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Christmas with Family and Friends

Posted on 25 Dec 2012 @ 11:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

1,248 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80

In Teresa's quarters it looked like the glitter fairies had paid her and her daughter a visit. Glitter was everywhere, and on them. "Mommy, is Jase coming over tonight?" Vicki asked as she decorated an angel. Teresa nodded. "He said he'd be here after work. That should be soon."

They still had still 2 1/2 weeks before Christmas, but Jason had agreed to assist them in decorating. Teresa was still trying to figure out what she was getting Jason for Christmas. She had already ordered Vicki's gift, and was waiting for it to arrive. She knew one gift Vicki wanted, and she was not ready for that one yet. ~I won't be ready for that one for awhile, yet.~ Teresa thought.

Teresa had popcorn popped to string and eat. She was waiting for Jason to get there, to make hot cocoa. Christmas carols were playing over her comm unit.

[Marine Quarters]

There shore leave had been flying it seem for him. Tossing a padd on his rack he headed out for Teresa's. As he did the Sergeant Major was in the corridor as well. Waving in his directions Jason acknowledged the SNCO, "Hey Top." Jason then turned and was about to continue on his way until Velez called out to him.

"Hold up Frey."

Jason stopped and turned to hear what his SgtMaj wanted.

"Frey I wanted to let you know that the new CO is not happy about what happened back on Mercer."

Jason didn't interrupt. He had expected something to happen but to find out so long into the shore leave was a bit surprising.

"She looked over the facts and took my input into consideration. Nothing official is going to come down...not even a page 11* entry. However, you will have to deal with me...after we get back from shore leave."

Jason had know Velez for some time now and knew that that wasn't a good thing. Obviously he had stuck his neck out for him and he also knew better than to comment with more than an acknowledgement. "Understood."

Velez dropped the stern and put his hand on Jason's shoulder. "Harper is in deeper than you by a long shot. He's being moved to you team and we will be qualifying him ourselves, but he's going to get it worse than you."

Jason wrinkled his brow thinking back on the situation as it had occurred and quickly realized why..and nodded. "Do you want me to work up a training schedule or at least get Harper a heads up on the training he'll be in for?"

"Just let him know what's coming so he won't be blindsided."

"Roger that..."

"So where were you off to? To see that doctor you were with at the Ball?"

Jason grinned and shook his head. "Yea."

Velez grinned and raised an eyebrow as he smirk. With that he slapped Jason on his arm and walked off. There was anything needed to be was a Marine thing.

[Guest Quarters]

Jason arrived at Teresa's place after a stop on the station's promenade for some special decorations and presents. Shifing the box to one hand he reached out to press the chime.

Teresa smiled at Vicki. "I believe that's Jason. You want to get the door?"

Vicki jumped up knocking over a bottle of glue. Teresa laughed and picked up the bottle of glue. She wiped up the few drops of glue that spilled as Vicki rushed to the door, hollering "Yippee!" Vicki activated the door and threw her arms around Jason before he could enter, "Jase!"

Teresa had walked to the replicator and was ordering hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. "I think someone is happy to see you." Teresa said with a smile.

Jason looked dow and shifted his weight slightly, "Hey squirt." Vicki grabbed his leg and she rode on his foot as he entered Teresa's quarters.

Placing the cups on the table, she walked over and gave him a peck. Noticing that he had an apprehensive look on his face, she couldn't help but ask, hoping he wasn't being deployed again. "Is there something wrong?"

His arm slipped around her waist as he shook his head. "Nothing that wasn't expected. Harper a I did something back on Mercer and now we have to pay the piper. Nothing we can't handle so you don't need to worry."

Setting the box down the picked up one of the steaming cups. "What ya need me to do?"

Before Teresa could respond, Vicki chimed in. "We decorating angels, snowman, and Santa’s. Help me!" Vicki said excitedly. "Hey, what's in the box?"

Teresa laughed. "I'm afraid she's in charge, tonight. Once she's in bed, we'll put up the trees and decorations. We'll talk, then." Teresa wrapped her arms around Jason.

"Jase, you decorate cookies, too?" Vicki asked as she sat down, trying to separate them.

Looking down at Vicki, "Well it’s been a while...why don't you show me how you are doing decorating yours and see if I can remember how."

Teresa laughed and added. "Warning, you'll be covered in glitter, too." Teresa handed him a pair of scissors and some glue. "What are your buddies going to say?" She asked with a laugh.

Vicki picked up an angel and a toothpick. "First you have to glue on the wiggly eyes. You stick the end of your toothpick into the glue, then you put a drop of glue where you are going to put the eyes."

Teresa picked ug the wreath she had been working on. It was one not made of construction paper, but of evergreen. She had the replicator replicate one for her. She had a strand of light, ribbon, pinecones, angels, berries and a bow. She could have had the replicator make a wreath with everything already on it, but that was not the point. This was time with her daughter and Jason. "So, how was work and pt today?"

Jason huffed, "what work? There really isn't a whole lot for us to do other than drills, and even those are limited. We haven't been re-equipped so we don't even have weapons to clean. Until the ship is complete...we are spinning our wheels."

Teresa stood and walked to the stove she had the engineers install for her. "I can understand that. There's not much I can do. You do know you do not have to spend all your time in the barracks. Vicki and I go to the holodeck daily. You could come join us, if you'd like."

Vicki nodded vigorously. "Yeah, join us, Jase."

Teresa took out the cookies, she was baking. "I might even be able to find a babysitter." She said with a wink.

"No babysitter. Me a big girl, now." Vicki shot back. Vicki had a whipped cream mustache from where she'd been drinking her hot cocoa.

"How about a playdate then?" Teresa asked.

"Playdate!" Vicki cried.

"Well, that's settled. Now we need to choose when." Teresa smiled. "Would you like to decorate the cookies, Jason?"

"Sure." Rising from the glister covered table he moved over to where Teresa was setting the cookies aside to cool. As she did that he smoothly & silently lifted the can of whip cream and slid up next to her.

As one hand slipped around her waist his other hand pushed the dispenser and began spraying whip cream.


Ltjg Teresa Wendsar

SSgt Jason Frey
NPC - played by Da`nal


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