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From the burner to the Ice box

Posted on 23 Apr 2013 @ 9:17pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Ensign Wilhelm Krieger

943 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Achilles
Timeline: Before and after "No worse for wear"

Once the staff meeting was complete, Sara, had departed to make her way towards turbolift. The Klingon Andorian was looking at her pad, when she looked up and over towards the foot falls that were approaching her. When her eyes saw that it was the Captain of the Achilles, she gave her fellow warrior a mere nod and a smile.

"Captain" she stated bluntly

Da`nal head towards the lift as well as the doctor turned to face him. "Deck 7?"

"Heading towards sickbay, " she stated "May I ask?"

Before heading to the briefing he had been informed of the pending arrival of the IKS Kl'sarza. Travel aboard a Klingon ship tended to be more confrontational, than on a Federation ship. So the was a possibility that his new officer might now arrive in pristine condition. "We have a new officer inbound, fresh out of the academy; he’ll be arriving on the Klingon ship..."

"Really, who's crazy idea was to have the young Ensign being transport on a Klingon assault ship" Sara stated, but she rose her hand to stop her friend from answering "Da'nal, never mind I don't want to know"

He would have to 'discuss' her habit of interrupting him but that would wait as they had work to do. The conversation paused as the turbolift arrived and the doors opened. Waving her in first, he followed.

Sara smiled as the two entered into the lift "So, I take it you want me to see if the young Ensign is still in good working order"

He announced their destinations before replying. "Deck 3 & Deck 7. Basically, yes. As soon as he reports I will send him to see you."

With a nod of her head, Sara, agreed wordlessly.

The lift stopped at deck 3 and Da`nal exited the lift as he headed to his quarters.

[After Reporting In]

The quartermaster had assigned Wilhelm some quarters and he had promptly 'moved in', which meant he placed his large duffel down on the bed and changed into a clean uniform. He returned the old one to the replicator in order to reclaim it. There was no sense saving it. His team among the Klingons was interesting, but it was not something he'd particularly care to repeat again.

A quick query to the Computer for the time told him that he needed to get moving down to Sickbay to get his physical. He shook his head to himself; thinking that he had just had one a few months ago at the Academy, but standard procedure was standard procedure. The journey to the turbolift and Sickbay didn't take long and soon he found himself inside, looking around to find the doctor.

Sitting in her office, the head doctor and chief of the medical department sat in her office reviewing as much as she could of those in sickbay, by reading their medical record. When the new ensign arrived, a nurse greeted him and then gestured towards the chief's offices. A second later, the andorian Klingon waved him down to sit, without looking up from her data pad.

"So what brings you today?" she said friendly as she lowered the pad she was reading down onto the desk top. She paused as she looked the person up on the ship data base. When the young man file came up on the desktop computer screen, she smiled as she turned her attention back to Wilhem.

"Well, at least you're still alive after traveling on board a Klingon ship." she said with a grin "and that's good enough of a start there. So, Mr. Wilhelm, what seems to be the trouble with you today?"

Wilhelm studied the woman and noted her physiology, which was different than anything he had ever seen. She was part Andorian and it seemed to be part Klingon. He pondered for a moment about the number of Klingons he was running into, but decided to let it go and see how this went.

"Doctor, I was informed that you were waiting to see me." Wilhelm stood still, waiting for the woman to direct him to where he needed to go. "I was under the impression that every new member of the crew needed to have a physical upon boarding."

"Yes that's standard protocol, ensign" she returned "But seeing you here and breathing after your travel. It's safe to say that you physical is done, but I do have to look you over, just in case."

She rose up from her chair, she signal Wilhelm top follow her out to main sickbay floor. She gestured to one of the beds and ask him to take his shirt off. She then grabbed a tricorder and began scanning him. after several second, she handed off the tricorder to the nurse, who stepped up to hand her a hypospray.

"I want you to come back here after your meeting, ensign." stated as she injected him in the arm

"Alright, Doctor." Wilhelm nodded, glad that it didn't take too long for his examination. It's not that he didn't like doctors or anything, but he was simply excited to actually be on assignment now instead of in transit.

"Oh it's not about what I've found, it's about adding your insight on Klingon medicine or lack there of" she said friendly as a smile formed

"Right. They tend to... not care as much." Wilhelm shook his head with a slight grin, remembering his time among the Klingons. It was not something he wanted to do over.

"Yes, your fit for duty" she returned returning the smirk with a nod


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LT. Sara'Marbela Har'Tar PhD

Ens. Wilhelm Krieger


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