View Award - Obsidin Fleet Merit of Time Served

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Obsidin Fleet Merit of Time Served

Awarded to crew members who have served on the ship for one year. This award is non-cumulative.

Category: Both
Awarded: 16 times

10 Feb 2014 @ 8:21pm
For at least one year of Honorable service to the USS Achilles
Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski
10 Feb 2014 @ 8:18pm
For continued Honorable service to the USS Achilles

10 Feb 2014 @ 8:16pm
For continued service to the USS Achilles.
Captain Rebecca Post
10 Feb 2014 @ 8:11pm
Awarded for continued Honorable service to the Achilles.

11 Mar 2013 @ 8:59pm
Commander Brannagh has served honorable aboard the USS Achilles for one year
Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar
26 Nov 2012 @ 10:48pm
It is my honor to recognize the continued service of Lt. Sara'Marbela Har'tar to the USS Achilles.
Lieutenant Lucas Mason
26 Nov 2012 @ 10:46pm
While this award is overdue, it is my honor to recognize the continued service of Lt. Lucas Mason to the USS Achilles.
Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper
30 Apr 2012 @ 8:15pm
For One Year of Honorable Service on the USS Achilles.

Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles
Sergeant Dawn Brianna
30 Apr 2012 @ 8:14pm
For One Year of Honorable Service on the USS Achilles.

Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles
Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar
30 Apr 2012 @ 8:14pm
For One Year of Honorable Service on the USS Achilles.

Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles
Captain Derek Longwinter
30 Apr 2012 @ 8:13pm
For One Year of Honorable Service on the USS Achilles.

Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles
Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.
30 Jul 2011 @ 6:30pm
For One Year of Honorable Service. Lieutenant Commander Alex Frece has served as the Chief Medical Officer for the USS Achilles.

Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles

30 Jul 2011 @ 6:28pm
For One Year of Honorable Service. Lieutenant Commander Lahtika Jean Phoenix-Patil has served as the ships Second Officer, the Chief of Operations, and now as the Chief of Stratigic Operations for the USS Achilles.

Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles
Captain Derek Longwinter
28 Apr 2011 @ 8:17pm
Award Reinstated after accidental profile deletion.

Originally Awarded Stardate 64403 (May 2010) while on the USS Merlin

07 Apr 2010 @ 12:48pm
This award is overdue, but no less deserved. Lieutenant Silonez Eircson has served as the Chief Intellegence Officer of the USS Freedom for more than a year now while assisting in other Department whenever the need arose. I personally thank him for his continued service and imagination. Well Done!

Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Freedom
Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
06 Apr 2010 @ 7:32pm
This award is definitely long overdue. Captain Da`nal has served excellently as the Commanding Officer of the Freedom for more than a year now, and should be recognized for this inspirational effort. Well Done!

~ Submitted by: Captain Josiah Nelson.
~ Approved by: Rear Admiral Krim Lawliet