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Fresh Start

Posted on 29 Nov 2012 @ 9:42pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Fraya Winters

1,497 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80
Timeline: MD 3

Even with the ship being repaired and the crew on shore leave the paperwork never ended. With the Captain now a Commodore he rated the perks of any flag officer so he had been given quarters and an office on the station while all the work was being done on the Achilles. Lance sat at the Commode’s desk working on the latest report when the monitor beeped indicating a new message had come in.

Looking over the heading he opened the file. "New crew already? Well if Starfleet want to transfer people to a vacation so be it." He opened the record looking over the Lieutenant service record and grinned. A JAG officer? He knew the Commodore enough to know that he wasn't going to trust least at first. He couldn't blame him either; first JAG tries to hang him out to dry and now they get a supposedly 'former' JAG transferred aboard? Fishy to say the least...even if she was attractive.

Lance checked the CO's schedule, not that he really needed to. He was off getting some one on one time with his 'mate'. Instead of interrupting the CO's 'festivities' he tapped his commbadge to notify the XO.

=^= Senior Chief Nelson to Commander Brannagh =^=

=Brannagh here, go ahead=^= Ciara responded. With the Captain gone, she had a lot of administration on her hands, but she welcomed the work. Some people hated it, she found it restful. Her previous posts as ME, in addition to her later studies in Federation criminal law required detailed and at times tedious work. She enjoyed it.

=^= Nothing major Commander, just got word that a new officer was being sent our way. Should be docking in...oh wow 20 minutes. Talk about short notice. =^=

~A new officer? ..It started...~=^= It is a bit short notice, I would like to finish up here first =^=

=^= Don't worry about it. I will meet her and show her around until you get ready. =^=

=^= Thank you, =^= Ciara said and focused on her current task.

Lance got up and headed out, he had no problem meeting new crew, especially when they looked as good as this one did.

[Docking bay 3]

Ailish was a newly widowed woman. She hadn't seen Alex in two years, not since he was sent on some mission for she was starting over, again. Ailish carried a sleeping Britta, her two year old on one hip and one bag on her other shoulder.

Lance was waiting in the docking bays lounge waiting for the people to disembark, trouble was there were two ships docked on either side of the spur so he was scanning the crowds looking for the lieutenant. Backing up a few steps he used the flight of stairs to give him the view he needed to watch for her. It took him long enough but eventually he spotted her moving with the flood of people coming off the transport.

Pushing his way through crowd he began calling for her. "Lieutenant Lt Winters!"

Ailish looked to see where the man's voice was coming from and stopped when she saw him coming towards her.

Once he got to her he smiled. "Hello Lieutenant, I'm Senior Chief Lance Nelson. Commodore Da`nal's Yeoman. Can I take that bag for you?"

"No." She replied too quickly and she shifted her sleeping child again. "I mean, I can handle it." Ailish replied warily.

Lance pulled his and back

"Is the Commodore expecting to see me right away?" She asked.

Shaking his head slightly. "Actually the Commodore is occupied and I'll be taking you to see the XO. No rush though. I can take you by the’s being repaired but you can get a look at it or I can take you to your quarters here on the station, take your daughter to the nursery....up to you."

"Perhaps taking Britta to the nursery would be best." She hated leaving her daughter but she had done background checks on those working there and she felt confident that it was safe. Ailish smiled to herself as they walked to the nursery, Alex was still with her. He had taught her to be cautious, if not paranoid.

"How badly was the ship damaged?" She asked as the bag fell off her shoulder. Ailish was struggling to get it back on her shoulder.

"Well the ship has definitely seen better days. The lower drive section took the worst of it and lost a nacelle pylon in the last fight..." He stopped as he looked to his right and saw her struggling with her bag. You sure you don't want me to take that for you?"

Ailish looked at him and sighed. "Yes please...please be's all I have left of my husband." It was even Alex's bag that she carried.

Taking the bag he gripped it firmly, "Not a problem. I'll treat it like tholian silk." It wasn't long until they had the little one checking with the Federation Nursery and they were heading out. "I'll take you to see the XO."

"That would be best. I want to get Britta settled as quickly as possible."

Stepping into a nearby turbo lift he stepped aside allowing her to enter first. As the doors closed he announced their destination, "Deck 16, section 34"

She twisted her wedding and engagement rings on her finger, this was the first time she was away from Earth with the knowledge that Alex wasn't coming back. She wanted to break down and cry but knew it would look good for the Chief Diplomat to that. She took a deep breath and looked straight ahead.

Together they rode in silence until Lance spoke up. "So how long have you been in the Diplomatic Corps?"

"About three years I suppose. I was part of JAG for a long time before that. After I had Britta I took a break, only working when there was a special case that needed my attention. This is my first assignment away from Earth in awhile." She looked at him. "What about you? How long have you been with Startfleet?"

"Sometimes it feel like forever. I've been with the Capt...well Commodore now since he got his first command. Let see that was...almost 4 years ago. Doesn't seem that it was long ago."

"I couldn't imagine doing anything else. Starfleet I mean...I like the arguments in the courtroom but I also like helping solve problems between factions or whoever it may be...instead of starting a war in a courtroom." She laughed, "If that makes sense."

Ciara was on the bridge when they eventually approached. She had a hard time with the Chief Engineer and at this point she wished she could throttle him... slowly.

The bridge was a mess with repair crew doing who knows what.

Ailish looked at the commander and knew that look, with a sigh she stepped forward. "Commander?"

Ciara whirled around, caught out with her thoughts. She didn't recognize the woman. There were so many people on and off, that she had a hard time keeping track. "Yes... can I help you," she said when she regained at least some of her composure. She glanced and Lance as well, who stood next to the officer.

Lance took the initiative and made the introductions. "Commander Brannagh, Lieutenant Winters...Lieutenant Winter, Commander Brannagh the ship's XO."

Ciara stepped forward and put her hand out to greet the new diplomat. "Welcome on board, Lieutenant," she said, trying to look friendlier than she felt. It had nothing to do with Ailish, she was simply still hot under the collar, which happened more frequently recently.

Ailish took the commander's hand and smiled. "Thank you Commander, I look forward to working on the Achilles." Ailish could see by the commander's stance that she was stressed. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"No, thank you," Ciara said, a little uncomfortable that her demeanor was so obvious. "Do you have your transfer orders with you?" she asked, holding out her hand.

"Right here ma'am." Ailish replied and handed the PADD over. "Is the diplomatic area relatively intact?"

Ciara took it from her and read through it. She had to wonder why the Captain's mate was now moved back to counseling, but that was something to deal with later. "It is, there are a few damaged systems in that section, but you should have an office. Welcome on board, Lieutenant," she said. "If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to see me, I have an open door policy," Ciara added warmly.

"Thank you ma'am...if you don't mind I would like to get my daughter settled." Ailish returned a smile to the Commander.

"Of course," Ciara responded. "Go ahead, your duty shift only starts with the next Alpha shift," she added. She nodded to Lance and smiled to Ailish.


Lt Ailish Winters

Cmdr Ciara Brannagh

NPC - SCPO Lance Nelson
played by Da`nal


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