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Graduation Surprise

Posted on 01 Mar 2013 @ 9:47pm by Ensign Wilhelm Krieger & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,392 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Earth - Star Fleet Academy

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal sat in his ready room looking over the empty positions on his ship. He was still short in several areas and while the last of the repairs were completed he took the opportunity to try to fill those positions. Having gotten his start in the security field his was particularly interested in making sure that department was manned properly.

He had reviewed the unassigned officers on the station and while good officers all nothing had popped out at him. On a whim he looked at the Academy's schedule and saw that there was a class graduating at this very moment. While he knew well the value of experience he also could not discount youthful enthusiasm.

Most graduates that applied for deep space assignments didn't get then. In fact very few were even assigned to any starships on their first assignment...unless they were exceptional indeed. Pulling up the list of graduates he commented, "Large class this year."

Narrowing the list to those specializing in security he began the task of reviewing the records of those new officers that were probably being pinned at this very moment.

[Earth - Starfleet Academy]

The newly graduated Ensigns stood at attention while the Admiral gave his final speech of the ceremony. It had been a momentous occasion for each and every one of them and Wilhelm knew that he was one step closer to his goal of being out among the stars. He had a hard time focusing on the Admiral's speech due to the storm of strong emotions brewing inside him, which ranged from careful inspection of himself and wanting to jump for joy. Of course, he chose the careful inspection of his desires over the more radical acting out. Doing so would be against his nature, anyway.

The Admiral's speech came to a close and there was a thunderous applause throughout the auditorium as the cadets and the guests that attended ceremony slammed their hands together. There were hoots and hollers throughout the audience and smiles all around. The Dean took the stage and tapped the microphone to get the attention of everyone, who promptly quieted down.

"I just want to say congratulations, Ensigns! And good luck and god speed!"

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal continued his review, noting those with requests for deep space assignments and the flowing recommendations from their instructors. He was about to stop for a late lunch when a particular record caught his attention. Nearly failed his first year, not much better his second but end up in the top 25% of the class. Leaning back in his chair he continued to review the academic record and decided he was the one he wanted.

Rising from his desk with a PADD containing the man's record he stepped into the reception area of his ready room to see his yeoman working away was usual. "Lance, cut a set of orders for this officer immediately and transmit them to the Academy."

"The Academy?"

"Yes the Academy, and have the Ensign contact me upon receipt of his orders"

"Aye sir." Lance watched his boss leave and scanned the record and could see why he had selected the kid over the others; he didn't quit.

[Earth - Starfleet Academy]

The administrative officer had downloaded the orders that had arrived to a PADD and was entering the auditorium. He could have simply called Ens. Krieger but he knew that the chances of him being able to actually hear him over the celebration were slim to none. As he homed in on the Ensigns commbadge he found himself approaching a group of new commissioned officers toasting each other. "Ensign Wilhelm Krieger?"

Wilhelm excused himself from the group when the administrator approached with a slight raise of his brow. It was odd that this man was asking for him and he wondered if there was something wrong. He quickly pushed these negative thoughts away and stepped toward the man, "Yes, sir?"

The Lieutenant grinned and handed him a PADD. "You have orders, Ensign, one of the lucky few by the looks of it." There was no need for him to hang around. Besides he hated all the pomp and circumstance, so he quickly retreated back to the Administrative building.

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Wil looked down at the PADD and studied it for a moment before a smile grew on his face. An actual off-world assignment was hard to come by for someone so freshly graduated from the Academy. He could practically smell the newness of the pip on his collar.

'Orders -- report to Starbase 80 immediately for assignment to the USS Achilles. Position -- Security Officer.'

The words were emblazoned on the PADD and he read them over and over again for what seemed like forever, but in reality a few minutes passed. It was time to pack his duffel and book passage to the Starbase.

[USS Achilles - hours later]

Da`nal went about his duties and had accounted for the usual celebratory festivities but by his clock the Ensign should have contacted him long ago. Lance came out onto the bridge and Da`nal looked at him questioningly, only to have his yeoman shake his head no.

"Nothing yet Admiral. Heck the kid was probably so excited he didn't bother reading the whole order."

From his command chair Da`nal grinned and huffed slightly as he thought to himself, ~let’s just see how long it takes until he catches what he missed in the excitement.~

[Earth - Communication Terminal]

It had taken a bit longer than he had anticipated to actually follow up and finish reading the orders he had been delivered, but now he sat at the communication terminal to contact his new commanding officer, Rear Admiral Da`nal. The man was practically legend... and he wanted me? The thoughts raced through Wil's head as he activated the comm. "Admiral, this is Ensign Wilhelm Krieger, reporting as ordered."


"Sir, our lost sheep is calling."

Da`nal turned from his conversation when Ens. Logan informed him of the incoming transmission. "On screen."

There were several grins amongst the bridge crew as there had been a pool going as to just when the Ensign would actually report.

The blank screen came to life and displayed the fresh academy graduate and his greeting. "I was wondering when I was going to hear from you Mr. Krieger." Standing, he continued. "I thought my instruction were clear, ' upon receipt of orders.'" Da`nal heard the stiffed snicker to his left but simply placed his hand behind him.

Wil kept his face passive as he tried to read the situation to see if there were any hints of friendly banter in his voice, but he was unable to read the man, so he decided to play it safe. "I apologize, Admiral. I wasn't myself when I received the orders, but I assure you that it was a onetime mistake and will not happen again."

He kept his expression stoic and firm. "Attention to detail, Ensign, is key...especially when you aren't yourself, but I'll fore go the pain sticks this time. What is your ETA?"

"If this shuttle schedule is correct, I will be departing within the hour. Then I will be at the Starbase in two days." Wilhelm hoped that was fast enough for the Admiral, but if it wasn't, he was sure the man could pull a few strings and arrange faster transport.

"A shuttle?!' Da`nal turned and Lance was already there with a PADD and he scanned the traffic from Earth to SB 80 and grinned. He noted the appropriate ships and Lance headed into the ready room to make the arrangements.

"Mr. Krieger, the USS Bradbury is scheduled to leave Spacedock in 20 minutes for SB 393, from there the Klingon ship IKS Kl'sarza will be heading to SB 80. We'll see you in 35 hours, Achilles out."

"Excellent, thank you, sir." That would me much better than a Shuttlecraft anyway, but spending time among the Klingons might be quite... interesting for the Ensign. At least soon, he'd be at his new post and that would provide its own challenges. As soon as the communication ended, Wil grabbed his duffel and headed out with his destination in mind - Spacedock.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Ensign Wilhelm Krieger
Security Officer


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