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Final Arrivals - Part 2

Posted on 23 Apr 2013 @ 8:36pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Lieutenant Lucas Drake & Ensign Morag NA

1,331 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Timeline: MD 1: 3 hour until Departure

After this Ahna turned round and also responded, "Ensign Ahna Abramson, and the slumpy monkey just there is our son Simeon. It is good to meet you."

She paused and shook her head, when the two warriors gave her an upset look. She rose her hands in defense as she smiled at them, then asked in Federation Standard "Sorry, I'm still learning Klingonese. But, I'm Naja Jas. Please to meet you and welcome aboard the Achillies"

"So..." Naja stated "can I get any of you a drink or some sweets for the like one?"

"Water will be fine for me, and Simeon won't ready for anything for quite a while I should think," Ahna said, "as for my husband you would have to ask him, but he usually likes a strong Rak'tajhino."

Da`nal's lift arrived on deck one and as the doors opened he stepped out and turned down the corridor towards the observation lounge. Upon entering the lounge he took in the scene before him. There seemed some interaction as his new chief of sciences was at the replicator with several drinks. However one of his new officers was at the far end of the room, isolating himself.

Lucas had remained unnoticed by the other officers as they arrived into the lounge and from listening to their conversation a quick mental note was made; that perhaps learning to speak Klingon would be a good idea on this ship. He had contemplated interrupting them but instead chose to observe and learn. That was until the Admiral arrived and immediately noticed his presence.

Boldly stepping forward he approached Da’nal, stood to attention and presented his commanding officer with the PADD containing his transfer orders. “Good day Admiral” he said with respect.

Having now gained the attention of the room he deliberately looked to each officer sat around the table in turn as he gave a confident introduction: “I am Lieutenant Lucas Drake, your new Chief Intelligence Officer” and with a welcoming smile he added “I look forward to serving with you all”

Da`nal, still suspicious of the intelligence community, took the man's hand gripping it firmly and did his best to separate his personal experiences from the man before him. "Welcome Lieutenant, and I you. Once you are settled, find me as I have some things I want you to keep an eye on."

“Thank you Sir.” Lucas replied to the Admiral. “I will report to your ready room as soon as I have confirmed that all my belongings have successfully arrived from the starbase.”

Lucas stepped back from the Admiral and took a seat opposite Simeon. He couldn’t help but draw a comparison between Simeon and himself. He knew what it was like too appear to others as a human and yet have a strong connection to a different heritage. He couldn’t help but wonder if Simeon also felt this way.

Thinking of a suitable compliment that would neither offend nor condescend, he smiled at Ahna; “You have a very masculine son” he said.

Ahna thought for a moment, then answered, "He takes after his father. There is a warrior heart in that young body." Morag agreed with a smile, "He has been anxious of late. I think it is his time of inclusion.

Morag and Ahna made their ways to Lucas' location. It would soon be their turn to present orders to the Admiral. A Hearty Klingon hand went out as the two officers talked.

"I am Ensign Morag of the house of Ruktah and this is my wife Ensign Ahna Abramson. We are your new Archeologist and Paleontologist," he offered with what for a Klingon passed for a smile. Ahna interrupted just then with, "the slumpy monkey at the table is our son, Simeon."

Simeon was sleeping through everything. He would stir for half a second then changes his head's position after releasing a yawn. A few of the officers made light of it quietly.

Glancing at the obviously exhausted child he grinned. "Well once he get used to ship time aboard the Achilles I will arrange for my children's ghojmoq to setup an introduction. I'm sure my son would welcome the chance to interact with someone his own age."

"When he is awake I will let you know. His Klingon heart seems to be burning a bit earlier than we thought it would," Morag replied.

"It will be good for Simeon too," Ahna added.

Da`nal recalled the name of the house. ~Ruktah....a smaller but honorable House.~ He wrinkled his brow slightly, "An Archeologist? An unusual path for a warrior." His comment was made out of curiosity, but as he spoke it he realized it could have been mistaken as he was challenging his honor. Instead of qualifying his remark he waited to see how Morag would react.

"It was a passion that would not let me walk the path of without it. I still practice the Maq'toh and my Bat'leth and Mekh'leh with a holographic training program created by a certain Lt. Commander from a certain flagship with modifications. Even my son takes the bottom levels. I wanted to know more of our culture than warrior code and honor." Morag replied, "There are after all many ways to be a warrior."

Though he did not agree entirely with that idea Da`nal left it at that and would allow Morag's actions speak for themselves. Looking from the family to the Lieutenant he addressed them all at once. "Well allow me to welcome you aboard. We will be departing shortly on orders to Dandurand 4, seems an archeological find had stirred up some trouble. Ensign your skills may be called upon once we arrive. Lt. Naja, see that he is briefed on the situation; Lieutenant Drake I will fill you in when we meet later. In the mean time you can get quarters assigned and get settled in. Are there any questions?"

"Agreed," Morag said, "Give me some time to settle my family in and to receive my gift for you. A little something that our house is known a great deal more for. There is nothing like a warrior that knows how to make good blood wine."

Lucas simply shook his head no in response to Da'nal's invitation for questions. “Just looking forward to getting underway” he said.

"Good, well if there is nothing else you are all dismissed to get settled in."

Before he picked up his son Morag shifted a glance the Admiral's way, "I have a small order of House Ruktah blood wine and two bottles of Ruktah absinthe being sent to you. It will meet us at star base 80. I hope you will enjoy it, sir."
He raised Simeon to his shoulder and walked out the door.

Arching his brow slightly, not sure when this 'shipment' was to arrive or when they would be back to the starbase. Then there was the reason for the gift and he was left wondering why.

Naja had returned to see the Admiral walk in and stepped over to the couple she went to get drinks for. She came walking up and placed the drinks in front of them, as she pulled out a chair and merely listening to them and pretty much staying out of their business. Yet, once they were finished, Naja smiled as she rose to her feet, greeted them and gave each of them a heart filled welcome aboard, before adding "...well, when your ready and all settled in, I'll give you guys the grand nickle tour of the labs"

Ahna thought for a moment then said, "How does 1100 hrs tomorrow sound. It will give time my slumpy monkey to rouse and to settle in."

"Agreed," was all Morag could offer.

Naja laughed and nodded her head "sound fine to me. I'll see you then"

Morag turned and they left.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Lieutenant Lucas Drake

Lt. Naja Jas

Ens. Morag
Xeno Archaeologist/Anthropologist


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