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Posted on 29 Nov 2012 @ 9:54pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,210 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Flag Officer's Offices
Timeline: MD 3 - 1920


Da`nal was reinvigorated after the camping trip Ayren and he had gone on. Regular food, rest and exercise, instead of days without rest and eating on the run that had been the norm during their last mission, had just been what was needed to get him back into the swing of things. He had just given a a briefing for the Station's senior officers on the Kzinti 'situation'.

Following the briefing Ciara had handed him a pad with the new crew they were incoming as well as the ships progress report.

He looked over the report making not of the crew he had looked up at is XO when he had reached the description of Lieutenant Ailish Winters title.

"Does she know yet?"....

"Nope... “Ciara said. She liked Ayren and wondered how she would respond to it. "I met with the new CDO earlier, Lance brought her to meet with me," she informed him.

[ the same time]

..."I don't believe it," Ayren said under her breath as she read the orders. She had been serving as CDO here for nearly three years and now Starfleet decided to put someone else over her. ~What were they thinking!?~ There was nothing of her usually friendly disposition anywhere in her features. She was livid and clearly upset. Impatiently she pressed the chime at Da'nal's temporary office, not really caring who saw how angry she was.

Da`nal was approaching his office, seeing Ayren angrily pressing the chime. "I assume you found out about the new Chief Diplomatic Officer?"

"Yes I did!!" Ayren said, her eyes even darker with her emotion, standing still facing the door. "OPEN THE DOOR," she whispered angrily through clenched teeth.

The doors opened at his approach and they entered. He wasn't happy with the situation either as he hadn't been consulted on the assignment of a new officer. He didn't go to his desk but instead moved to the raised 'lounge' area of the office. Before she could start in he began. "I think this assignment has more to do with me than you."

"Oh really?' she asked, with her hands on her hips. She was so upset she didn't even know if she was going to cry or scream. Unfortunately the first seemed more likely as she was alone and safe with Da'nal and she angrily fought the tears threatening to spill. "How the hell could this be about you?" she asked.

"Look at the situation. First someone tries to bring me up on charges. Since when does the Fleet JAG officer sit in on a preliminary hearing? Then when that didn't work we get a new diplomatic officer, and one with a JAG background. So to ensure the person has some measure of power they remove you and install the Lieutenant in your place."

She raked her brain as she tried to bring what he said in context. It was so hard, because she was personally involved. "Possibly.... but who would do that?" she asked a rhetorical question.

Rising to his feet, he began to pace slowly. "I don't attack without showing is without honor."

Whoever was doing this, if actually anyone would either have to be highly placed or have powerful connections. In his mind he began to go over possible enemy, and not coming up with anyone. But then as his eye caught his personal effects...items made by his children he had a thought, ~Anita's father.~

Simply discrediting him would not gain them custody of the children...unless this was just the beginning. Shaking his head he tried to dismiss the notion, but it would not leave him.

"You think he would have something to do with it?" Ayren asked. She didn't bother to say the name, the link she has with Da'nal allowed her to *overhear* if he had clear conversation in his head. For the most part, in general her experience was like hearing muffled voices or like the indistinct hum of a crowd, but she knew the *sound* of Da`nal's thoughts and at times they were very clear, especially if there was no one else around.

He didn't want to think that he was capable of such a thing. He waved the whole thing off with a gesture. "AHHH, There is no proof of anything! I think I'm letting what happened to Charghwl'IH cloud my judgment."

Ayren was almost hoping that that would explain her *demotion*. Her disappointment and anger was renewed. "I wish I could understand..." she said unhappily.

He turned to her. "There was no demotion, you resigned you commission....remember?" He knew that wasn't going to help but it was true. "I will look into it. I should have at least been given consulting right on the appointment of a Department Head. But right now I want you to focus on the crew...many could be having difficulties adjusting from a wartime footing."

"You don't have to have a 'rank' to be demoted, I am demoted from the 'position' of chief to that of a counselor," she said angrily. "It is not even a parallel move. And that without any explanation," she said, her anger and hurt renewed. She lift her chin that little bit and looked Da'nal squarely in the face. "And believe me; I am not going to take this laying down." With that she walked towards the door, but stopped and turned towards him again. "You don't have to remind me, I will do my job," she reminded him, her dark eyes alive with her anger, set starkly against her pale skin.

The fire in her manner only served to raise his pride...and stirred other feelings as well. He stepped up to her quickly and he grasped her at the nape of her neck. Growling slightly, "Your duty and honor has never been called into question...a fitting woman to help lead a House of the Empire."

"Not with you, perhaps," she feeling the intensity of his emotions and she raised her chin, her heart starting to beat faster. "But Starfleet has!" she retorted through her teeth. In the moment of her own passionate anger, she hardly heard the last part of his statement.

Bearing his teeth as she fired back he tossed her onto the couch in the room as he pulled off his jacket. "So instead of overseeing two departments you now only have to manage one! You will still be involved in any diplomatic functions, if for no other reason than to keep me from being less than diplomatic!"

Addressing the other half of his earlier statement as he ripped off his command tunic, “Did you not hear my words?! I have picked you to be the Mistress of the House of Varal...when that time comes. But to do that you cannot just my mate; you have to be my WIFE!"

Ayren was lying on her back on the couch, anticipating what was obviously going to follow, when his words finally registered. She knew Da'nal loved her, but she had accepted the fact that he might take a Klingon wife as some Klingons did. This surprised her. "Your wife?!"


COM Da`nal

NPC - Ayren Kelan
ACDO & Chief Counselor


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