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Intelligent Design

Posted on 19 Apr 2013 @ 4:42pm by Lieutenant Lucas Drake

1,454 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Starbase 80: Promenade Deck
Timeline: MD 1: 4 hours until Departure


Lisa sat quietly near a large window, watching the ships go by as she waited for Cammy to arrive. She and Cammy were going to look through various antique shops around the station, which she knew wasn't Cammy's favorite pastime. Still the woman agreed to go, and Lisa couldn't help but take advantage of the opportunity: ships usually didn't have antique shops on board. Lisa suspected that her girlfriend was taking her time on purpose, but the fact that they were going together in the first place was good enough. History and Cammy Valentine didn't mix well. She continued to watch the ships in silence, smiling as she thought about what they might find.

Lucas had been impatiently pacing the promenade as he awaited confirmation that his personal belongings had been successfully transferred to the Achilles. It was during one of the fleeting moments that his eyes lifted from the floor that he noticed Lisa standing nearby. The arduous shuttle journey from his previous posting on the Andromeda had given the opportunity to review the personnel files of his fellow crew mates and as Lisa was listed as the spouse of Cammy he had become familiar enough with her record to recognise her.

He approached Lisa from the side and with an inquisitive tone he asked “Excuse me do you know where I can find T'Lumareths?”

Lisa turned to face the person speaking to her. She didn't recognize him, but figured it would be rude not to answer. "Um...well...I'm not really sure myself. Actually, I'm meeting someone to go antique shopping with. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you came along." She extended a hand. "My name is Lisa. I didn't quite catch your name, though."

“Lucas” he replied as he gladly accepted her handshake with a smile. “I don’t mean to intrude but everyone else seems to be in a bit of a hurry and I’m a little lost. I would hate to leave for my next assignment without checking out one of T'Lumareths traditional Kal-toh sets. Are you sure your friend won’t mind me coming along?”

"Of course not!" She replied with a smile. "Cammy doesn't mind much. She's had some Vulcan mind training or something like that, which keeps her pretty laid back. Anyway, were's your new assignment?"

“The Achilles.” Lucas stated proudly. “What about you? Do you live on the station?” he asked.

"The same," she replied. "What a coincidence!" Lisa turned to her right and saw Cammy step out of a turbolift. "Oh, here's my friend. Cammy! Over here!"

Cammy turned towards the sound of her name and spotted the blonde. She quickly made her way over. "Sorry I'm late," she said apologetically.

"No you're not," Lisa shot back. "Anyway, I want you to meet someone. Cammy, this is Lucas. He's going to be tagging along as we look around the promenade, and he's also going to be on the Achilles."

"Neat." Cammy replied. "What'll you be doing there?"

“I’m a new transfer to the Intelligence department” Lucas replied; before continuing “I feel a little ashamed to be saying that right now; if it wasn’t for Lisa I would still be pacing up and down the promenade, lost” he looked to Lisa and smiled. “It’s very kind of you both to let me ‘tag’ along”.

“So... what about the both of you?” he returned the question to Cammy.

"I'm in Intel too." Cammy said, walking. "And Lisa here is a Security officer."

"I guess that means you two will be working together?" Lisa asked, curiously.

"Looks that way." Cammy said, turning towards Lucas. "I do fieldwork. Didn't see any other field operatives on the rostor, so I guess that means you're an analyst or something?"

“Actually I am the new head of department” he said with a subtle grin.

“I can safely say that your Starfleet profile doesn’t do you justice Cammy Valentine”. He deliberately used her full name to demonstrate his familiarity with her record. “At least now we are saved from an awkward formal introduction in some cramped and dark office.”

"I imagine you are pretty eager to get back out onto the field?” Lucas asked as he kept pace with Lisa and Cammy.

Cammy wasn't going to complain about an informal meeting: spit and polish wasn't her thing. "I suppose, being a Starfleet officer, I should give some speech about how much I hate war and despise killing, but honestly? I'm always ready to do what needs done. Why?" she said with an eager grin. "You have something Intel needs done?"

"Is it one of those missions I'm not going to like?" Lisa asked. Cammy may have enjoyed an unhealthy dose of risk in her life, but Lisa certainly didn't. The price was too high, and she dreaded the day the universe presented its bill to her girlfriend.

“I admire your honesty Cammy and I don’t think there is anything wrong with recognising your own strengths.”

Lucas smiles reassuringly at Lisa. “You have nothing to worry about Lisa. I doubt we will see much excitement in the near future, just the usual routine and training exercises. The only dangerous thing is the paper work and I promise to keep her safe from that for you.” he laughed softly.“ As for you; you must see quite a bit of adventure Lisa?” he asked. “I can’t imagine there is ever a dull moment as a security officer”

"We've always got something to do, that's for sure." Lisa replied. "But I don't go on away missions. Unlike Cammy here, I'm fine with others having all the fun in that respect. Besides, life with her is enough of an adventure. Especially when her snake gets loose," she added with a chuckle. "So you enjoy Kal-toh? That's pretty complicated thinking for a human."

“I enjoy Kal-toh very much. It reminds me of my home and you should know that looks can be a little deceiving in your line of work Lisa” Lucas smiled “I am actually part Vulcan, on my mother side, and it is from her that I learnt how to play. Maybe I could interest the both of you in a game some time?”

"Ah, I see." Lisa replied. "Well, I'd be up for a game if you're offering a tutorial along with it. I'm afraid I never learned how to play. The only part of Vulcan culture I partake of is Cammy's modest knowledge of neuropressure."

"Modest is a pretty generous description," Cammy replied, always eager to downplay her strengths. "I really just dabble in such things. Can't say I've got any real proficiency in it."

"She says that about everything," Lisa explained to Lucas, rolling her eyes. "It's any wonder she graduated from the academy with such limited capability. I hope you can find a use in Intelligence for a person as below-average as Cammy." she added, her voice drenched in sarcasm.

“I’m sure we will struggle through” he replied as neutrally as he could. It was refreshing to see a couple comfortable enough with each other to banter so openly but he would want to get a little more familiar with them before joining in.

Lucas’s combadge alerted him and he instinctively acknowledged it.

“Go ahead” Lucas stated.

“Lieutenant we have received word from the U.S.S. Achilles that they are ready to receive you on board. Please report to the nearest transporter room for departure.”

“Acknowledged” he replied.

Turning his attention back to Cammy and Lisa; “Well I guess that new Kal-toh board will have to wait”.

"Saved by the bell..." Cammy said, giving Lisa a big grin.

Lisa scowled. "Enjoy it while it lasts. Next time, you WILL go antique shopping with me." She turned towards Lucas. "It was a pleasure meeting you. Next shore leave we get, I'd be happy to help you find your board. I'm sure Cammy would be obliged to assist her department head as well." She gave Cammy The Look when the woman didn't immediately respond to that.

"Oh, sure. Yeah. Absolutely," Cammy sputtered, upon seeing Lisa's commanding stare. "I guess we should get moving if the Achilles is ready to depart."

Casting a wink in Lisa’s direction; “You have another three hours before we are due to depart so I imagine there is still plenty of time to go shopping" he looked towards Cammy and added “Once the mission is underway come by my office and we can review our orders”. Smiling at thecouple he finished "I look forward to seeing you both on board".

Ensign Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Lucas Drake
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Achilles


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