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Mission Brief - Part 1

Posted on 01 Apr 2013 @ 10:51pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Hank Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Reese Chance

1,572 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Deck 1 - Observation Lounge

Once Sara had finished her reports, ranging from what she had picked up from the station and planet side to what was added for ship readiness. The Andorian Klingon Medical chief, rose from her desk in sickbay for the staff meeting with data pad in hand. Several minutes later, the doctor entered the lounge. Looking around, she didn't see anyone had arrived. Raising her pad up, she looked at the time to see that she was nearly thirty minutes early. Sara, just shrugged her shoulders and went to her seat and began going over her notes. As time passed by, the senior staff slowly filtered in, yet, simple remain fixed on her pad, as she read the latest Medical reports from her staff.

Looking a little rushed, Ciara walked in thinking she was late, but only the CMO was there. "Hello Lieutenant," she said as she put several padds on the desk, trying to get them to stay close together. "It seems I had the time wrong, I thought I was late.." she said as she walked to the replicator. "Can I get you something?" she asked, smiling.

"Yes please. Coffee. Two large table spoons of creamer and sugar, ma'am" The Medical Chief replied as she finished up what she had started on her own data pad.

Ciara ordered the coffee and then one for herself, strong with milk and a little sugar. She needed that today. Walking to her seat she gave the CMO the coffee. As she took her own seat, her mind drifted to her work as ME on the now destroyed space station and thoughts like that inevitably lead to memories of her husband and children and that was why she immersed herself in work. Forcing a smile she starting sorting the seven padds she carried into some priority.

Sara, wondered as to why the XO had brought so many data pads to a meeting and why the commander looked as if she was rushed. She knew that the first officer had several responsibilities. The Andorian Klingon, merely smiled at the first officer as she turned her attention back to the XO.

"Well, you can rest assure, that the time of the meeting isn't wrong nor that you are late, ma'am" she opened "because showing up early to anything, gives one time to make sure all the I's are dotted and T's crossed. Plus, finding out if you'll need help figuring out all the section one is responsible for and ask to read through all the paper work."

"I never minded admin work... in fact, I liked it... but I must say, now it feels I don't finish one thing at a time..., like when I was ME" she chuckled. "I guess it comes with the territory," she added with a smile and a shrug. Shifting the attention away from herself she put the padds down nearly now. "And you, how are ou coping in sickbay?"

"Doing well as one would except, ma'am. But, I am glad you’re enjoying the paper work" Sara returned

Once everything was checked and recheck in all the labs that fell onto Naja's watchful eyes, the Trill, headed to the briefing room. As she walked the corridors, she reviewed over each Science department report. Checking off each item as she walked to the nearest lift. She was glad that her transferred was finished and went without a hitch, with all that had taken place before hand with the Kzinti. Naja was accepted into the fold of the Achilles crew with little or no trouble. Briefly looking up from her pad, she tapped at the lift controls, before looking back at the pad.

"Hmmmm..." she stated aloud as she scrolled through one of the lab reports.

The Trill, made a few notes on the pad screen, adding them to the report and then sent the notes to the lab, before the doors to the lift open. Several seconds later, Jas, stepped out onto Deck one and made her way to the Observation Lounge. Stepping through the doors, the Chief Science Officer, had stepped into the middle of a conversation between the Executive officer and who she believed had to be the Chief Medical Officer. Not to be rude, the trill, went to an open sit and took a seat, to finish up report for the Commodore.

Sara, turned her head slightly and looked towards the door. Her eyes noticed a woman entering the room and she wondered who she was.

"Hello there?" Sara stated

Naja looked up from her pad to the Andorian Klingon and offer a kind nod and smile before she spoke "Hi. Before you ask, I am the Achilles new Chief Science Officer, Lt. Naja Jas"

"Ah" she return with a kind smile "I'm Dr. Sara'Marbela Har'tar..."

Ciara stood up and stepped towards the new comer. "I am Commander Ciara Brannagh, the executive officer, welcome aboard," the XO said warmly as she put out her hand.

Jas looked to the commander. She offered the Executive officer a smile and nod of her head "Ma'am."

"...yes welcome aboard the Achilles, Naja" Sara returned

"Thank you" she returned

Having spent most of the night and morning dealing with the Marines that had caused such trouble on the surface Rebecca Post was tired, and only the timely application of coffee had kept her going, and staved off the headache that she tended to get with lack of sleep when she wasn't also being compelled by adrenaline. But when she arrived for the briefing her uniform was immaculate as always and, having had time to grab a shower, she managed to at least look refreshed as she entered the room and headed to stand by her chair.

"Captain, you look as if you have ten hours sleep!" Ciara said warmly, knowing that she had a tough night. "How are you doing?" she asked. Talking to people was far better than fighting with reports on padds...

"A mug of Coffee and a warm shower can do wonders for a Marine, Ma'am," Rebecca replied wryly. "I am however going to have their heads for all of this, they just don't know this yet."

"Yes, I am sure..." Ciara said. "They deserve whatever you hand out," she added.

Reese Chance walked in on the tail end of the conversation between the XO and the Marine Captain. He'd heard about the shenanigans down on the surface. Unless someone requested him to become involved, he was going to let the Marines police themselves. He ordered a hot Chai tea from the replicator and went to take a seat. The previous night's celebration had lasted into the morning. He wasn't hung over but he needed the caffeine and the soothing effect of the spices. He nodded at Lucas Mason as he entered.

Sometimes being ready for work and work starting didn't always mesh well and this was how Lucas was feeling this morning. He had enjoyed himself last night with the new Intell Officer and Security Chief. They had gotten to know each other a bit and they celebrated Lucas's recent promotion to full Lieutenant, something the other two were looking forward to one day. He got back to the ship very early the next morning and only managed 3 of sleep before being rouse by his alarm. A long, hot shower had at least made him presentable, and the large mug of coffee in his left hand would allow him to remain awake for the briefing. It was a good thing that the best pilots flew on instinct, because he would need a little of that if he had to pilot the Achilles anywhere in the next couple of hours. He took his seat at the table trying to avoid eye contact for fear of betraying his true condition.

Shaking her head upon hearing Rebecca's statement she once again went back to reviewing her labs reports and readying herself to brief all present.

Sara looked to Rebecca, upon hearing what she would do. Sara laughed as she gave a Klingon reply to her ordeal, without knowing the whole facts behind Rebecca plight "I suggest using a really shape blade weapon of some sort. Possible Andorii or Klingon. For anything else might break on first contact. Just do me a favor, make sure I'm not a round when it happens, because, of the paper trail that would go along with removal of their heads."

"That's too good for them," Rebecca replied wryly, although through the intervention of her Sgt Major she had managed to get a few hours rack time, she was still fairly tired.

Hank entered the briefing area and sat by himself. He had only met the CO and XO so he did not know any of the other officers present. There were many new faces and lots to learn about his new home.

Hank had been up to his neck trying to get the critical items finished and he had no intention of letting the Rear-Admiral down. He needed to calibrate the weapons arrays. There was sure to have some space debris they could fire on once they left the station.

Also the various system software upgrades for proving to be a pain in the butt, ~ whoever wrote these upgrades must be a Ferengi grub worm~ Hank groused. His plans on his pad, he looked up at the diversity expressed in the multitude of different races represented.



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