View Award - CO of the Quarter

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CO of the Quarter

Awarded quarterly to honor the Commanding Officer deemed worthy by the Admiralty.

Category: Both
Awarded: 2 times

Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya
11 Jul 2024 @ 4:47pm
Awarded to Captain Ricardo Montoya by the Theta Fleet Admiralty for the Second Quarter of 2024
Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
29 Jan 2016 @ 3:29am
Presented to Commodore Da'nal of the House of Varal, Commanding the USS Achilles for the 4th Quarter of 2015.

The CO came close to closing his sim this past year, but some new players and a flurry of activity has changed that. The writing is good and the CO works hard to involve everyone. This past quarter has been a very good one for the sim, and we commend the CO for his hard work.

--Theta Fleet Admiralty