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Two Chances

Posted on 04 Dec 2012 @ 9:42pm by Lieutenant JG Reese Chance

1,208 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Approaching SB80


[SS One Chance, approaching SB80]

Reese was finishing packing is duffle bag when there was a pounding at the door to his temporary quarters. The loud boisterous voice of the ship’s skipper sounded through the door, “Hey, R.C., you up yet? We’re less than an hour from SB80.†Reese closed the flap on his bag, threw it over his shoulder and headed for the door. Sensing his approach, the door opened. Before him stood a shorter, stockier, older version of himself. The mirror image looked him up and down before cracking a huge smile, “I bet you think that Fleetie outfit makes you look good.â€

“It’s not the clothes that make the man, big bro,†Reese smirked. “Don’t get jealous because you got the short end of the stick on looks.†They both laughed as this was one of their perpetual inside jokes. Seeing as they could pass for twins if not for the age difference, neither one was more handsome than the other.

Reese stepped out into the corridor and Ross clapped him on the shoulder, “You know I’ve got to ask you this before you leave.†The two of them made their way toward the bridge of the ship.

Reese shook his head, “I was wondering how long it would take you to pitch that “Chance Brothers Shipping†spiel again.â€

Ross continued, “I know you’re Starfleet and all but you can’t do that forever, right? This is a great opportunity. Besides, who else am I going to trust to skipper our second ship when we expand.â€

“Like I said before, Ross, as tempting as the offer is, Starfleet is my chosen path to command,†Reese countered.

“And how long will that take? 10? 20? 30 years?†Ross rebutted.

Reese simply relied, “Yes.â€

Ross gave Reese a sideways look as they walked before shaking his head and throwing his hands up in surrender, “You are the most hard-headed person I know. I give up…for now.â€

“I wish I could believe that,†Reese quipped.

“I guess it was a good thing that I was coming out this way. I never get to see you any more,†Ross commented.

“Yeah, thanks again for letting me hitch a ride, bro.â€

“No problem. It’s just too bad I didn’t get a chance to see your family too.â€

“Yeah, I know. Nef and the kids wanted to stay at her mother’s for a little while longer before coming out here. And let’s just say me and the mother-in-law don’t get along too well.†Reese commented.

“Tell me about it. I can’t be around my mother-in-law more than an hour before she gets on me about spending more time at home with my family.â€

“Maybe you should. When’s the last time you saw them?†Reese commented.

“Don’t you start on me as well. I see them on subspace enough. Besides, being away gives them a chance to miss me.†Ross said defensively.

“That’s about the only way they’ll miss you,†rubbing his brother’s belly.

“Hey, now. We all can’t be traipsing around the quadrant getting that top quality exercise. Some of us do real work.â€

“Sitting on your duff telling people what to do is real work?†Reese joked.

“Alas, someone has to do it.†Ross smirked.

“A task you’re duly qualified for, I’m sure.†Reese teased.

“So, what are you going to do while the wife and kids are away?†Ross asked sheepishly.

“Nothing. Check aboard and get settled in. That’s all.â€

“Aw, c’mon, bro. You mean to tell me when the cat’s away the mouse isn’t going to play?†Ross pressed.


Giving him a look of disbelief, “Yeah, right. A starbase full of ladies and you’re not going to indulge just one? That’s pretty selfish.â€

“What are talking about?â€

“I’m just saying, you should take a little time to have some fun. I know you’re married but you’re telling me you’ve never strayed?â€

Without missing a beat, “No, I’m not telling you that.â€

Ross started to comment, “So, you have…â€

Reese cut him short, “I’m not saying that I have either.†A smile crept across his face.

Ross laughed, “Playing your cards close to the vest, I see.â€

“And that’s why you can never beat me at poker, big bro.†Reese stated. “By the way, you still owe me from the game last night. But let me guess, you’ll get me next time around, right?â€

“Hey, you have to give me a chance to win my money back, R.C.†Ross insisted.

“We know that’s never going to happen, you winning your money back, that is.â€

The two brothers stepped onto the bridge of the Antares-class freighter. The First Mate started to get up from the center chair but Ross waved him off. Walking up to viewport that was now filled with immensity of the star base, “Do we have permission to dock?â€

The First Mate replied, “We’re cleared for External Docking Port 9.â€

“Very well. Take her in and begin offload.†Ross ordered. “I’m going to walk my brother here down to the airlock. I’ll be back. Don’t scratch the paint.â€

The two brothers left the bridge. Reese was about to head toward the airlock but Ross steered him toward his cabin. Reese asked puzzled, “What’s the deal?â€

Ross answered, “I have something for you. I’d been saving it for a special occasion but what the hell. This is just as special as anything I can think of.†They entered the cabin and Ross walked over to a liquor cabinet filled with multicolored bottles. He slid two bottles aside and pressed something on the side of the cabinet. A hidden door slid open to reveal several more bottles. “Gotta hide the good stuff,†Ross stated as he grabbed a bottle with green liquid in it. He set two tumblers on a table and poured two fingers into each glass before offering one to Reese.

Reese started to protest, “I really shouldn’t. I’m about to report…†Reese looked at the green liquid swirling in the offered glass, “That wouldn’t be Aldebaran whiskey?â€

“Ah, you still have an eye for the good stuff.â€

Reese took the glass, “Well, maybe just one drink.†They raised their glasses and swallowed the contents.

Reese exhaled, “That was something else.â€

Ross sealed the bottle and handed it to Reese, “I know what you mean.â€

Reese looked at the bottle and then Ross, “What’s this?â€

Ross smiled, “Just take it, little bro.â€

Reese returned the smile and stuffed the bottle in his duffle.

[Starbase 80, Deck 600]

Reese exited the air lock and made his was way over to a computer interface. He inquired about the location of the Achilles and was told it was in the repair docks. Reese made note of the location and made his way to a turbolift. Before he reported in he want to get something in his stomach and not something replicated. He ordered the turbolift to the Promenade.


LTjg Reese Chance
Chief of Security/Tactical


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