View Award - Longevity Ribbon

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Longevity Ribbon

Awarded for serving on the same ship for a period of 6 consecutive months.

Category: In character
Awarded: 7 times

Lieutenant Jason Mitchell
08 May 2024 @ 9:25pm
For 6 months of service aboard the Phoenix since its rebirth.
Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome
08 May 2024 @ 9:24pm
For 6 months of service aboard the Phoenix since its rebirth.
Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya
08 May 2024 @ 9:24pm
For 6 months of service aboard the Phoenix since its rebirth.
Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon
08 May 2024 @ 9:20pm
For 6 months of service aboard the Phoenix since its rebirth.
Ensign Karrak
11 Apr 2015 @ 11:23pm
Awarded for six months of service to the sim.
Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd
11 Apr 2015 @ 11:22pm
Awarded for six months of service to the sim.
Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert
11 Apr 2015 @ 11:22pm
Awarded for six months of service to the sim.