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Combat Drill - Here We Go - Part 1

Posted on 16 May 2013 @ 11:30pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Hank Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant Lucas Drake & Ensign Morag NA & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

1,045 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Bridge & Elsewhere
Timeline: MD 3 - O3.30 hours Enroute to Dandurand 4

[Deck 2 XO's Office]

Lantiq was sitting at his desk, it was 03.15 hours and he stifled a yawn as he did a final review of the plans for the combat exercise drill Da'nal had wanted him to run. They had been underway for three days now, en route to Dandurand 4 and were currently approaching the Oort Cloud of left over proto-planetary debris surrounding the Dandurand system's outermost planets. He had been monitoring the forward navigational sensors and had hopefully located some suitable objects in the cloud for phase two of the drill.

The door chime buzzed softy "Enter" he called and looked up.

Van Berg came through the opening door, looking fresh and brightly alert. "Good morning boss" she said cheerily. Van Berg was dressed in a black overall instead of her normal uniform. The lights were down in the room and Lantiq was hunched over his desk, his glasses on the desk top.

"No it isn’t" Lantiq muttered and stifled another yawn. he picked up his glasses and put them on "Computer. Increase lights thirty percent"

"I brought coffee" Van Berg said, holding up a tray with two steaming mugs in one hand "And donuts!" holding up a plate in the other hand as the lighting increased to a more normal level.

Lantiq had discovered coffee and donuts during his time at the Academy, they were different to Bajoran pastries and he loved them. Van Berg put the tray and plate down on Lantiq’s desk, handed him a large mug of black coffee and took the other for herself. He waved the Chief to one of the chairs, helped himself to a donut and leant back in his chair, stretched, took a big bite of donut and washed it down with a swig of coffee.

"Okay, maybe it got better" He agreed. He finished the donut and tapped his panel, on one of the wall screens a program began running. "Right, I've programmed the main computer for the drill. Once the exercise is initiated it will begin simulating battle damage for the crew to deal with. Plus we have simulations in two of the Holo decks for the Marines, Engineers, Medical, Science and Security. And these, are for you..." He handed Van Berg a stack of papers and a PADD.

The Chief looked at them and the data on the PADD smiled "Nice, an unusual choice of adversary? Haven't seen them in this quadrant"

Lantiq nodded "I found them in the database as potential threats for explorers in the Delta Quadrant, so they will be new to the crew. The PADD has a copy of the exercise progression and I've arranged with Transporter Room Three to move you around the ship as required. Those" He pointed at the papers “You can use as you see fit”

"Understood sir" Van Berg acknowledged and checked the PADD "I'll beam to my first position. We're starting in ten minutes at 03.30?"

"Yep” Lantiq nodded “I'll signal you when we get going"

Van Berg stood and tapped her commbadge =^=Van Berg to Transporter Room 3. Ready to go=^=

=^= Acknowledged Chief. Transporting now =^=

The familiar transporter shimmer formed around the Chief of the Boat and a few moments later she disappeared. Lantiq finished his coffee, opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a set of black overalls, matching Van Berg’s. He took off his uniform jacket and donned the overalls. He took a small item off his desk and, after a final check of the program; he left the office and made his way to the turbo lift.


Lantiq exited the lift and stepped on to the Bridge. "eXOh on the Bridge!" the duty Security Officer announced, a slightly raised eyebrow at Lantiq's garb. The Delta shift commander stood from the command bench and turned to greet him, a similar puzzled look crossed her face.

"Relax" Lantiq said "What's our position?"

The shift commander brought up their course on the main screen. They were right in the Dandurand Oort cloud region Da'nal had suggested for the drill.

"Good. And how's the ship, any problems?" He asked, confirming there was nothing wrong, that would interfere with or postpone the drill

"All systems are nominal, sir. We're holding Warp 7.8 and are on schedule for arrival at approximately 14.00 hours tomorrow"

“Any other vessels around?”

“No sir, we haven’t had a single contact all shift”

"Thank you" Lantiq replied "So, we're going to be running a drill. You will still have the conn, just carry on as normal. Understood?"

"Aye Sir" The Officer replied a little nervously

"You'll do fine" Lantiq responded "Just remember your training and react as you would for real"

The Officer nodded and returned to the command bench. The eyes of the rest of the Bridge crew flicked between her, Lantiq and their own panels, making sure everything was ready for whatever was coming.

Lantiq took his own chair and tapped his panel "Computer! Stand by to accept command override for combat simulation drill"

The computer beeped Standing by

"Commence combat simulation drill 'Lantiq Alpha Zero One' Authorization Lantiq Delta Tau Four Four Four"

The computer beeped again Authorization accepted. Running combat simulation drill 'Lantiq Alpha Zero One"

Lantiq reached into the pocket of his overall, pulled out the item he had taken from his desk and held it in his hand, down by his thigh.

A few moments later the main viewsceen flicked and a marque began flashing in one corner "DRILL"

A few seconds after that the simulated images of five vessels appeared on the screen and sensor alerts began going off across the Bridge.

"Five unidentified vessels, forty thousand kilometers off the Starboard bow" The helmsman announced.

"Get me an identification!" the shift commander ordered

"Scanning" came from science

The vessels changed formation, one remained in the center, the other four moved to form the points of an X around it and all five increased speed.

"Hail them" from the shift commander

=^=Incoming vessels this is the Federation ship USS Achilles. Please identify=^= the communications officer signaled the ships "No response Ma'am" he reported

"Vessels now at twenty eight hundred kilometers, closing fast on an intercept course."



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