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Changing of the Guard

Posted on 13 May 2013 @ 8:14pm by Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson

803 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: USS Achilles / USS Mutara
Timeline: MD 1 - 1600

[USS Achilles]

Lance had the orders written as ordered and was prepared to transmit, but before his did he opened a channel to the USS Mutara. While he waited for the communication to go through he rechecked the official orders.

[USS Mutara]

Relin sighed and put down his PADD. Rising from his bed, he started to pace back and forth across his quarters, thinking.

=^= Commander you have an in coming communication from the USS Achilles =^=

Relin looked up. "Put it through," he said, going over to his desk and sitting down in front of the LCARS display.

Lance leaned forward as a face replaced the Federation emblem on his monitor. "Lt. Commander Alvion, good afternoon sir. I am Master Chief Nelson aid to Rear-Admiral Da`nal. He has instructed me to inform you that you have been reassigned to the USS Achilles and are instructed to rendezvous with us at Dandurand 4."

The sudden announcement caught Relin slightly off guard. He hesitated for only a moment, however, and then formed a reply. "Understood. Thank you, Master Chief. I'll arrange transport with Starfleet immediately. I assume you are en route there for a mission? Will I receive briefing material to prepare for my arrival?"

"You assume correct sir, our orders are to provide security for the Daystrom Institutes Archeological team. Seems the locals are getting restless and command felt that a Federation presence in orbit would provide a neutral location as well a the ability to rattle the saber if needed. Full details will be included with your orders."

Lance added with a grin. "If you arrive before us I don't think the Admiral would object to you taking some shore leave."

"Thank you again. I will see to it I'm prepared upon your arrival, or my own. Alvion out."

As the communication screen returned to the Starfleet logo, Relin leaned back and sighed again, thinking. After a moment he pulled up information on Dandurand 4, then the USS Achilles, and lastly Admiral Da'nal. At length, satisfied with his brief research, he rose from his desk. "Computer, locate Capt- Commodore Thran."

The computer beeped in acknowledgement and said, "Commodore Thran is in the captain's ready room."

[USS Mutara - Ready Room]

"Captain," Relin said as he stepped inside and moved towards the chair across from the commodore's desk that he knew would be offered with a wave of the andorian's hand.

"Alvion," Thran said with a nod of his head, "what's on your mind?" He could tell from the thoughtful look on the trill's face that something was indeed on his mind.

"I've been assigned to the USS Achilles," Relin said simply.

Thran's antennae curled up curiously. Relin watched them as much, if not more than, the man's face, used to reading andorian expressions after years of experience with the captain. He found them to be far more expressive than facial muscles on many people. "A flagship isn't it?"

"Yes, captain."

Thran smirked. "Well, aren't you moving up in the galaxy? I suppose I still can't convince you to stay on the Mutara? Commander Orin could use you."

Relin smiled. "There's a lot of good officers on this ship. It's time for us to make room for Starfleet's next generation of captains. Every ship has its changing of the guard, your departure is ours. Besides, the Achilles needs a good ops chief."

"Well, they got the best."

The trill gave his captain a shake of the head. "I don't know about that, but I hope they get a good one."

"They will. When do you leave?"

"Within the next few hours, if I can."

The andorian man rose. "Well then, best of luck to you, Commander."

"And you, Commodore," Relin replied as he stood up and extended his hand over the desk, "It was a pleasure serving under you."

"Serving with you," Thran corrected, taking the other man's hand in his powerful grip, "You've been more than an officer, Relin Alvion, you've been a reliable friend."

"So have you, captain."

"Take care of yourself. If you ever go through another 'changing of the guard,' consider finding me back at Starfleet HQ."

"We'll see," Relin replied with a chuckle, "you know I don't like being a paper-pusher, even your paper-pusher."

"Ha. Worse, I'd make you do as much of my paper-pushing as I could."

With a nod, Relin stepped back towards the door. He paused as it opened, turned to the captain, braced up, and saluted. Then he was gone. Thran watched his friend go and sat down. He frowned to himself, rubbing his chin as his antennae curled downward and he picked up a PADD.


Commodore Se'lek Thran
Commanding Officer
USS Mutara
played by Psylus Anon

Lt. Commander Relin Alvion
Chief Security & Tactical Officer
USS Mutara
played by Psylus Anon


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