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Two for the price of one

Posted on 19 Apr 2013 @ 5:08pm by

906 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: SB80 & USS Achilles


[SB 80]

Lantiq rematerialized in Star Base 80's Transport Room number Seven, a PADD under his arm. He paused of a moment on the pad gathering his thoughts. Somehow, in just under an hour he'd gone from reading a tech manual in the arboretum awaiting the arrival of his new ship the Los Alamos to become her XO, to having an interview with an Admiral and becoming the XO on his Flagship, the Achilles.

Now he had about thirty minutes to get his gear, clear his transit quarters and get back to the Achilles, which would be leaving in two hours. Stepping of the pad he nodded to the technician and walked rapidly to the door and the nearest turbo lift. One arrived a few moments later and he stepped on taking it back to Deck 225 and his quarters. He used the time to scan the PADD which the Admirals yeoman had given him, it contained the Achilles' latest status reports and he glanced though them during the ride.

The lift stopped and he stepped off, his thoughts still on recent events and his eyes on the PADD and promptly collided with a short blonde female Non Com getting onto the lift. His PADD went one way, her luggage the other.

He cursed himself in Bajoran and stooped to pick up his PADD and her bag "I'm sorry Chief, my fault, wasn't looking where I-" he apologized then stopped "Wait, I know you..." He recognized the woman "Van Berg, Viktoria Van Berg! You were Master At Arms on the Hornet!"

"Mister Lantiq?" The Chief smiled back "Good to see you again Sir"

Van Berg had been an experienced Non Com when Lantiq was a junior Tactical officer, he'd learned as much from her in few weeks as he had from months of classes at Starfleet Academy.

"I'm good Chief and just got a new job" he quickly explained his new assignment aboard the Achilles, wishing he had more time to talk over old times with a person he well respected.

"How about you Chief?" he asked "What are you doing now?" Noticing her Command red uniform "You moved out of Security?"

"Yes Sir, they finally persuaded me to swap the phaser for a desk job" Van Berg laughed "I'm COB on the Atlanta. Or at least I was. We ran into a really bad ion radiation belt last voyage, we lost shields and fried ninety percent of her electronics. Took us seven weeks to limp back here, on minimal power. Now they are talking maybe eight to ten months repair time. They reassigned everyone. I'm going back to Earth to await a new post, who knows where!"

"Really? I might have just the slot for you!" Lantiq fumbled with the PADD for a moment "Yep I thought so the Achilles needs a Chief of the Boat. the one assigned is still two weeks away and we're leaving in two hours. It might be only temporary, but you want the job Vik?" He asked

Van Berg didn't even hesitate 'I don't care if its just for a couple of weeks, better than sitting around twiddling my thumbs Sir!"

"Good!" Lantiq grinned "Wait here, I'll got grab my gear and we'll beam over together"

He left Van Berg in the corridor and returned to his cabin. Inside he quickly packed his bag, he travelled light as a rule but had a couple of treasured possessions; a small Bajoran holographic projector, which would display scenic images of Bajor on his cabin wall; a couple family mementoes and a large Bajoran fishing knife, which had been a gift from his father before his first voyage on one of the family's fishing vessels.

Five minutes later he returned to Van Berg "Let's go Chief, we have a ship to catch"

[USS Achilles]

Together they returned to the Transporter room and beamed across to the Achilles. Lantiq found an Operations Petty Officer to find Van Berg a cabin and get her squared away.

He set off to find his own quarters, which turned out to be on Decks 2 and 3. His cabin was on Deck 3, he entered and had a quick look around. it was spacious and well appointed, with a bedroom, bathroom and small lounge area, with a forward facing window. He tossed his bag on the bed, unpacking would come later. Then he went up to Deck 2 to find his Office.

Like his cabin it was well appointed, with a desk and two chairs, plus a small couch. There was smaller window and on one wall a set of screens and displays that could be configured to bring up various information about the ship and her systems. Lantiq looked and around and nodded, pleased with the space. Now there was work to do.

Sitting down he accessed the desk terminal, he noted his identity had already been programmed in. In seconds the display came to life and he found a huge amount of data and reports awaiting his review and approval. Everything from supplies requisitions to personnel transfers to maintenance and service reports. The majority of which had to be done before they could depart. Stifling a groan he set to work.

Before he knew it, the time had passed. His desk communicator announced "All senior staff to the Bridge, prepare for departure"

Lantiq approved the last two reports and headed for the door...



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