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The Final Battle - A House Divided Pt 2

Posted on 30 Sep 2012 @ 6:23pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sascha Oakheart & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,078 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Yadalla System

[USS Achilles - Engineering]

"Lieutenant Ya, Lieutenant Ya!" Sascha barked through the battlesync to the lower stardrive section, "You have to reroute structural inegrity now! You're going to lose the port pylon!!" Sascha barked as quickly as he could.

"I can't reroute, Doctor. There's nowhere to reroute from." Ya replied sharply through the connection.

"Do it from the nacelle itself, there's no damned way you can keep the nacelle if you lose the pylon! Do it now!!"

"Right, Docto- *crackle* I' *crackle*."

"Ya!" Sascha called out in frustration, turning his attention instead to the readings. He could see the lower section taking a beating and he could see that they weren't diverting structural integrity. So he watched in horror as another weapons burst impacted the lower section, slicing the port pylon along the lower section of the nacelle. It free floated away as the lower section continued on, banking awkwardly as the helm tied to correct for the new configuration.

"Ya... Ya, you have to divert to the other pylon." Sascha continued, "You can't lose the other."

"... *crackle*... ar me." came a new voice on the comm. The crackling continued for a moment and then cleared up considerably, "Doctor Oakheart, this is Chief Graham. Lieutenant Ya's dead, sir. I'm taking charge of Engineering. I'm diverting structural integrity to the starboard pylon, rerouting from the nacelle and from the centermost deck of the section. It's already been evacuated, and even then they wouldn't need it."

Sascha's shoulders fell with that news, but he nodded at the transmission, "Thank you, Earl." he said quietly, "Keep me posted."

"Aye, aye, Doctor."


Da`nal and his section of the ship arrive too late to prevent the loss of the nacelle. All they could do now was provide cover for the disabled section.


"Our shields are down to 23 percent! We won't take much more!"

The Vaqbach took more hammering and Kre gave the order to cloak again. "Divert all available power to shields and weapons!" Kre ordered as he looked for weakened ships to target. "Ho'S'a', scan for any Kzinti ship with shields that are weakened and target them."

[Planet Kzin – Orbital Command Platform]

Patriarch Nel lashed out at his aid. The word of the survival of the heir to the Ritt throne, someone he had claimed to be dead…allowing his to assume the mantle of Patriarch, had spread like wild fire. Reports of fighting on the planet below and throughout their forces were pouring in. He had no choice, he had to quell the uprising on Kzin and defend his position.

“Recall all loyal forces!â€

[Yadalla system]

As the recall order was received those forces loyal to Patriach Nel disengaged and headed home as fast as their D-Drives could propel them.

What they left behind would take years to clean up.

[IKC VaQbach]

Kzinti had stopped firing and were leaving until only what was left of the Federation Fleet, the VaQbach, and those Kzinti that had remained loyal to their true leader were hanging in the black space.

"Damage report!"

[VaQbach – lower decks
HoS’a’ dropped the injured man onto a gurny manned by a Medical team. The poor man was barely breathing, the radiation burns had got right inside his lungs. Even now it was unclear if he would make it. There was still one man inside the room, but he was closest the leak and... well, HoS'a' would not be going back for him.

The noise of battle ended abruptly and HoS'a' heard the weapons power down.

Toh! The HoD would never have surrendered, so they had won. He leaned back against the wall. His body ached all over and his vision was slightly blurred. He noticed one of the Medics step up to him.

"Sir, you should report to medical as well."

HoS'a' grunted. He was not going to be given orders by an flat-browed orderly. He made to push the man away only to find the corridor began to spin. Had they lost attitude control?

[USS Achilles]

The three sections of the damaged Federation battleship hung together. Da`nal had left the bridge so see for himself just how badly they had been hurt. The several of the lifts were out and there was debris everywhere. He aided those he came across. And was helping with some of the wounded as his commbadge sounded. “Captain we are being hailed sir. The Carrier Soyuz wanted to let you know they have orders to extract and replace the Marines we inserted onto Mecrer sir.â€


He just hoped HIS Marines would be coming home alive.

As he made his way through the ship he acknowledged the confident but exhausted nods from those he passed. Nearing sickbay he came upon Ayren, and his thoughts went to his children. Their deaths had been avenged…at least there was some comfort in that


He accepted the embrace and only parting to answer his commbadge as it sounded again. “Da`nal here.â€

“Captain we are being hailed again. The Klingon cruiser HeH'etlh says they have something that belongs to you. And request permission to beam over.â€

The HeH’etlh was his father’s ship…what would they have? “Permission granted.â€

They turned at the sound of the transporter effects to see a the Klingon Captain…and three small children.

~I was not wrong!~ Elation and relief nearly overwhelmed her and she covered her mouth with her hands. "You're alive!"

Da`nal dropped to one scooping them up as they ran to him. He looked at the Commander. "You shall be rewarded for this. You saved not only my childern but the future of our House."

The Klingon simply bowed his head, "The honor is to serve My Lord."

"Never the less..." Da`nal stopped. "Where is Akhil?"

"Unfortunatley My lord she was injured when the station came under attack. I'm afraid her injuries, with her age..."

"Say no more. She served our House with Honor and died protecting it. I want a full report on the those events before you leave the system. Once that is done return home. and let my Father and mother know all is well....Captain"

"Yes My Lord!"

Da`nal handed Ariella off the Ayren, turning to the other little girl he took her by the chin lifting her face. "How about we go find you mother."

Valerie smiled and took the Captains hand. Together they headed of to sickbay and another family reunion.

The End


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