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Special Delivery

Posted on 04 Dec 2012 @ 3:59pm by

1,129 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Starbase 80: Cammy's Quarters
Timeline: Current


Containers were scattered throughout her temporary quarters as Cammy did a quick check to make sure everything had arrived. There were a few things missing, but she wasn't worried. A note was attached to one of her containers explaining a malfunction had delayed transporting the rest of her belongings and they'd be delivered whenever the transporter crews got things working again. For the time being, she'd just have to wait for the rest. She changed out of her uniform into a sports bra, vest, capris, a small backpack, and hiking boots. Seeing as she was now on shore leave, she didn't want to waste any of it. Before getting too comfortable though, there was one thing she needed to check on. She tossed a few things into her pack and headed out.

[Starbase 80: Cargo Bay 07]

Upon arriving in the room, she noticed a Ferengi standing restlessly near a sealed container. Cammy approached him, making sure she was out of earshot of any maintenance personnel. "Hello Rogg."

Upon seeing her, he put on the smile Ferengi always saved for someone willing to spend latinum. It faltered some when he saw she didn't have the payment with her, but kept smiling regardless. Having dealt with this woman before, he knew better than to confront her about it. "Well well," he said as she stopped in front of him. "Ms. Valentine. Always a pleasure."

"Let's get down to business, shall we?" she replied, eager to see if the Ferengi had what she was looking for.

"Of course." Rogg turned towards the container. "I've got to hand it to you. You've got a knack for finding the hardest things to track down. People have asked me to acquire all kinds of things for them, but this particular device was pretty tricky."

"That's why I came to you, Rogg." Cammy said. "I knew if anyone could get it, you could."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, my dear." Rogg turned back to her. "Now, about the price and fee..."

"I believe that has already been settled."

"Well, seeing as this was tougher to get than originally thought..." he said, walking around her and speaking as though he were thinking out loud,"...I felt I might be due a little extra compensation for my effort."


"Yes. What do you say to an extra ten percent?"

"If I didn't know any better Rogg," she said, keeping her expression plain and voice calm. "I'd say you were trying to take advantage of me."

"Not at all, Ms. Valentine. I simply thought, as generous as you are, you'd be willing to compensate for a few added costs I incurred."

"Well, I'd have to actually see what I'm buying before I decide its worth more than you quoted me."

"I suppose that's fair." he said, looking her over. He was still concerned that she didn't have the payment on her, which was evident in the way he eyed her over again. Cammy noticed, and decided to get it out of the way. "Don't worry Rogg, I have your latinum; but it's still on the Eclipse. Some transporter malfunction delayed the arrival of some of my personal items."

"How very unfortunate." he said, somewhat relieved but not relaxing just yet. If she wanted the item bad enough, he figured she'd be able to acquire it now without too much trouble. "What are the chances of you getting it yourself?"

"They're aren't any." She replied. "Only personnel essential for the refit have access. The transporter crews will only be there until they finish delivering personal items."

"Well, I guess we'll have to put this on hold." Rogg said, picking up the container. "Until until your terrible inconvenience is resolved."

"Don't I at least get to see what I'm buying?" It might have been a question, but Rogg could tell Cammy wasn't asking permission.

"When I get paid, you'll get what you paid for."

Neither her expression nor calm voice changed. That was starting to bother him. "Just a peek, Rogg. A show of good faith in your client."

"We Ferengi aren't what you hew-mons call 'men of faith.'"

"That's a shame." Cammy said, pulling three bars of gold-pressed latinum out of her backpack. "These are a little heavy to be carrying around. I was going to give them to you as a token of MY good faith." She went to put them back. "But since you Ferengi don't believe in that sort of thing..."

Rogg's eyes fixed on the bars and he let out a nervous laugh. "Did you hear me say that? I'm sorry, I must not have been clear. I meant to say we aren't men of faith, but I am a Ferengi with the upmost faith in you. Slight miscommunication on my part."

"I'm glad to hear that. Since you have so much faith in me, how about we take a look at what you've found?"

He let out a sigh of defeat. “Alright.†She gave him the bars, which he quickly snatched from her hands. Then, Rogg opened the container and pulled out a small device. Cammy took it, and looked it over, her smile growing larger. “You’re sure this is real?â€

“Please Ms. Valentine, I’m a professional. There’s nothing replicated about it. It's the real thing; down to every last circuit.â€

“And you’re sure it came from…â€

“Trust me: I’m sure.â€

“Does it work?†She asked as she continued to inspect the object.

“Not right now. Shouldn’t be too hard to get it functioning, though.â€

Cammy nodded in agreement. It was just a matter of finding the right person to work on it. Someone who was an expert in these types of devices that wouldn’t ask too many questions she couldn’t answer right now. She couldn’t help but smile even more now that she actually held it in her hands. She had put a lot of time and effort in to finding something like this.

She handed it back to the Ferengi. “Good job Rogg. That’s exactly what I need. As soon as my latinum arrives, I’ll be in touch.â€

He placed the device back in its case. “And when will that be?â€

“Shouldn't be any longer than a day. Can’t say more than that.†She turned to leave. “So just keep it nice and safe for now, and I’ll be back for it as soon as I can.†Cammy started walking off, but paused. “Oh, and let’s keep this between you and me. I’d like it if no-one knew about my little surprise.â€

“I can imagine. If people knew about this...yeah, I can keep a secret.†Rogg said.

“I hope so.â€


Ensign Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist


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