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Combat Drill - Here We Go - Part 2

Posted on 16 May 2013 @ 11:35pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Hank Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant Lucas Drake & Ensign Morag NA & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski & Sergeant Dawn Brianna
Edited on on 17 May 2013 @ 12:00am

1,264 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Bridge & Elsewhere
Timeline: MD 3 - O3.30 hours Enroute to Dandurand 4

The shift commander turned to look at Lantiq. He lifted his hand from his side and slapped it on his chest. When he lifted it away there was a white sticker left behind that said "Ignore me! I'm not here"

The shift commander gave him a look, bit her lip and turned back to her Bridge crew "Ok Yellow Alert, Captain to the Bridge! And find out who they are!"

The computer took over and announced "All Hands This is a drill! This is a drill! Yellow Alert! Yellow Alert! This is a drill!"

[Crew's Quarters]

The announcement of yellow alert and his summons was not completely unexpected. Da`nal rose from his bed leaving Aryen who sat up has he donned his uniform with the open front style jacket and headed to the bridge. Delta shift was currently on duty and a yellow alert would get the senior staff moving but those not currently on duty would remain off duty.

[CEO Quarters ]

The klaxon almost gave Hank a mild heart attack! He tapped his comm badge and asked for Engineering.

=^= engineering here Ensign Song Chief=^
"What the h*** is happening" growled Hank.

^=^ yellow alert called =^= replied the young Woman.

"Have Damage control team standing by call all injury hands to engineering Stevens out" .
He stood up dressed quickly and cursing all the way headed toward engineering.

The yellow alert klaxon quickly roused Lucas Mason from his slumber fully dressed and on top of his covers. He still hadn't reverted to his old sleeping habits from before the Kzinti mission when he slept commando, so all he had to do what grab his boots and head out the door. He trained himself to go from a full sleep to be fully alert in 30 second. He had never known when he would be summoned and so he adapted. Old habits died hard it appeared. Out the door he went and headed for his duty station.

[Various Quarters]

Lucas Drake sat up in a unfamiliar bed within unfamiliar quarters as his drowsy eyes caught a glimpse of the unfamiliar naked behind of his host who was hurriedly scrambling towards the sonic shower. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, stretching and rubbing his face; he grumbled about the drill being earlier than he had expected. He took a few moments before reaching for his uniform that was strewn across the floor.

Cammy sat up and swept the curtain of hair out of her face. Still groggy, she waited a second for the universe to make sense. When she was lucid enough to remember it never would, she quickly dressed in her field gear and headed to the Intel department. There was a spring in her step, despite being awakened in the middle of the night. Drills were a part of Starfleet life. There wasn't any point in grumbling about them, and a small part of her enjoyed the break in the monotonous daily operation of a starship. She quickly made her way to Intel and waited to hear what the senior staff hand in store for them tonight.

Falling onto the floor, when the alarm came blaring. The science chief, cursed aloud as she sat beside her bed. For when the call rang out, for yellow alert. She thought it was the real deal and it scared the hell of here and with that scare, had her rolling hard and falling out of her bed. That's when she heard it was a drill. She realize, her reaction, even thou was what her training was meant to handle, was that she was wasting useful time, sitting on her butt. Quickly, the trill was on her feet as she made a dash about her quarters to get dress and head quickly up to the bridge.

Some minutes later, the wild hair look of the chief science officer, stepped onto the bridge and went over to her station to being analyzing the information pouring in from the simulation sensor reading.

With a yawn and excusing herself because of the yawn Naja gave the shift leader her sensor reading "Ma'am. Ships are still going through the data base to be id, not sure if the sensors are detecting them. Yet, visual sensor show that they’re Ferengi." She pause as she read the data pouring in and began talking to herself

"That can't be right. I can clearly see that their not Feregni. Must be something wrong with the sensor or something"

Naja, worked her fingers over the key, before deciding to just open her panel top check wires and other odds and end.

Ahna and Morag heard Amber alert being sounded. They hadn't even begun to work yet and they were running a drill?! Morag rose and dressed checking the chronometer. 03:30 hours. He wondered if Simeon had been awakened by the alarm. His answer came as he left the room. His weary little warrior came wandering in. He walked over to the bed and hunkered in.

"You go dear," She said, "I'll take care of our little warrior."

Morag nodded and left


Despite what most people believe, the best place to find someone who were two warrior culture was the place she called home. The doctor, had been in sickbay for several hours pass her shift time. For she had things that she felt needed attending too. Yet, when the call rang out that this was a drill, she stopped what she was doing, and began running sickbay, as if the attack was real.

[Marine country]

"Gods sake," Post scowled as she launched herself up out of her rack and quickly began pulling on some clothes, electing for her fatigues rather than her service uniform as she was more than likely going to need her equipment. "Zero dark thirty and its a damn drill."

As she pulled her fatigues over her head she reached for her belt and quickly strapped it around her middle, attaching her personal sidearm to it and quickly checking the charge. Settling her beret onto her head, until she could get a combat helmet, she put her scowl aside and set for the short run down the corridor to the main part of the marine Barracks.

Dawn groggily woke up, looked at her watch, "Fraking 3 A.M." she groaned, rolling off her bed onto her hands and knees before standing up.

Suddenly the bay was flooded with florescent light. At the switch stood Staff Sergeant Kasmierski, somehow in his armor and looking ready to go.

"Wakey wakey, rise and shine, privates!" Kaz shouted. He was still being far kinder than one of the female Sergeants, who had taken a page from the Book of the great Saint R. Lee Ermey and was banging on a garbage can. "We got us a possible boarding issue to take care of." He looked over to Corporal Tenaka. "Don't you start. I know it's a drill. Whelan. Grab your counterpart and go open the arms room."

The young black man nodded and rubbed his eyes. He hastily pulled on his uniform, then pressed his thumb on the latch of his footlocker. It opened, and he took out a white plastic card. Then he shut it and moved to find his counterpart, a Trill.

Kaz looked about at the rows of bunks and footlockers in the semi open bay. "Corporal Brianna? You're with me on this op. Get your battle rattle on and I'll see you all at the arms room to pull weapons."



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