View Awards - Da`nal of the House of Varal

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
Meritorious Newcomer of the Month Meritorious Newcomer of the Month
Awarded 28 May 2009 @ 10:02pm
As chosen by the crew of DS5 for February 2009

Awarded by Commander Davies
Temporary Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5
Unit Award of Merit - Silver Unit Award of Merit - Silver
Awarded 28 May 2009 @ 10:33pm
Silver - Jan '09 = [TG21-IND] DS5: According to the site, and report the sim has a stable crew and a stable posting count. Not easy to maintain during January when everybody has made new year resolutions.

Awarded January 2009 by TFCO
Plot Development Citation Plot Development Citation
Awarded 28 May 2009 @ 10:37pm
Da'Nal has been instrumental in the battle posts of DS5 and working alongside him has been inspirational to both myself and the crew!

Awarded by Commander Davies
Temporary Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5
Heart of a Tiger Heart of a Tiger
Awarded 28 May 2009 @ 10:39pm
For his cross-posting with the crew of the U.S.S. Freedom during the Battle of Deep Space 5. The Commander and his crew did an exemplary job of describing the battle between his ship and the Romulan Warbird, which made for an engrossing and entertaining experience.

Nominated by Major James Darson
Heart of a Tiger Heart of a Tiger
Awarded 29 May 2009 @ 10:09pm
I'm actually nominating three people for this award, Da'nal, Gabriel and Darson. That's not to say that the posts were not a group effort, I thought that everyone (myself excluded) had something exciting and interesting to contibute, but these three stood out to me as being very much at the heart of the the battle between Deep Space 5, the Romulan fleet and the USS Freedom.

Nominated by
Romulan Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae
Tactical Superiority Award Tactical Superiority Award
Awarded 29 May 2009 @ 10:15pm
Commander Da`nal, led the battle against the Romulans with style, flair and fervour, introducing some outstanding commands and judgement during the attack. His ship came under fire, he protected the station and the support craft admirably, whilst commanding his crew to go further than they could have, squeezing every ounce of courage and determination from them. I can only say how much I will miss this player, when he departs from DS5 and leads the USS Freedom in the future. I salute the tactical prowess of an excellent Commander.

Awarded 5/01/09 by Commander Davies
Temporary Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5
Unit Award of Merit - Bronze Unit Award of Merit - Bronze
Awarded 09 Jul 2009 @ 4:39pm
May 2009

TG21-C USS Freedom - In the relatively short time the USS Freedom and her young crew have been a part of TF21 they have distinguished themselves as a growing force that will not be denied, truly a sim to look out for as they keep growing from strength to strength.

Awarded June 29 by TFCO
Obsidian Fleet Service Citation Obsidian Fleet Service Citation
Awarded 30 Sep 2009 @ 9:39pm
For Six months of continuous service aboard the USS Freedom
Unit Award of Merit - Silver Unit Award of Merit - Silver
Awarded 07 Dec 2009 @ 12:39pm
October 2009

TG21-C: USS Freedom - The USS Freedom may not look like the best sim in the fleet, but that is not what this award is about. I am awarding them the Silver Unit of Merit for their constant and hard efforts, the quality of their posting, and the interaction they have between themselves. It's not always about who has the highest post count, or who has the most crew, it's who works the best to achieve a common goal, sim in the Star Trek Universe.

Awarded Nov. 20, 2009 by TFCO
Tour of Duty: Romulan Tour of Duty: Romulan
Awarded 21 Dec 2009 @ 10:06am
Captain Da`nal is here by awarded the Romulan Tour of Duty Ribbon for honorable service aboard the USS Freedom, while the Freedom was in Romulan space with the permission of the Romulan Senate from Star date 63584.8 to 63973.3
Obsidin Fleet Merit of Time Served Obsidin Fleet Merit of Time Served
Awarded 06 Apr 2010 @ 7:32pm
This award is definitely long overdue. Captain Da`nal has served excellently as the Commanding Officer of the Freedom for more than a year now, and should be recognized for this inspirational effort. Well Done!

~ Submitted by: Captain Josiah Nelson.
~ Approved by: Rear Admiral Krim Lawliet
Unit Award of Merit - Silver Unit Award of Merit - Silver
Awarded 15 May 2010 @ 8:52pm
TG21-C: USS Freedom: For the great work this simm is churning out, you can see it in each individual post that the crew makes, I'm happy to award the Silver Unit of Merit to the Freedom for its hard work this month. With a great, engaging mission, and a passion for simming, this simm is truly one of the best.

Vice Admiral Thelek Uvar
Task Force 21 CO
Rose Award Rose Award
Awarded 15 Jul 2010 @ 4:35pm
I have been watch the relationship between Da'nal and NPC Ayren Kelan played by Sharon for nearly 10 months. The relationship has progressed very nicely and just recently the couple took the Klingon oath of marriage. They are a pleasure to read about and this award is well deserved and overdue.
Unit Award of Merit - Bronze Unit Award of Merit - Bronze
Awarded 21 Aug 2010 @ 10:39pm
*TG21-A: **USS Achilles*
After an explosive June the crew continued with their momentum to surpass that in July. It isn’t always easy shifting a sim from one ship to another but the crew of the Achilles took the change in stride and have moved forward with gusto. Congratulation to you all.

Awarded Aug 13, 2010 by TFCO
Unit Award of Merit - Silver Unit Award of Merit - Silver
Awarded 18 Dec 2010 @ 9:58pm
For contributions to the sim that aided in the USS Achilles receiving the the Silver Unit of Merit Award for the month of October. Awarded for Exemplary Service by a SIM as recognized by the Task Force Commanding Officer of Task Force 21.

Unit Award of Merit - Gold Unit Award of Merit - Gold
Awarded 18 Dec 2010 @ 9:59pm
For contributions to the sim that aided in the USS Achilles receiving the the Gold Unit of Merit Award for the month of October. Awarded for Overall Exemplary Service by a SIM as recognized by Obsidian Fleet's Awards Department .

Expeditionary Medal Expeditionary Medal
Awarded 19 Dec 2010 @ 7:59pm
Retroactive award for participation in the sims opening mission.
Obsidian Fleet Gold Service Merit Obsidian Fleet Gold Service Merit
Awarded 30 Mar 2011 @ 9:19pm
For 2 years of service aboard the sim as CO of both the USS Freedom & the USS Achilles
Task Force CO of the Quarter Task Force CO of the Quarter
Awarded 05 Apr 2011 @ 12:00am
"To my mind, the finest representation of a CO anywhere in the Fleet. Hard working, diligent and creative. He strives forward with not only his crew, but a cross Task Force mission that unites not only simms but players across the Fleet. Easily approachable and always willing to go that extra mile for anyone. Graphically gifted, Chris has designed several things for the TF (banners included) and can always be relied upon to assist anyway he can! Not only that but as PLO officer he often requests additional information regarding ships and crews."

Vice Admiral Thelek Ulvar
Cammanding Officer
Task Force 21
Task Force CO of the Quarter Task Force CO of the Quarter
Awarded 04 Jul 2011 @ 9:17am
2nd Quarter 2011

Chris (Captain Da'nal) is one of the strongest and enthusiastic leaders we have here within Obsidian Fleet. He single-handedly hinges together a cross-Task Force joint mission as well as running his own ship and conducting SSCO duties besides. He throws himself entirely into the simming community we have all fostered here and is my most reliable aid and confidant. As well as in-character, Chris can always be relied upon to assist with any out of character task that needs completing.

Awarded by:
Vice Admiral Thelek Ulvar
Commanding Officer
Task Force 21
Ten Year Anniversary Award Ten Year Anniversary Award
Awarded 31 Jul 2011 @ 9:29pm
"In observance of Obsidian Fleet's ten year anniversary, all currently active players as of July 29th, 2011 are hereby recognized for their dedication, loyalty and service to the Fleet."

Admirals Ajon Mox, A'rea, and Viscount Damaris Summersall-Haussen
Obsidian Fleet Joint Fleet Command
Unit Award of Merit - Bronze Unit Award of Merit - Bronze
Awarded 29 Nov 2011 @ 5:10am
**Task Force 21-A USS Achilles**

For contributions to the sim that aided in the USS Achilles receiving the the Bronze Unit of Merit Award for the month of September 2011.

Awarded by Vice Admiral Thelek Uvar
Commanding Officer - Task Force 21.
Unit Award of Merit - Bronze Unit Award of Merit - Bronze
Awarded 30 Apr 2012 @ 8:22pm
For contributions to the simm that aided in the USS Achilles receiving the Bronze Unit of Merit Award for the month of March 2012.

Awarded by Rear Admiral Dirk Alphonse
Commanding Officer - Task Force 21.
Joint Service Commendation Joint Service Commendation
Awarded 06 Oct 2012 @ 12:22am
Awarded for participation in the Kzinti War Joint Mission.

This joint mission saw multiple player and ship/station participants over the 2 year life of the main and side missions. These simms included: USS Achilles, USS Edison, USS Ulysses, USS Apocalypse, USS Imperator, IKS D`ama/VaQbach, & Langley Station.
Purple Heart Purple Heart
Awarded 06 Oct 2012 @ 12:43am
For injuries or multiple injuries recieved in the line of duty during the Kzinti War.
Tour of Duty: Kzinti Tour of Duty: Kzinti
Awarded 06 Oct 2012 @ 12:50am
Awarded for service on the USS Achilles during its mission within Kzinti held territory.
Kzinti Campaign Medal Kzinti Campaign Medal
Awarded 06 Oct 2012 @ 12:59am
Without warning or provocation the Kzinti attacked the Federation. This award is presented in recognition for service in repeated operations, in both Federation and enemy held territory, during what has become known as the Kzinti War.
Tactical Superiority Award Tactical Superiority Award
Awarded 26 Nov 2012 @ 10:32pm
Nominated for this award by Lieutenant Lucas Mason

"I would like to nominate my CO, Commodore Da'nal of the USS Achilles for the Tactical Superiority Award, mostly for his development of the Da'nal Maneuver, which takes advantage of the Multi-Vector Assault Mode of the Promtheus-class. I was privileged to be able to write this with him."

Award by: Director of Fleet Services, Rear Admiral Darren Thompson
Heart of a Tiger Heart of a Tiger
Awarded 26 Nov 2012 @ 10:35pm
Nominated for this award for actions taken during the Kzinti Joint Mission

Award by: Director of Fleet Services, Rear Admiral Darren Thompson
Medal of Honor Medal of Honor
Awarded 26 Nov 2012 @ 10:35pm
Nominated for this award for actions taken during the Kzinti Joint Mission

Award by: Director of Fleet Services, Rear Admiral Darren Thompson
Unit Award of Merit - Bronze Unit Award of Merit - Bronze
Awarded 30 Nov 2012 @ 10:02pm
For contributions that won the USS Achilles the Bronze Unit of Merit award for the month of October, 2012
Obsidian Fleet Gold Service Merit Obsidian Fleet Gold Service Merit
Awarded 17 Mar 2013 @ 9:38pm
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Second Award - For four years of honorable service aboard the USS Achilles
Unit Award of Merit - Silver Unit Award of Merit - Silver
Awarded 21 Jun 2013 @ 9:12pm
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For contributions to the sim that aided in the USS Achilles receiving the the Silver Unit of Merit Award for the month of February 2013.
Unit Award of Merit - Silver Unit Award of Merit - Silver
Awarded 21 Jun 2013 @ 9:13pm
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For contributions to the sim that aided in the USS Achilles receiving the the Silver Unit of Merit Award for the month of May 2013.
Unit Award of Merit - Bronze Unit Award of Merit - Bronze
Awarded 10 Feb 2014 @ 7:41pm
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For contributions that aided in the USS Achilles receiving the Bronze Unit of Merit Award for the month of December 2013.
Unit Award of Merit - Bronze Unit Award of Merit - Bronze
Awarded 10 Feb 2014 @ 7:41pm
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For contributions that aided in the USS Achilles receiving the Bronze Unit of Merit Award for the month of August 2013.
Unit Award of Merit - Bronze Unit Award of Merit - Bronze
Awarded 18 Jun 2014 @ 3:50am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For contributions that aided in the USS Achilles receiving the Bronze Unit of Merit Award for the month of May 2014.
Unit Award of Merit - Bronze Unit Award of Merit - Bronze
Awarded 28 Sep 2014 @ 11:40pm
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For contributions that aided the USS Achilles in receiving the Bronze Unit of Merit Award for the month of August 2014.
Unit Award of Merit - Gold Unit Award of Merit - Gold
Awarded 20 Nov 2014 @ 5:51pm
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For Contributions that led to the USS Achilles being awarded the Gold Unit of Merit Award for the month of October 2014 - QAPLA!!
Tour of Duty: Romulan Tour of Duty: Romulan
Awarded 22 Jan 2015 @ 3:07am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Awarded for participation during the For Duty or Honor mission and it's time in both Romulan and Klingon space.
Tour of Duty: Klingon Tour of Duty: Klingon
Awarded 22 Jan 2015 @ 3:07am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Awarded for participation during the For Duty or Honor mission and it's time in both Romulan and Klingon space.
Longevity Ribbon - 6 Years Longevity Ribbon - 6 Years
Awarded 11 Apr 2015 @ 11:10pm
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Awarded for six consecutive years of Service and Command of the sim.
Fleet Post of the Month Award Fleet Post of the Month Award
Awarded 20 Dec 2015 @ 4:11am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Awarded for contributions to Here We Go Again, Parts 1 & 2 that led to the nomination and receipt of the Theta Fleet Post of the Month for the month of October 2015.
Tour of Duty: Federation Tour of Duty: Federation
Awarded 20 Dec 2015 @ 4:19am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For participation in the inaugural mission of the Ascension Class USS Achilles while in Earth orbit.
Tour of Duty: Deep Space Tour of Duty: Deep Space
Awarded 20 Dec 2015 @ 4:43am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For ongoing participation as the USS Achilles travels further and further into the unexplored reaches of the galaxy.
Unit of Distinction - Bronze Unit of Distinction - Bronze
Awarded 22 Dec 2015 @ 3:49am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For contributions that aided in the USS Achilles in being awarded the Bronze Unit of Distinction for the month of November 2015.
CO of the Quarter CO of the Quarter
Awarded 29 Jan 2016 @ 3:29am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Presented to Commodore Da'nal of the House of Varal, Commanding the USS Achilles for the 4th Quarter of 2015.

The CO came close to closing his sim this past year, but some new players and a flurry of activity has changed that. The writing is good and the CO works hard to involve everyone. This past quarter has been a very good one for the sim, and we commend the CO for his hard work.

--Theta Fleet Admiralty
Unit of Distinction - Bronze Unit of Distinction - Bronze
Awarded 18 Feb 2016 @ 3:44am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For contributions that aided in the USS Achilles in being awarded the Bronze Unit of Distinction for the month of January 2016.
Fleet Post of the Month Award Fleet Post of the Month Award
Awarded 18 Feb 2016 @ 3:52am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Awarded for contributions to Mirror Broken, Parts 1, 2, & 3 that led to the nomination and receipt of the Theta Fleet Post of the Month for the month of January 2016.
Unit of Distinction - Silver Unit of Distinction - Silver
Awarded 22 Jul 2016 @ 4:29am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
For contributions that aided in the USS Achilles in being awarded the Silver Unit of Distinction Award for the month of June 2016.
Fleet Player of the Month Award Fleet Player of the Month Award
Awarded 22 Jul 2016 @ 4:34am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Awarded for June 2016
Fleet Writer of the Month Award Fleet Writer of the Month Award
Awarded 22 Jul 2016 @ 4:35am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Awarded for June 2016
Longevity Ribbon - 7 Years Longevity Ribbon - 7 Years
Awarded 22 Jul 2016 @ 4:39am
Nominated by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Awarded for 7 years of service and command of the sim