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Change in plans - Part 2

Posted on 14 Apr 2013 @ 9:19pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,431 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Achilles / SB-80
Timeline: MD 1

[SB 80 Deck 355]

Fifteen minutes later a two security crewman found Lieutenant Commander Lantiq Ryal sitting on a grassy lawn, his back resting against a tree trunk in the Arboretum, on Deck 355. The tall Bajoran had his nose buried in a technical manual for Galaxy class starships. He looked up when the two crewmen approached. The man was wearing a T shirt and sweat pants and was bare footed. A pair of sandals lay beside him on the grass. He was shaven headed, wore an ornate earing in his right ear and his eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark glasses.

“Commander Lantiq?” One of the two asked him, comparing him to an image on a PADD he carried.

“Yes” the Bajoran replied “Did I miss the Keep off the grass sign?

“Er.. no Sir, we have a request from Admiral Da’nal for you. He requires you to report to him aboard the Achilles as soon as possible.” The crewman continued “We tried to get you via your commbadge but er.. you appear to have left it in your room, sir”

“Hmmm” Lantiq didn’t bother to explain that he’d left it there deliberately, so he could have some peace and quiet in the arboretum. The Los Alamos was scheduled to arrive in three days and he’d be off on an extended cruise as the ship’s Executive Officer, where such simple relaxation time would be in short supply. “Any idea what the Admiral wants?” he asked as he got up.

“No sir, just that you were to report immediately. The Achilles is holding position just off the station and now they we’ve found you sir you need to get to the nearest transporter room.”

Lantiq nodded, stuffed the tech manual under his arm, slipped on his sandals and headed for the exit.

[USS Achilles, Transporter room 2]

Fifteen minutes after leaving the arboretum Lantiq, now dressed in uniform, but still wearing his earring and dark glasses, materialized on the Admiral’s ship. A security officer was waiting and he was immediately escorted up the Bridge and the Admiral’s Ready Room. Still with no explanation of why he had been summoned aboard.

“Go on in sir” His escort told him “The Admiral is expecting you”

Lantiq hit the chime and when the door opened, he stepped in.

[Ready room]

Da`nal had been informed of the reason for the delay in locating the officer; he had wanted some privacy while he was on leave awaiting transport, no crime in that. Da`nal rose and motioned to the chair across from him, "I hope I didn't interupt anything important with my summons."

Lantiq stepped up to the Admiral's desk and took the offered seat "Actually Admiral I was halfway through reading a chapter on Galaxy Class Deflector dishes. That was fairly tedious, however, I was taking some time to enjoy the Starbase's Arboretum, prior to my next assignment."

Since in his experience Klingons preferred a direct approach and through a desire to sate his own curiosity, he left the explanation at that and moved on "How can I assist you sir?"

Nodding as he thought to himself, ~Direct...straight to the point. Good.~ "I have an issue aboard ship that I need you to take care of. You see, I need an Executive Officer and I want you to be that officer."

Lantiq managed not to say Huh? but he couldn't stop his mouth dropping open before he shut it, quickly. A job offer was the last thing he had expected when he received Da'nal's summons. He'd assumed the Admiral needed a Commander grade officer for some administration purpose, an official inspection, even a Courts Martial, or another of the many reasons Commanding Officers occasionally needed other independent Officers to come aboard their ships...

"Admiral" Lantiq began "I appreciate the offer but I have just been assigned to the Los Alamos, she arrives in two days. Captain Harrington is taking her on a three year mission to the Gamma Quadrant." Might as well be totally honest he decided "And, to be truthful, Sir, I don't want to miss the opportunity of that position to be your stand-in eXOh for a week or two until you find a permanent replacement..."

Raising his hand he waved it slightly cutting off the man's statement. "I'm not talking about a temporary posting...I could have used a current crew member for that. Was this a last minute search...Yes. However a lot of people both here and on the Starbase were used to find you. Make no mistake this was no rash decision made at random Commander and frankly you don't strike me as the type of officer meant for a Galaxy class ship."

He rose and stepped to the replicator as he continued. "IwHiq (Blood wine). While sufficiently powerful for it's missions, it is in many ways just a flying laboratory, deck after deck of science labs, researchers, diplomatic facilities, and relaxation. While a three year mission of exploration hold the possibility for adventure, do you really what to spent the vast majority of that time scanning nebula and stellar phenomina while looking for signs of life?

"You are more than qualified for a Prometheus class starship. Why settle for one ship, when you can be second in command of three. You have superior tactical skills, skills meant for battle and the majority of the crew are battle hard by nearly 2 years of combat against the Kzinti...most of that time behind the lines on deep recon. You would fit in nicely here. Not to mention; this vessel is the flagship of the local task force, as such I have 18 starships, 2 starbases, a research base, and a Marine outpost at my command. I need someone I can entrust with this ship when I have other duties.

"You record shows me an officer that is not only a warrior but an officer that is direct, assertive, and able to stand his ground when the time calls for it, an officer that can and will do what needs to be done to complete his mission. You seem to be perfectly suited for this ship...perhaps it was your prophets that removed my former that you could take her place."

As Lantiq listened to the Admiral's words, he felt many of them hit home. While he had been looking forward to the voyage to the Gamma quadrant aboard the Los Alamos, he knew his excitement was, indeed, more for the possibility of high adventure, rather than the opportunity to undertake extensive and monotonous, scientific research.

Lantiq also realized that he could gather much more experience working for an active Task Force commander like Da'nal than being second to any explorer, even a brilliant one, like Captain Harrington.

The Admiral's mention of the Prophets also resonated. Lantiq knew he had embraced his fighting spirit, since his first days in the Bajoran resistance he had found he had an innate ability to function well during combat. That must be a gift from the Prophets and a position on a warship was a far better place for him, than aboard a vessel of peaceful exploration.

Lantiq made his decision, knowing that deep down it was the right one and rose to his feet. Coming to attention, he addressed Da'nal. "Sir, you make a strong case and I thank you for your faith in my abilities. I would like to accept your offer."

"MAJ (good)! Because I have already transmitted your change of orders to Starfleet and to Captain Harrington. We are currently waiting for a few last minute crew arrivals, so you have some time to have your things transferred aboard. Once underway we will be having a battle drill to test not only the repairs to our weapons but see how soft the crew has gotten during out prolonged shoreleave. I want you to run the drill and keep me in the dark as to it's exact timing. A concentration of objects in the Dandurand systems ort cloud should provide an ample supply of targets."

Lantiq had the sudden feeling that he'd been somehow completely out maneuvered and wondered if maybe he should have held out for a pay rise or something. He determined that he would not be so predictable for the battle drill!

"Very well Sir. I'll collect my gear and be back aboard within the hour" He took his leave and headed for the door.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Lt Cmdr Lantiq Ryal


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