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Personal Log - Dr. Teresa Wendsar

Posted on 25 Jan 2013 @ 4:41am by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

241 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection

"Today has been a hectic day for myself and Vicki. We've been out shopping for new clothes, and decorations for her room. Later I will have to pick up things for the new kitten she's getting. She doesn't know about it yet, so we didn't pick up the items earlier.

"On a professional level. In some ways I will be glad for work to start again. I don't think i'm the only one as I'm noticing a lot of personnel getting restless. I hope that refit and repairs don't take much longer. We may see a peak in injuries in sickbay, from personnel trying out new hobbies.

"Vicki is enjoying the time that we are spending together, as am I. We have not spent this much time together since before I entered the academy. This has been really nice, but we do need to return to work. Vicki starts school when we return to the ship, I am unable to tell if she's excited about it or not. Her feelings on the subject swing from one end of the pendulum to the other. I guess we'll find out when she starts. I'm not certain i know how i feel about it. Again, I guess I'll find out when she starts. I'll have to think that one through, though. I guess time will only tell. Vicki is calling me so i have to run.

"End Log."

Posted by Da`nal for Teresa


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