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02 Jan 2013 @ 3:35pm

Lieutenant Fraya Winters

Name Fraya Winters

Position Assistant Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29
Languages English, French, Klingon, Vulcan

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Grey/Green
Physical Description Fraya is adverage height for a woman and thin. Her hair reaches down to her waist and is almost always curled and always in a bun high up on her head...otherwise it's down. When not in uniform she is either wearing jeans and a tank top or skirt and tank top. Her crescent moon laced with vines and blue flowers tattoo is visible on her left shoulder blade when wearing a tank top


Spouse Alex Winters (deceased)
Children Britta Winters (1.5 years old)
Father Ian Mackenzie
Mother Sarah Mackenzie (nee Longbourn)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fraya is strong willed and works to get what she wants and exactly when she wants it. She demands perfection from those working under her in JAG officer and doesn't care for the disobedient or tactless...however she has been known to let her temper flare when she knows she is right and her point of view is not being considered or is being brushed off. Fraya is stubborn but has been known to be flexible if the time and place called for it.

She knows that she is an attractive woman and uses this to her advantage, flirting at all available opportunities.

She knows how to have fun.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Hard working, determined, caring, loving, won't take crap from anyone

Weaknesses: Needs the occasional attitude adjustment, has told a superior officer to 'kiss my ass' on two different occasions
Ambitions Start a Family
Hobbies & Interests Klingon martial arts, drinking games, gambling, extreme sports on the holodeck

Personal History Fraya was born on Earth, in the Highlands of Scotland. Her parents are farmers and they wanted her to eventually take over the farm. She instead longed for a life full of excitement.

All of her cousins were well behaved while she was the mischievous one, though she excelled at school.

Her parents were shocked when she came home and announced that she was applying to the Academy to become a JAG officer. She had already completed her law studies at Oxford University. Her parents thought that Starfleet would be too rigid for Fraya but she was determined.

She graduated with honours, never getting written-up for misconduct (which was another surprise to everyone including her) because of her serious attitude problem and lack of respect of authority.

Her first assignment was at Starfleet Headquarters and her Commanding Officer (Craig Munrow) was extremely dependent on Fraya€™s skills as a lawyer but she sensed there was something more behind it.

After her childhood friend was killed she needed to get away from Earth so that she wouldn’t be constantly reminded of Jeremy. She put in an immediate transfer and received the position of Assistant Chief JAG officer because of her record in the courtroom.

Craig contacted the Captain along with her Department Head (Michael Kingsley) requesting that Fraya be sent back to him immediately. Michael had discussed the transfer back to Headquarters but Ailish flatly refused. She had agreed however, to remain a consultant for Craig.

After a trial where she saved a family friend from becoming named a traitor of the Federation Craig found her. He threatened her after she refused him.
Craig found her on the Triton where he kidnapped and tortured her. The Chief JAG and her friend, Michael, rescued her when he found her on the brink of death.

Fraya and Michael became close and began living together after the kidnapping. Michael won the trial against Craig and Craig was sent to a high security facility. Ailish still sleeps with a phaser on her night table.

Michael left shortly after the trial without a word to Ailish leaving her heartbroken and once again alone.

Alex Winters (her husband) had forced her into hiding to save her and their unborn child from Craig Munrow who had escaped custody and was again after both of them. She worked as a JAG under a false name until her transfer to the Diplomat Fleet and her placement aboard the Achilles.

Two years later Starfleet informed Ailish that Alex was dead. She received a letter from an anonymous person stating that Craig would never be able to hurt her again. Ailish looked for Alex’s subtle writing techniques but found none.
Service Record Starfleet Headquarters - JAG Office

Triton Seabase Assistant Chief JAG Officer

USS Samurai Chief JAG Officer

Current Assignment: USS Achilles Chief Science Officer