time. Other students have said that they can feel his energy when they come close to the school area.
This said, he is always punctual if not early and rigidly independent.

Treatments were administered at the time of condition onset. Simeon had violent reactions to every treatment. New treatments have been released to Starfleet medical for this condition, but until we can be sure that young master Ruktah’s system can take them without violent allergic or psychogenic reaction, we dare not give them trial as this would be illogical.

Simeon Ruktah is a well adjusted young man despite his physical limitations. He consistently seeks any way he can to expand his awareness. He also seems to be showing signs of Klingon cultural desires including a desire to make PeHtay and Qo’to’vo’.

Evaluation: T’vok of Vulcan level 4 instructor –USS Perihelion, Sara Ritgens level 4 Inst. USS Xerxes; Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Antrim CMO USS Xerxes, Lyla Antrim Counselor USS Xerxes

Personality & Traits

General Overview Morag is a highly focused and determined individual. With his son Simeon having the condition he does, Morag has searched far and wide for a cure or even a treatment of some kind.
Strengths & Weaknesses Morag's Strengths are his unfailing focus and his family.
Ambitions Morag's only ambition is to use his own knowledge to find a world that has cured conditions similar to that of Simeon's.
Hobbies & Interests Family and Klingon History and Culture, and Klingon Martial arts.

Personal History Ensign Morag was born to Mural son of Dorel and B’Luna daughter of Kahlegh and B’Lorna. At an early age he began to show a deep interest in the ancient culture of his home world. Morag also showed interest in the family business which is the making of blood wine. Eventually, he inherited the business and added a Klingon form of wormwood and a fruit they call Devwi behjaj to the vineyard so he could create a Klingon absinthe of sorts. It was a success but Morag wanted more. He had to bring more honor to his house and his family and chose to apply to the Klingon Defense Force as a historian. He excelled in the role and in the military aspects of his position. Even so, he needed and wanted more and applied for an officer exchange position.

Six months later he was accepted and sent to the Federation ship Perihelion for his exchange. The captain placed in the Perihelion’s history and science department and began to learn more than they ever thought he would. Morag had spread his studies into archeology taking course after Starfleet course in such. On mission to the planet Ekos a beautiful Xenopaleontologist had found some ancient writing and asked him to translate as she looked at the fossils in front of her. Love overtook them and they began a relationship soon after the mission that lasted six months. At this time Morag’s exchange period was running out and he asked for an extension. The extension was approved on the contingency that he continued to bring honor to his family, his house and to the federation. Ensigns Morag and Ahna Abramson began their engagement right after.

Ahna’s parent’s being traditionalists declined to give the couple their blessings. However, grandparents on both sides of her family did and they were married one month later on their first leave together.
Service Record cadet Cruise: USS Perihelion

Current Billet: USS Xerxes Klingon Cultural Officer/ XenoArcheologist/ Historian.