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Family War Pt 2

Posted on 06 Jan 2013 @ 10:26pm by Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,252 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Dawn's Quarters
Timeline: Back post


"D-dad please s-stop." Dawn begged, lying on the ground as he started to kick her.

"OH so now you call me dad." He shouted at her as he kicked her one last time, placing it square on her ribs, breaking a couple of them with a crack. Dawn screamed loudly from the pain as she rolled away from her father.

Chip picked her up, throwing her across the room, as she landed on glass jars, the glass shattering and impaling across her back and arms."Say your fraking sorry."

"I-I'm sorry dad." Dawn said weakly, her face, back and arms bleeding.

Chip turned and left her quarters, leaving the door wide open. He was satisfied with what he had just done.


Dawn lay in her quarters, glass all over her body, "H-help..." she said weakly, her face swollen, eyes almost swollen shut. She pressed her commbadge, "Cyfian help..." as she lost consciousness.

Cyfian jabbed the punch bag again and again. Left, right, left, right, right. The sound of flesh hitting the huge punch bag echoed throughout the deserted gym. Cyfian enjoyed working out on his own. Not being as physically big or strong as many of his comrades he was the butt of the occasional joke. Nothing malice and all in good fun but it did get tiresome.

Taking a short break he wiped the sweat from his face. Taking a quick of cool, water he was just about to start again until he heard a voice.

"Cyfian help..."

"Sergeant?" Cyfian spoke as he grabbed his comm. "Sergeant Brianna... please respond."

Almost as if by instinct he ran out of the gym and sprinted to her quarters. It wasn't far but the journey seemed tough of Cyfian. His body ached from the workout and his step he took seemed to get harder and harder. Yet he forced himself past the pain barrier as they taught him in training.

Turning the corner he approached Dawn's quarters. Pressing the comm panel, he signaled to anyone inside. No response. He pressed it again. No response. "Computer security override Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper, GE 150688." The doors swung open with a satisfying sound and Cyfian ran in to see Dawn on the floor.

Rushing over he lifted her head to notice the swelling, and glass all around her. "Sergeant... sergeant." He gently shook her.

"C-Cyfian?" Dawn questioned, everything she saw was blurry, all she saw was a figure and a shadow to match. "W-where is he?" she asked weakly, still trying to concentrate on her dad.

Cyfian looked around the room. Everything seemed normal apart from the shattered glass. "He? Sergeant, was there someone in here?"

Dawn pointed towards a picture on the wall of her father, "M-my dad."

Cyfian turned to the picture, then back to Dawn. He wasn't entirely sure what had happened but at this very second it didn't matter. All that mattered that Dawn was safe and getting her patched up. He lifted her head into his arms and gently stroke her soft hair, trying to calm her down.

"It’s alright Sergeant. No one is going to hurt you now."

"I c-cant sssssee." Dawn replied, trying to open her eyes, but they were almost swollen shut.

"Don't try and open your eyes." He replied softly. "I'll get a medical team and they'll patch you up." Cyfian tapped his commbadge "Medical emergency at Sergeant Brianna's quarters."

Dawn gave a weak nod.

Chip (Dawn's Father) saw the Lance Corporal enter her quarters after he had left. He turned around after waiting a while and walked back into her quarters. "So you're the one she calls to help her." he growled angrily. As he started to approach Dawn and Cyfian.

"Leave him alone!" Dawn growled, "You have no right to do this. You need to leave before you get hurt." she said to her father.

"I am your father, there for I do have a right to do whatever the hell I want." Chip stated back, as she started walked towards Cyfian and Dawn.

Cyfian stood in-between Dawn and her father. Eyeing him carefully watching for any suddenly movements. Holding his hand out to stop him moving any further forward Cyfian said "Ok hold it right there. She needs medical attention. Sick bay are on their way." He stopped for a moment to gauge his reaction. "The sergeant's well being is my only concern at this moment."

"She's fine, if I can take it, so can she." Chip replied back, glaring at Cyfian, "Next time I see you, I will kill you." he said, "Both of you." Chip finished, before turning to leave her quarters to go to where he hid.

Cyfian turned to Dawn. "That was your father? What in god's name is he doing on the ship?"

"Yes that was my father, and I have no idea what he is doing on this ship, or how he got on." Dawn replied through clinched teeth, she was starting to turn pale and was still in a lot of pain from the glass impaling her in the back and legs.

Cyfian knelt down beside her. "Don't worry. The medical team should be here any minute." Without even noticing he began to gently stroke her hair.

"I'm sorry." Dawn replied, "I never meant for you to see this." she spoke softly, she couldn't hold her emotions in anymore. She was breaking in front of the person she never wanted to break in front of.

One of the stations medical teams arrived on scene and Doctor Rhea took charged and began assessing the situation. Breaking out her medical tricorder she scanned the Marine. "What happened here?"

"I... I... tripped." Dawn told the medical team. She didn't think they needed to know about her father.

The team was seeing to her wounds as he expanded his scan. He knew she was lying even before the results can in. "That's a load a crap Sergeant. I'm reading DNA in your wounds that isn't yours or your friend here. Now you can tell me who did this or we run the DNA and track the person down. The issue it the time it takes to start the search for the attacker."

Dawn was conflicted, she had always thought her dad loved her, but he had always done this to her, he always apologized after. "It... It... would be my father..." she said, her voice quite shaky and weak.

~FATHER..??!!"~ he thought to himself as he slapped his commbadge as the other medics got her on a gurney. "Security to guest quarters, immediately." Turning to the other Marine, "Did you see him?"

Cyfian nodded.

"Good, stay here until Security arrives and assist them in locating her father while we take your friend to sickbay."

"I'm sorry." Dawn whispered, she never wanted this to happen to her again. Maybe this time will be the last time.

The doctor, hearing the quiet apology, “No need for you to be sorry; now let's get you patched up."

"B-be careful please," Dawn said. She didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of her and her father.

"We'll find him Sergeant and make sure he is brought to justice for this." Cyfian clutches his hand tightly around Dawn's. "He'll never hurt you again. I swear it."

Dawn forced a bloody smile on her face. Cyfian always somehow comforted her when she needed it.


Medical team Played by Da`nal

Sgt. Dawn Brianna
USS Achilles

Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper
USS Achilles


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