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Final Arrivals - Part 1

Posted on 17 Apr 2013 @ 7:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Lieutenant Lucas Drake & Ensign Morag NA

1,103 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Timeline: MD 1: 3 hour until Departure

Da`nal was walking the corridors as his ship prepared for departure and awaited the arrival of the last of the crew transfers. A crewmember stopped him with a padd and after a quick review and a minor correction he approved the requisition, returning the padd to the crewman who nodded sharply.

As he continued on his pre-departure tour his commbadge sounded and he tapped it. "Da`nal here."

"Admiral, our final crew replacements have arrived and are standing by to beam aboard."

"Permission granted. See to it they are taken to the observation lounge and notify the XO and the appropriate department heads to join me there."

"Aye sir."

As the channel closed Da`nal headed to the nearest lift to make his way back to the bridge.

[USS Xerxes - Ruktah Quarters]

It was time to go As Morag woke everyone to get ready to go. The transporter chief called him. Morag tapped his badge.

"Sir," The transporter chief said, "We are ready to transport your family."

"Very well, we will be there soon."

"Aye, sir."

Morag went to wake his son. It was an effort dead in the water so he gathered the packed clothes, favorite toys and books and then raised his son hoisting up to his shoulder. Ahna saw them as they came out and smiled taking Simeon's duffle. It was moderately heavy as usual. The three left their old quarters for the transporter room sleeping and weary. Simeon didn't wake for a second until they materialized aboard the Achilles. It was a hive of activity and they knew nothing of where to go. Morag handed his orders to the officer standing before him.

"Ensigns Morag and Abramson reporting as ordered." He said.

Grinning he raised a hand, not accepting the Padd. "No need to report to me, the Admiral has instructed that you be shown to the observation lounge. Follow me."

[Meanwhile in Transporter Room One, USS Achilles]

Lieutenant Lucas Drake rematerialized in transporter room one of the Achilles. Stepping down from the platform he immediately noticed that neither the executive officer nor the commanding officer were present. The PADD containing his transfer orders was therefore quickly placed back under arm.

The duty officer stationed within the transporter room caught the Chief Intelligence Officers attention and stepped forward. Standing at attention the young officer spoke.

“I have orders to escort you immediately to the observation lounge sir.” He said.

“At ease." Lucas replied as he smiled reassuringly at the young officer. “I would certainly like to avoid making a bad impression by arriving late. If you would please lead the way?”.

“Follow me please Lieutenant” the officer replied, reciprocating Lucas’s smile and gesturing towards the exit.

The two officers walked briskly towards the nearest turbo lift. With the observation lounge being only one deck up the journey was swift and they quickly arrived outside their destination. The young officer tapped the control panel to open the door and motioned for Lucas to enter.

“The command staff will be here shortly Lieutenant.”

Lucas offered him a hand which was gratefully accepted with a firm handshake as he thanked him for the assistance.

As the door to the observation lounge closed Lucas walked across the room, hands clasped together behind his back, and looked out across space.

[Science Lab 1]

"Oz" coughs and waves smoke from out of her face "What just happen?"

Waving his hand frantically trying to clear the air. "I think I'm just generally mechanically cursed."

A moment or two before the smoke escaped their work, both Naja and Oz was working on transmog iso-rod. She was adding electromechanical parts to the rod, as Oz was doing his own thing soldering other odds and ends to the other end of the rod, when it began to smoke.

Jas laughed at her friend's reply as she shook her head "Well if that's the case, OZ, I think the Factor smoke is a general sign of it didn't like what we were doing to and once that escapes, the things is broken. But oh well."

Relieved that she didn't seem upset that he had literally cooked the project they had been working on. "You still going to the briefing?"

"I have a what?" the trill returned plainly as she looked up the chrono on the wall, and realize she was going to be late for a meeting down at the Lounge.

"The mission briefing in the observation lounge..."

"In the immortal words of a Marine, Jas dated decades ago," Naja state as she entered a few things to her data pad then added "Damn. Oz you have the shop, just make sure, to call me before you blow something up."

"Were would fun be in letting you know ahead of time. But don't worry, I'll go back to life sciences and make sure all my bugs and the doctors critters are taken care of and save the dangerous work for when you are here to make sure I don't blow up the ship."

"Thank you, Oz" she stated, because she enjoyed working with OZ and wanted to share as much time making or breaking things as possible. A second later she departed to the Lounge

[Observation Lounge]

Ahna and Morag walked to the table and pulled out chairs. Ahna took Simeon from her husband and put him in the seat next to her own slumped onto the table. She was surprised that he could still sleep with all the moving around. She gave him a mother's kiss and sat down. Morag took his seat, checking over the data. The analysis was almost done. He also wanted to order a few bottles of his family's famous Blood wine for the CO. It would have some catching up to do but it would get to the ship.

Once the doors of the lift open, the Trill science officer, departed out it like a torpedo out a tube. She strolled at a quick pace, avoiding personnel as she walked. She side stepped one person after another and with in a few seconds to spare, the Chief Science officer, stepped through the doors of the Observation Lounge. She looked about the large room, as she slid her hands into her pouches as she strolled up to a couple with child sitting at a table.

"Hello" she stated as best she could in Klingon.

"Qa'Plah," Morag responded quietly, “I am Morag of the house of Ruktah."

"I'm a tribble and I've been sent to destroy you" She stated but what she wanted to say was "I'm Naja Jas, welcome to the Achilles"



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