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21 Jun 2013 @ 11:44pm

Lieutenant Lucas Drake

Name Lucas Drake

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 3/4 Human - 1/4 Vulcan
Age 27
Languages Federation Standard, Vulcan.

Physical Appearance

Height 6’1”
Weight 154lbs
Hair Color Brown, Light
Eye Color Deep Icy Blue
Physical Description Despite coming from a mixed species background, Lucas Drake has the appearance of a Caucasian Human of European descent. He is of a medium build, weighing in at 154lbs and standing 6’1” tall, his eyes are a deep and icy blue colour and he keeps his curly light brown hair short in accordance with starfleet standards. Unlike most Vulcans his eyebrows are not arched or upswept and the pinnae of his ears are not noticeably tapered.

With his inherited Vulcan genes being more dominant than their Human counterparts he has a predominantly Vulcan physiology. Most notable of these features is that his heart is located on the right hand side of the torso, between the ribs and his pelvis and he has a copper-based blood which adds a subtle greenish hue to his complexion. He possesses above average strength, speed and endurance, improved reflexes and sense of hearing in comparison to a Human of similar physical condition, but not to the degree that a full Vulcan would have.

Although a latent contact telepath he has never been able to successfully perform a mind-meld but he has been trained, and had some success, in shielding his thoughts from other empaths and telepaths.


Father Markus Drake
Mother T'Janikrel

Personality & Traits

General Overview One of the most important assets that an Intelligence Officer can have is contacts and sources of information and this requires Lucas Drake to use his interpersonal skills to build potential working relationships at all times. As such to his fellow crew members he appears to be a very outgoing, insightful, thoughtful and sociable individual and not an officer who is in fact observing their behaviour and developing connections.

The flip side of this is that it makes it hard for him to let his guard down and open up honestly to other people and so he is very careful and cautious in creating close friendships and he finds great solace in solitude. He is prideful in duty and can be very judgmental of those who fail to meet his expectations or of those disappoint him.
Strengths & Weaknesses His greatest strengths are also his greatest weakness.

His use of Vulcan meditation techniques allows him to focus his mind and approach situations logically. His reliance on them means that when under duress or if he forgoes meditation he finds it hard to concentrate and can become rash and impulsive.

He is highly competitive with himself; having always been driven by his parents, and as such takes great pride in his duties and always performs a task to the best of his ability. However this makes him reluctant to do a task that he believes he will fail in and when faced with failure he is easily distracted by thoughts of what he could have done differently.
Ambitions To achieve a posting at Starfleet’s Intelligence headquarters as a section chief.
Hobbies & Interests Includes Vulcan meditation techniques, Suss Mahn martial arts discipline, Poker, fictional crime and mystery novels and building model ships.

Personal History Lucas Drake was born on the 17th April 2361 at the Royal United Hospital in Bath, United Kingdom, to his parents Markus Drake, a human mathematician, and T'Janikrel, a human-vulcan hybrid and biologist, who are both professors at the University of Bath which.

His parents were both supportive and caring, in their own way, and encouraged him to embrace both aspects of his heritage and to make his own decisions on how he would walk the path between the two. They were however quite strict and had high expectations of him at every age.

Upon reaching puberty he began to feel powerful and intense emotions that led to violent mood swings. He did not wish to suppress or purge his emotions but he did want to gain control of them and so his mother taught him Vulcan meditation techniques to focus his mind and better understand his emotions and this clarity of thought allowed him to reflect on situations and approach them logically He was also trained in the martial arts discipline Suss Mahn to increase his self-awareness and control.

While studying at the City of Bath College his tutor for Applied Psychology, Sebastian Grieves, recognised Lucas’s natural talent at reading body language and his insightfulness into behaviourism. His Tutor was a former Starfleet Intelligence Officer (before he retired to a life of teaching) and for the first time Lucas was academically inspired by his newly found role model. The two quickly developed a special teacher-pupil bond as Lucas eagerly listened to every tale and story told and his tutor gladly taught him everything he knew about microexpressions, interpreting body language and the Facial Action Coding System.

After graduating from College he knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life and he took his first step down the path by joining Starfleet Academy.
Service Record 2379 – Enrolled at Startfleet Academy
2383 – Graduated from Starfleet Academy, received commission as an Ensign
2383 – Intelligence Officer, USS Andromeda NCC - 74202
2386 – Promoted to Lieutenant J.G.
2387 – Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Andromeda NCC-74202
2388 – Promoted to Lieutenant
2389 – Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Achilles NCC-81450