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Those Dishonorble Toh-Pah!

Posted on 17 Jan 2013 @ 11:19pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Reese Chance

1,418 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: MD 36 - 02:30


Ciara had been on edge since the news of Da'nal's disappearance. A million possibilities had gone through her mind, but of course, it was pointless. They had done every possible scan, including those from station, but to no avail. She needed options.

She got up from her seat in the command chair and motioned for the security chief to follow her to her office. Once both were inside, she turned and leaned on the side of her desk. "Have you had any feedback from the transpoter logs from the station?" she asked.

Reese kept his expression calm and collected as he entered the XO's office. There was no need to outwardly show his concern even though inwardly he was frustrated with the disappearance of the Admiral. "We have gone over the station's logs with a fine tooth comb, ma'am. There is no record of anyone matching the Admiral's biometrics transporting on or off the station. If one of the station's transporters was used, whoever covered it up knew what they were doing." A slight pause and he continued, "I'm requesting the logs of any vessel docked at or in the vicinity of the station. However, I cannot account for any cloaked vessels. I think we should begin deck by deck searches on the station using portable scanners. We may have to consider whoever did kidnap the Admiral has compromised the sensors on the station." No one had said that word yet but it was looking more and more like this was a kidnapping. The only thing that wasn't consistent with that hypothesis was there had been no ransom demand as of yet.

"That someone would have had to have access to those systems, they are highly secure," Ciara said, now allowing the concern she felt in her voice. "If we eliminate current personnel who has access, there are only a few groups of people with the resources and expertise to do pull something like this," she mused. "Get the search going on the station side, as you said, deck by deck, room by room if they have to. Go through his history, contact his friends, famil..."

The chime interrupted her sentence and she first asked who it was.

"This is Ayren, let me in," came the answer from the other side of the door. No use trying to hide something like this from a Betazoid, even if she was only half Betazoid. Her human mother had some psionic abilities too, so one could never under estimate her abilities....

Ciara glanced at Reece and ordered the door o open.

"I heard that you lost Da'nal!?" Ayren said as she walked in, her black eyes alive with concerned annoyance.

~And of course, she was his mate~ so Ciara kept her own temper in check and motioned the destraught woman to sit down. "It seemed he was transported out of his office and there is no trace of his comm badge.."

"So you lost him..." Ayren insisted. "Is he kidnapped?" she asked, flicking her eyes between the execitive officer and the security chief.

"It looks like it," Ciara said. "We are doing all we can..." Ciara said as she looked towards Reece. "In fact I was just going to ask Lieutenant to look into his past, contact friends, family.. see if we can find anyone who has a big enough grudge and resources to do this...Can you help?"

"He has plenty of enemies, and most of them are powerful enough to do this," Ayren mused. "You can see if you can get hold of Commander ChargwHl'lw, the XO of the IKC VaQbach, but they should be deep into Klingon space by now," she added.

Reese made a mental note to contact Commander ChargwHl'lw when he was done here. He had a team sweeping the Commodore's office at that moment trying to access any communications he might have had before his disappearance. Reese asked Ayren, "Is there any way we can narrow down that list of enemies? Is there anything that he mentioned recently or something he did out of the ordinary? Any thing you can give me could shed light on what happened."

Anita's father... why did she have such a strong sense when she thought of him. ~Could he really be involved?~ Ayren thought alarmed. Da'nal had been looking for him over the years and if he couldn't find him with his security clearance, then they wouldn't be either. She sensed both the others staring at her. They must have seen something in her face, she didn't hide it well enough. "There is someone, but I can't remember his name," she said truthfully. "But I doubt he would use these tactics... " she mused, weighing options.

"At this point, I'm following all leads." Reese didn't want to sound like he was interrogating her but he pressed for more information, "If you can't remember this person's name maybe you could tell me his affiliation to the Commodore. It may lead us in the right direction." Reese realized he was grasping at straws but he really had no other solid leads. There was no way he was going to lose his commanding officer within days of checking onboard.

"Please Ayren... we need everything you have..." Ciara urged.

"I know that a Romulan House... captured his brother and he commited Hech'bat as a direct result," she started as she tried to remember the name of the House. Then the word came to her. She smiled relieved. "I remember...I always struggled to pronounce it... tr' ...Illia...lhlae" she said slowly, literally reading the spelling in mind's eye. They have had a feud with the House of Varal for ... very long..... it is coming to me now. Isha helped, Da'nal resolved the conflict by helping the current matriach gain control, her opposition Nniol hates Da'nal. He most certainly have the resources and he is capable of doing this," she said.

~Oh, great. This could be over a family feud. How could it get more complicated?~ Reese kept a neutral expression.

"And there are more Romulans... " she said. "Da'nal exposed a plot or something... radicals," Ayren started, and concentrated to find that name as well. "D’ravasai, that is what they are called. They are lead by Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu & Senator Rhiu ir-Ainleth.. They could also do this, and use him as a bargaining tool for political benefit...with his new appointment, he is even more valuable now.." she said, her alarm renewed.

~That's how it could get more complicated.~ Reese made note to have these two new leads followed. Reese looked at Ayren, "Thank you. I'll be looking into the Romulans involvement. Is there anything else you can tell us?"

"This I can tell you... he is not far..." Ayren said with conviction. "The whole time he has been on the station, I sensed him, faint but there. And that has not changed, I still sense him..."

"We will work on that," Ciara said, more hopeful now they knew Da'nal was still in the vicinity.

[SB 80 - 02:47, deck 1107]

“A holodeck?!†Da`nal angrily looked around at his surroundings; obviously he had been beamed hear from his office. “Computer, end program!†At his command everything in the room faded and was replaced with the familiar grid pattern. Leaving the holodeck in the lower reaches of the Starbase he found the nearest lift and headed to his quarters. No sooner had he entered the lift and his communicator sounded.

Ayren's head lifted up slighty in as her senses alerted her. "Something has changed about Dan'als presence, don't ask me what..." It was pure instinctual, and should not be able to explain exactly what had changed. .

Ciara's padd beeped, as a message from the starbase also came though immediately to alert Ciara and Reece that Da'nal's voice was used to deactivate a holodeck programme.

=^=Brannagh to Da'nal, are you okay, please respond=^= she said, her eyes darting beteen Reece and Ayren, while she waited for a response.

Da`nal tapped his combadge. "Yes Commmander I'm fine, where are you?"

"Lieutenant Reece and Ms Kelan are with me in my office, Sir, and both us and Station security have been searching for you," she said, trying to keep concern out of her voice.

He grinned as his XO list who was present and the efforts made to locate him. "Well it's nice to know i was missed. I shall be there shortly."

=^=You better be! =^= Ayren chipped in, using the open comm link of Ciara's badge.


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