View Award - Obsidian Fleet Gold Service Merit

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Obsidian Fleet Gold Service Merit

Awarded to crew who have served on the same vessel for at least two years.

Category: Both
Awarded: 8 times

Lieutenant Hayley Lawson
10 Feb 2014 @ 8:07pm
While this award is over do Lt. Lawson has served the Achilles with Honor
Lieutenant Lucas Mason
10 Feb 2014 @ 8:04pm
Lt. Mason continues to serve the USS Achilles with Honor
Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan
10 Feb 2014 @ 7:58pm
2nd Award
Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
17 Mar 2013 @ 9:38pm
Second Award - For four years of honorable service aboard the USS Achilles
Sergeant Dawn Brianna
11 Mar 2013 @ 9:06pm
For two years of honorable service aboard the USS Achilles
Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar
26 Nov 2012 @ 10:50pm
While faced with prolonged Real-life issues, it is my honor to recognize the continued service of Ltjg. Teresa Wendsar to the USS Achilles.

30 Mar 2011 @ 9:20pm
For 2 years of service aboard the sim as the Chief Intelligence Officer of both the USS Freedom & the USS Achilles
Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
30 Mar 2011 @ 9:19pm
For 2 years of service aboard the sim as CO of both the USS Freedom & the USS Achilles