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Vacation - Part 2

Posted on 29 Nov 2012 @ 9:34pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

1,013 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Planet Nesh - below SB 80
Timeline: MD - 3

Jason circled the shuttle over a clearing near a small river. The view was picturesque, a cool clear river flowing past a meadow surrounded by forest with mountains in the distance. "Think this will do or do you want sand and surf," as he recalled the first time they had met.

Teresa looked out the view port at the surrounding scenery. "This is perfect. We will be able to do some climbing, swimming and hiking. Vicki will be able to get some fresh air and sun. That's important for me. I don't wish for the only air she receives, is shipboard air."

As soon as the ship touched down, Vicki got out of her seat. She came forward to where Jason and Teresa sat. "Can I see, please?"

Teresa automatically interjected, "May I and yes you may." Teresa placed an arm around her daughter's waist, smiling.

After Vicki hopped up on her mother’s lap, Jason set the shuttle down near the river. After th quick systems check he opened the hatch. The fresh, scented, air wafted into the shuttle and reminded him briefly of his first reaction to the mountains on Mercer. Shaking off the following memories he began powering the shuttle down.

"Wow, this place is beautiful." Teresa sighed as Jason set the shuttle down. As she spoke some of the local wildlife wondered into view. They looked similar to earth's deer. "Ooo... Butiful... Look, mommy... Deer!" Vicki bounced in Teresa's lap.

Where there was herd animals there could also be predators. Jason scanned the area, seeing that everything was clear, he set the ships sensor to scan the area for any of the predators listed for the planet. Once that was done he checked the river itself. "Looks like the river is spring fed...basic filtering and we'll be fine.

"You guys wanna set up camp first or check things out?"

"How long before sunset? I do not want to set up camp after dark. We can collect firewood as we explore." Vicki piped in,

"Explore, please, Jase!"

"I should have known your answer, monkey." Teresa said with a laugh, nuzzling her daughter.

He chuckled. "There's plenty of time. Lets gt the campsite up and then go exploring."

"But... I want to 'plore, please..."

Jason motioned Vicki over, "Now I know you're excited and want to explore...and we will. But before we can do the things we want to do, we have to do the things we have to do. So first thing first, we do a little work then we can have all the fun you want ok?"

"Tell you what," Teresa started winking at Jason, "why don't you find us some pretty flowers and twigs to decorate with and stay within sight of the shuttle." Teresa pulled Vicki's hair back into a ponytail putting a big red bow in it to make Vicki easy to spot from afar. "What did I teach you about the communicator?"

"Only use in an emergency."

"Right, if you wonder too far and can not see us, contact us."

Vicki took off with a whoop, Teresa turned to Jason. "Now, we can get this done without little hands getting in the way, and be finished quicker. It also gives her something to do, and allows her time to play." Teresa said picking up some of the bags, with a grin.

Returning her grin,"Guess you've done this before huh?"

Teresa laughed. "Oh, yes. We've done this a time or two. She tries to help, but she winds up just getting under foot." Teresa helped Jason set up the tent and then turned to set up the fire pit.

It wasn't long and the campsite was all set up - hammock and all. Jason pulled the knot tight as he finished and looked out, seeing a red ribbon not too far away, and speaking loudly; "Anyone ready to go exploring."

Vicki let out a yell of joy, when she heard Jason, and ran back to camp. Her arms were full of wild flowers and twigs. She also had twigs and grass in her hair.

Teresa laughed at the sight of her daughter. "It looks like she's been rolling around in the grass."

Shaking his head, Jason had to agree. "That's for sure. Well we can just throw her in the river to clean her up....easy."

"Lets check out the river. Do you know whether or not we need special permit to fish on this planet?" Teresa put up a hand to stop them, placing a finger to her lips and pointing. ~Whispering~ "Do you think its the same herd we saw earlier?" With this group were a couple of foes. They were still young, by all appearances.

Vicki started picking up some of the leaves on the ground. She knew better than to pick them, after haven gotten a bad case of poison ivy the last time she had gone camping. Teresa looked at Jason. "Do you think there are any edible berries we can pick?"

"I'm sure there are. We'll just have to check them out before we eat them." He knew he didn't need to tell a doctor that but it was habit.

When Vicki arrived back, Teresa showed Vicki where to put the flowers and twigs. Then she changed Vicki and herself into their bathing suits, putting their clothes back on. "Jase, you going to put your bathing suit on?" "Yeah, Jase, you going to put your trunks on, or are you not going to join in the fun? All work, and no play..." Teresa picked up the small hip pack and placed it on her hip. She secured her canteen to it. Then attached a similar, but smaller to Vicki. "I believe we are ready to go."

He shrugged sheepishly, "I didn't bring any swim trunks. But not to worry I won't let that stop me." Shouldering his day pack he grinned. "Let’s get going."


Ltjg Teresa Wendsar
Medical Officer

NPC - Victoria Wendsar
played by Teresa

NPC - SSgt Jason Frey
played by Da`nal


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