View Award - Task Force CO of the Quarter

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Task Force CO of the Quarter

Distributed Quarterly, this award recognizes the efforts put forth by a Commanding Officer; as recognized by his fellow crewmembers, Task Group CO and - ultimately - Task Force CO.

Nomination and selection for this award results from a cooperative effort from the Task Force in question - or the Awards department should the Task Force CO/XO be selected for nomination. While highly detailed citation is not required, it is encouraged to accompany the nomination.

** Discontinued ** Still displayed for previous recipients

Category: Both
Awarded: 2 times

Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
04 Jul 2011 @ 9:17am
2nd Quarter 2011

Chris (Captain Da'nal) is one of the strongest and enthusiastic leaders we have here within Obsidian Fleet. He single-handedly hinges together a cross-Task Force joint mission as well as running his own ship and conducting SSCO duties besides. He throws himself entirely into the simming community we have all fostered here and is my most reliable aid and confidant. As well as in-character, Chris can always be relied upon to assist with any out of character task that needs completing.

Awarded by:
Vice Admiral Thelek Ulvar
Commanding Officer
Task Force 21
Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
05 Apr 2011 @ 12:00am
"To my mind, the finest representation of a CO anywhere in the Fleet. Hard working, diligent and creative. He strives forward with not only his crew, but a cross Task Force mission that unites not only simms but players across the Fleet. Easily approachable and always willing to go that extra mile for anyone. Graphically gifted, Chris has designed several things for the TF (banners included) and can always be relied upon to assist anyway he can! Not only that but as PLO officer he often requests additional information regarding ships and crews."

Vice Admiral Thelek Ulvar
Cammanding Officer
Task Force 21