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Captain's Log

Posted on 02 Oct 2012 @ 10:17pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

312 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Ready Room

Da'nal finished straightening up his ready room and sat at his desk. It felt odd more standing red more armed security more phasers on his hip. All that had been replaced clean up details and by repair teams. The war, for their part anyway, was over. The Kzinti supporting the usurping Patriarch were being rapidly pushed back by the rightful heir to the Patriarchy.

Shaking his head slightly. Those matters were not his concern, at least not as Captain of the Achilles. Activating the monitor in his desk pulled at his beard as he wait for it to rise.

"Captain's Log: Star date 67360.5

"We remain in the Yadalla system while the area is secured and the search for survivors continues. Commander Brannagh and Doc. Oakhart accompanied the damaged lower drive section of the Achilles as it is towed to SB 80 for repairs after losing a nacelle in the fight to protect Yadalla prime and stop the Kzinti fleet.

"The damage done to the planet by the Kzinti weapon ships was catastrophic...I'm told initial assesments place the damage at least an order of magnitude over the damage inflicted by the Xindi weapon fired on Earth in 2153.

"The crew of the Achilles is in good spirits as They know they have extended shore leave waiting for them while the ship is repaired and given a minor refit. However before we depart for the Star base, a hearing has been called for tomorrow morning to investigate whether my violation of Admiral L`Berr's orders was justified and to deal with charges of Mutiny made against me by Major Stone in his report prior to being inserted onto Mercer.

"I believe my actions were honorable and justified given the situations at the time. Once this 'hearing' is out of the way we will be to get underway."

= End Log =


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