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Young and Dumb Part-2

Posted on 05 Mar 2013 @ 11:27am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

1,216 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Planet Nell - Club Chaos


The others had disappeared into the crowd leaving them to their own devices. "Well lets get a drink and get you loosened up and see just what kind of Marine you are."

On: (shouting over the music)

Jason was still trying to look around at everything, take it in, and figure it out. The comment about getting a drink did catch his attention, and he turned to follow Davis further in. "What kind of Marine I am? What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with an almost accusing tone.

Not hearing the comment; one because of the music and two his focus on the lack of attire and gorgeous smile on a blonde local near the bar. "Hey there."

Lynette smiled at the what she two as she moved to the music. "Hello yourself..." Her eyes were warm and she raised an eyebrow slightly as she looked over the two and decided to give these two a chance and see what openers they had.

Davis say the opening, and that her drink was low, so he handed the opportunity off the Jason while he got the drinks. Gripping Jason on the top of his shoulder, "Jason...keep our new friend company while i get us all something to drinks. What can I get ya?"

"Surprise Me?"

Davis arched a brow at that and smirked, "You got it. Be right back." Leaning in to Jason, "Your up." Davis made his way to the bar but didn't go too far.

That comment caused Jason to send Davis a curious look, but then he turned his attention back to lady. Smiling, and still looking a bit more younger than he was, he nodded politely to her. "Evening miss, name's Eirias, Jason. Might I inquire as to yours?"

She smiled and giggled at him. "Such formality. Now that's a line that I hadn't seen. Does that actually work?"

Jason smiled right back. "Depends on the purpose. It got you to laugh and grin a bit, so I'd call that a success. So, are you going to divulge your name?" He hadn't quite caught the rhythm of the music yet and was still standing pretty still; wondering what was taking Davis so long with the drinks. For that matter, what was Davis going to try him on. All the sudden, the evening was starting to take on an edge of uncertainty.

[At the Bar]

Davis had finally managed to worm his way to the bar and waved over a bartender. "What can I get ya?"

"I need three shots of Chechtlhutlh with a meter ale back."

The bartender looked to Davis, "Chechtlhutlh? You trying to forget the day or just have a death wish."

Laughing as he nodded. " guts no glory."

"You got's your funeral."

[Jason & Lynette]

Brushing her hair off her shoulder as she smiled. "Well I guess you're right. My names Lynette." She look at him still in uniform...the only person in the club. She also noticed that he was standing a bit rigid. She wasn't sure if it was because he was nervous or what but she took his hand. "Come on! I wanna dance."

Jason returned her smile with one of his own. "Lynette, very intriguing name, and doesn't seem to do you justice." He frowned slightly as she took his hand, and then his look changed to concern as she mentioned dancing. He couldn't remember the last time he had done that. "We really should wait till Davis gets back, this place is a maze and he'll never find me, and then you'll never get your drink out of him." Having been in nothing but uniforms for the six months, he didn't even realize he was standing out severely in his. He took a moment, and then responded to the comment about dancing with a sincere tone. As he looked around, there was a mostly clear line of sight to the bar, and he would be easier to find on the platform, so that held to the rule. Shaking his head, he smiled back at her while heading to the floor. "On second thought, let's go, he should be able to see me."

[Entrance / Bar]

The bar was packed, it being the end of the standard work week for many people.

“Holy crap,” Jeannie shouted. “Is like everyone on the station here?”

“No kidding,” Caldwell shouted back. “Let's get some drinks.” The pair threaded their way to the bar, where Caldwell nudged her.

“Isn't that one of the Achilles' marines?” she asked, gesturing to one of the tables.

“Yeah, we should go say hi, Band of Brothers and all that crap.” Then Jeannie paused. “No, wait. He's getting his mack on.” She'd just seen the brown haired man start talking with some blonde haired woman. “Okay, drinks then.”

The bartender was a Betazoid woman who seemed to have an encyclopedic knowledge of alcohol, for she mixed Caldwell's Long Island iced tea with no issues, and served Jeannie one of the best chocolate martinis she'd ever had.

“Hey, there's somebody else off the Achilles.” Caldwell said. Jeannie looked over to see one of the best looking guys she'd seen in a while.

“Well, hey, there's our opening,” Jeannie replied. “Let's go, maybe he brought a friend with him.” As they moved over, she realized that she'd talked to the guy during that mandatory fun they'd had a day or so ago.

“Hey, Davis!” She and Jeannie moved over to where the man stood. “Who you here with?” Jeannie asked.

Davis turn at the shout, that he barely heard, with the rack containing the 3 meter tall beers and the three shots. He recognized the group of Recon Marines from the Humps and Picnic in the planet's foot hills. "Hey guys, my squad is in here somewhere but right now I'm breaking in the new boot."

"Guys," Jeannie heard Caldwell say softly as if she were embarrassed.

"Man, you have so got to get your eyes checked out," Jeannie said to Davis. "We are, like, so not guys. We'd better give you a hand back to your squad." She gave him a broad smile. "You might trip or something."

Smirking Davis shot back with a grin, "Yea know what I meant." Looking back to where he had left Jason. "Oh were the hell did he go?"

After a quick scan he found him. "Well well...he's doing better than I thought."

Jeannie looked over to the couple, who appeared to be doing some dance that involved a bit of hip grinding and a lot of body to body contact. "Oh yeah, mack boy. Yeah, she's hot. On the other hand, you have the two of us. I'm Jeannie, she's Shannon. What's your first name?"

Davis looked glanced from watching his squad mate back to the two WM's "Steve. Well as they seem to be taking care of each two wanna drink?" Offer them each one of the shot and one of the 3, meter tall, beers.

Jeannie held up her martini glass. "Got one, thanks though." She saw Shannon take one of the shots, though, and wondered how in the world the tall woman was going to hold all that liquor. "So what do you do on the Achilles?"



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