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Mission Brief - Part 2

Posted on 01 Apr 2013 @ 10:53pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Hank Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Reese Chance
Edited on on 01 Apr 2013 @ 10:55pm

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention

After awarding command of the USS Bismarck, Da`nal rose from his desk and made his way to the observation lounge. Entering the lounge he noted the mix of old and new faces as the conversation stopped and eyes turned to him. "Afternoon everyone. Well after our long rest, command has finally seen fit to issue us new orders..."

Sara gave her fellow warrior a nod of her head upon his arrival.

Naja turned to look at the admiral, when she had heard his voice stating his arrival to the briefing. She gave a wordless nod of her head, as she readied her herself and her notes for the briefing ahead.

"...We are to proceed to Dandrand 4, seems there is a minor issue and they need us there to keep things from getting out of hand. That said, we will be departing within 22 hours. I want the ships resupply completed within the next 18." Looking to his XO, "Commander, make sure that happens.


Looking to the others assembled, "If any department has any special needs you have a short time to get them addressed to get with the XO.

"Now part of our repairs was the installation of a new phaser strip and torpedo launcher to the Lower Drive Section. Mr. Mason, plot us a course that will give us a chance to test and calibrate those systems."

"Yes, Admiral," Lucas replied, catching himself before he said, Commodore. "While we're at it, why don't we make is a full battle readiness exercise? Coming off an extended combat mission, the last thing anyone would think would be for such an exercise."

Da`nal nodded. "Excellent idea! We use that weapons test to test the crews reaction time to see if our prolonged shore leave has slowed us down any. I want that drill to be a complete surprise so it does not leave this room."

"Copy that, sir" was all Sara had to offer.

Again Naja merely nodded her head upon hearing the orders. She knew that it's was going to be a task to get her department ready, but with Oz's help, she knew she'll be able to make it so.

Chance nodded his approval. He'd planned to give the Security department a quick shakedown anyway. This would play out well.

Sara merely nodded her head to what the orders were.

Glancing to the new Chief Engineer, "Lieutenant Stevens, do you anticipate any difficulties with our new systems?"

Stevens spoke quickly and concisely. "We have completed most major repairs. Admiral, commander I'd like to calibrate out targeting systems along with Tactical,” Quickly glancing down one last time Hank added "I will also need all departmental, repair list like yesterday." Hank sat down and awaited any questions.

Sara took her notes; checked off certain items that she might need more of and a host of other things before departure. Of course, the warrior Andorian, was ready for anything and she knew that sickbay was going to be the same, once she shook the dust that was left from shore leave out of everyone in the medical ward. Sara had no question to ask, she was just happy to get underway.

"Yes, I have a few issues with a few of the equipment on board" Naja stated towards Hank

Hank looked at Naja and nodded to proceed

She looked down at her pad and transferred the equipment that needing looked at and a host of other maintenance issues she found. The mass of the issues were minor, but over the course of a mission, a few of those minors would become Major.

"The sensors also need a good looking into. I can't inform the crew of anything if the sensor aren't in tip top shape. I can help you there, if you need you need to recalibrate them." Naja informed "but other that, what I sent you is for the most part what needs repairing"

"I concur Lieutenant. I'll gladly accept any help offered" Hank added. Hank looked at his ever growing list of items and sighed ~ No rest for the wicked~ he mumbled silently.

Naja smiled as she nodded her head to Hank.

Da`nal nodded as things were bantered back and forth. "Any additional 'repairs' should be limited to working any bugs out of the system upgrades. Mr. Mason, when we finish here clear our mooring and move the ship to a position outside the Starbase. That will give the sensors the planet and other items to scan for and calibrations."

"Yes, sir," Lucas noted.

Naja nodded her head to the Admiral's orders.

"Captain Post, I understand we have a few Marines available to help out as needed or do you have them assigned other tasks?"

"I've got some Marines that I can spare, they may as well do something productive," Post replied with a nod.

"Well you heard it, if you need some manual labor let the Captain know and she will see that your needs are addressed. We have plenty of time to complete the resupply while we wait on our final crew arrivals. Make sure you personnel are all aware of the new uniforms as the return. You all know what needs to be done, let’s get to it. Dismissed."

Raising to her feet, Naja, looked to everyone gave them a nod and smile, when the admiral gave the dismiss order. She feet moved and her body followed as she headed for the bridge. She had some work to do and she was going to help Hank as much as possible with getting all the science gear up and ready. Which, most of the equipment can be repaired along the way on whatever mission.

While everyone was informing the Admiral, the warrior doctor, just quickly observed her friends, let alone everyone else that had gathered. As she quietly listened and watched the Andorian Klingon made mental notes of each person. She didn't have much to bring up, doctors never do. When the admiral gave order for each lower ranking officer dismiss and get themselves to work, Sara leaned forward to grab her data pad. Sent her Preventive Maintenance Check Service report to the Lt. Stevens. Which, when Hank got a look at the report, would give him some relief from the toils of maintaining a starship. Sara's attention to detail of the medical equipment, plus making sure simple repairs can be done on the equipment be done right the first time. The Andorian Klingon rose to her feet and departed the meeting to head deeper into the belly of the beast and ready her staff for the up and coming mission.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Cmdr Ciara Brannagh

Lt. Naja Jas

Dr. Sara'Marbela Har'tar

Lieutenant Lucas Mason

Lieutenant (jg) Reese Chance

Captain Rebecca Post
Marine CO

Lt. Hank Stevens


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