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Combat Drill - Here We Go - Part 3

Posted on 16 May 2013 @ 11:42pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Hank Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant Lucas Drake & Ensign Morag NA & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski & Sergeant Dawn Brianna
Edited on on 17 May 2013 @ 12:00am

1,304 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Bridge & Elsewhere
Timeline: MD 3 - O3.30 hours Enroute to Dandurand 4

The blaring of the alarm woke Eirias right out of a dead sleep. So dead in fact, that when he bolted up he failed to account for the fact he was in a lower bunk. The resounding thud as his head hit bunk above him brought a few chuckles from the others around, and then he managed to roll himself out and to the ground. Moving as quickly as he could, he switched out to a duty uniform and headed for the armory to meet up with the others.

Kaz yawned hugely, then placed his thumb on the reader next to the armory door. “Kasmierski, weapon number 694729,” he said to the armorer. Once the thumbprint reader confirmed his identity, he pulled his armored gauntlet back on, then picked up the heavy phaser rifle the armorer placed on the shelf in the barred door. Rifle in hand, he moved away from the door to let the next person in line get his weapon. Three freaking a.m., great time for a drill, he thought as he loaded the heavy duty power cells into the weapon.

In the hallway, he could hear the ship's computer blaring a “Yellow alert. This is a drill,” repeatedly, in case there was some mentally challenged person who hadn't reacted to the last hundred repetitions of that message. He watched as four people from Security moved down the hall to whatever it was they would be guarding. Then he saw the Alpha Team leader.

“Hey, Sergeant Frey. You seen the Captain yet? Or Sergeant Major?”

The yellow lighting shifted to red as the call to battle stations was sounded. Jason and his team ran on past Kaminari as they had a 'special' job to do, but as they did he shouted out a reply. "Nope, probably heading to MVAM positions."

Rebecca arrived from the opposite direction, her quarters whilst separate from the enlisted and NCO squad bays was never the less on the same deck, just like the other officers in the platoon and she had arrived within moments. She had no idea what this blasted thing was about but she knew that she needed her rifle, her sidearm was all well and good and that was why she kept it on her person, but it was never the less limited. She saw one of her recon sergeants running one way and the others standing out in the hall.

"Good morning Staff Sergeant," Rebecca grinned, sounding far too chipper as she entered the main barracks to find the infantry of her platoon moving quickly about to get their gear together. "Fantastic time for a drill."

"Hey, it's always a good day for a drill, ma'am," Kaz replied with a grin. "Don't train, you get weak. What's the best spot to repel potential boarders on this ship? Or, let me put it this way: if this weren't a drill, where would you be wanting us?"


"Ships now at twenty two thousand kilometers. Still accelerating"

"Dammit, get me an identification on them!"

"Sensors are having problems getting a fix, might be some kind of localized interference from the Oort Cloud, or they could be covering their engines somehow” Science reported "Wait, we're being scanned!"

The Bridge lighting dimmed and a low pitched whine came over the speakers "Some kind of subnucleonic beam! Coming from all five ships, it's very powerful! Could cause us some problems"

More alarms began sounding at the various bridge positions and exactly as programmed into the drill, the computer began to reduce navigation and helm functions. Suddenly the navigation panel went blank.

"Whoa! We just lost navigation!" The helmsman called and the ship began slowing as automatic safeties cut in.

"Go to manual, stand by for evasive maneuvers"

By time Naja had stated her last statement, she had open the panel under her station, and began checking the leads to her screen and did a few small changes to the wiring, which, she hoped would have the desire need, to get a better reading on the ships.

"I've got a partial sensor lock! Hirogen!! They're Hirogen ships!" Science reported "They were masking their signatures somehow, some kind of stealth mode"

"Red Alert! Shields up! Command staff to the Bridge!"

The computer announced "All Hands! This is a drill! This is a drill! Red Alert! Red Alert! Command staff to the Bridge! This is a drill!"

The whine got louder "That beam is getting stronger, it could disrupt the warp field!"

Seconds later the ship began to slow "We're losing power!" Helm reported "Dropping to Warp 5... Warp 3. 4... Warp 1.6... Sublight! We can maintain Full Impulse but that's about it"

The shift commander signaled the communications officer "Open a channel!" =^= Hirogen vessels! Break off now and cut your beam! Or we will defend ourselves!"

There was no response from the simulation vessels, which continued to close.

"Activate phaser simulations, Arm photon torpedo simulations! But hold fire!" The shift commander instructed, she turned as Da'nal, Mason, Chance, Kriger and Drake arrived on the Bridge.

Da’nal led the way, "Report!" He noted his XO clad in black, to separate himself from the drill, as he moved quickly moved to his command chair as the duty officer vacated the seat.

"Sir" She reported to Da'nal "Ship is at Red Alert for a combat drill. Shields are up. We have five inbound Hirogen vessels. They are using some kind of subnucleonic beam which has disrupted helm, sensors and our warp drive. We do have Full Impulse maneuvering, phaser banks are warmed up and we have a full load of simulated torpedoes."

After arriving on the bridge Lucas Drake did not move to a bridge station. Instead he stood with his back against the railing runnining along the right hand side of the bridge. His uniform jacket open, collar unfastened and his hair disheveled; he crossed his arms and looked absentmindedly at the view screen.

“Against the Hirogen’s hull plating our phasers will be ineffective.” he said with disinterest. “You might want to consider a high yield torpedo spread Admiral” he shrugged. “Predictably they will try to disrupt our engines and lock us in their tractor beam before dispatching boarding parties.”

Lucas Mason quickly relieved the duty conn officer who quickly briefed him on the status of the helm control. He stated inputting commands, but the ship was sluggish. She was operating on manual. He quickly accessed the auxiliary navigation computer. One of the blessings of a ship designed for combat, and that could break into three sections, it had multiple hardened redundancies. As the auxiliary program initiated (and he wonder why it hadn't come on automatically or why the duty conn officer hadn't taken the step), he quickly assessed their tactical situation. It wasn't good. The duty officer had fallen for a trap, and in Mason's opinion had got them caught, hook, line, and sinker. "Helm, responding, but sluggish," he reported. Auxiliary navigation computer coming on line.

With a yawn and excusing herself because of the yawn Naja gave the Admiral her sensor reading "Excuse me. Confirmed. Ships have been id as Hirogen."

As the enemy was identified and continued to close with the Achilles Da`nal did not hesitate. Grinning at his XO's choice of opponent; he had read the reports on what the USS Voyager had encountered and knew the Hirogen to be a skilled opponent. "All hands to Battle stations! Open Fire...Target those beam emitters and prepare for Vectored Assault mode!"

This would now get the rest of the crew scrambling to reach their duty stations. Da`nal immediately rose and handed back command of the main bridge to the delta shift duty officer as he headed to his post on the bridge of the upper stardrive section along with the other senior staff.



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