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The Final Battle - A House Divided Pt1

Posted on 30 Sep 2012 @ 5:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sascha Oakheart & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

603 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Yadalla System

** A House divided **

Not long after the Heir…the Patriarch sent his message a reply came. “You are not our Patriach. The clan Ritt is gone!

“No it is not General Zariv murdered my father and trtyed to murder me. He reported me dead…he thought his assassin had succeeded. No doubt he had blamed the Humans for my death. But it was a Kzinti blade that had almost ended my life. All of you have been deceived by a traitor!â€

The face on th screen hesitated slightly, then stared back. The clan Ritt held our people back from the glory we deserved for 200 years. The Clan Nel has let us loose on the galaxy to the gr…â€

In flash of blood and a glint of steel the voice was ended as his head was taken from his shoulders by one of his officers. I serve he Clan Ritt! By the Right of blood he his is our true leader!â€

The scene repeated itself throughout the Kzinti fleet as each warrior… each ship took a side. The battle began again as Kzinti ship turned on ship. Those supporting Patriack Nel fired on the Federation ship once again while thos supporting Patriach Ritt moved to their aid.

It was the beginning of a Kzinti Civil War.

Two of the weapon ships resumed firing on the planet. However Talon 3 had sided with Ritt and turned on the others and fired. The power once used against the Federation was now turned on the Kzintis ships supporting the Nel faction. For a brief time the Yadalla system has a second star as Talon 2 exploded.


"Mas-." he started before a massive impact rocked the ship, sending Oakheart to the deck and flipping Marlin over the railing. The elder man managed to hang onto the lowest run with one hand long enough for his staff to pull him back up, all while the ship was rocking harder than it had been during the whole fight.

Sascha pulled himself to his feet, rubbing the back of his head and resumed his spot at the terminal. Would this ever end he thought to himself.


"Shields at 4%"

Barr closed his eyes. There wasn't even time to sound evacuation. Not that it would do any good. From the reports he had heard, no one captured by the Kzinti would thank him.

The bridge stopped shuddering and Barr was aware he was counting to 5. He had started doing it since Maschnost had identified the recharge time. So the rest of their lives were whittled down to a handful of moments.

3... 2... 1.. 0...

Barr braced himself. And waited.

Then opened his eyes. The two Kzinti ships were poised above the Honshu, firing. but the Honshu was not being damaged.


"Sir, the Kzinti are... firing on each other," a confused ops officer responded. "Not just here, but all over the battle."

Barr stood slowly, "Helm, one quarter reverse. Let's keep out of their way without attracting their attention."

[IKC VaQbagh]

As suddenly as it had stopped it started again "The Kzinti is firing on each other now and some are pulling out.." he reported surprised.

Kre ‘s hand whipped out towards Manek. “Target any Kzinti NOT firing at us or any Federation ship!â€

[USS Achilles Bridge]

Most of the escorts they had been fighting had joined the effort the take down what they came to learn was known as
Talon 1. Even with the aid of the Kzinti forces the Weapon ships defenses was exacting a heavy toll.

“Captain they are targeting the lower section damage nacelle pylon!â€

“Get us over there!"



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