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Lighting a Klingon heart

Posted on 29 Mar 2013 @ 10:21pm by Ensign Morag NA

263 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: USS Xerxes-Ruktah quarters
Timeline: 1840 hrs
Tags: Da'nal

"Three hours ten minutes until Rendezvous with Achilles," The computer chortled.

There was much to do and plan for. Simeon would need to perform the Qo'To'vo. Morag was disappointed that he couldn't take his son on the ritual hunt. He'd been thinking that Simeon would not be able to sleep tonight. His Klingon Heart was smoldering inside of him. The boy was fit to burst with anxiety. Still, he needed to know that his son would be well rested for his first day in the new ship school. Morag decided to check on him. It was empty this time of the day. No one was around and the computer had finished the analysis and there was a message from a certain Ambassador that had a particular interest in Archeology.

"I was glad to see something so interesting cross my desk. It seems as though you have a tough one here. Good luck in quelling that unrest Ensign."

"Yes ambassador, we will need a great deal of luck."

Morag took a final look at the stone, but couldn't focus. He needed to follow his son's lead right now. It was time to go home. Morag packed everything up and prepared the stone for transport in the morning. One of the first things had to be his son's Qo'To'Vo'. He decided to call ahead to the new CO.

"Computer hail the Achilles Commanding Officer."

In a few moments the labs comm panel was blinking. He didn't expect a response so soon with this kind of mission pending. Morag took a breath and pressed the button.


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