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The Final Battle - Destiny Calls

Posted on 30 Sep 2012 @ 5:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sascha Oakheart & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

912 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Yadalla System

[USS Tempest]

The Tempest dropped from warp at the edge of the system and L`Berr immediately looked to the two Kzinti. Addressing not the Admiral but the Heir; “Is this the legacy you want for your kind?!â€

Hezrk stood there and watched as the Command ship exploded. But even with the loss the Kzinti ships were holding the advantage. But even though the ships were old the Federation forces refused to yield…they fought on despite the odds. Then his sharp eyes caught flashes at the edge of the battle zone; more federation ships were arriving! “Where are the Talons?â€


With a huff Hezrk clarified, “The weapon ships…â€

Captain Granger nodded to his tactical officer. “The ‘Talons’ are taking up equidistant position around the planet.â€

Hezrk’s eyes went wide. â€Nooo…â€

[Talon Weapon ships - Extreme orbit around Yadalla]

With the destruction of the command ship the Talon commanders began to implement their standing orders. Their escort ships were dealing with the federation ships allowing them to take up their positions.

“Talon’s 2 & 3 report charged and ready.â€


[USS Achilles]

Da`nal could not believe what he was seeing. The same weapons that had obliterated to Star bases was now carving up the surface of Yadalla!

[IKC VaQbach]

Kretorg spat in disbelief at their cowardice. Instead of trying to take the planet honorably they looked to be trying to cut it apart from orbit.

=/= All fighters engage the weapons ships! Helm set cours 253 mark 45. Fire everything!â€


The various sections of the Achilles was desperately trying to break away from the escort vessels to engage the weapon ship but they were having a hard time. Not only was the ship be assaulted by the escorts but the weapon ship own defensive batteries.

"Master Chief, I did the math." Sascha shook his head, "I know. I know. But what else can we do here. We have to keep rerouting to keep the shields and weapons online." Oakheart continued, now looking about to the gathering of engineer's. "Look, you guys are some of the smartest and now some of the most experienced engineers in the Fleet. I can do the math and make the fixes, but I can't do it by my self. You all have to double down and make it work."

"You heard the Doc!" Master Chief Marlin barked in reply as loudly as humanly possibly, "Get your asses back on the catwalks, and back to your stations. I'm not letting these assholes ruin my tour - we're going to make it home. So either you do your job so we don't get killed, or so help me I'll kill you myself!" he said as the crew shuffled off quickly.

"You... wouldn't really kill them, would you Lewis?" Sascha asked quietly as the men disbursed.

"At this point, Doc. I don't know what I'd do." he replied before stalking off after another malfunction.

[USS Tempest]

Hezrk stared at the scene, not wanting to believe his own people capable of such dishonor. As soon as the Talons had begun firing the federation forces had tried to shift their effort to stop them by the Kzinti
Fleet was ready for that and was continuing to inflict heavy losses, even as more starhips continued to arrive.

Whirling to the Heir. “You must stop this!! After this the name of our race will not be feared…it will be spoken with disgust and shame! LOOK out there! Against all odds the Federation…the Humans continue to fight! Even now more and more Starfleet ships arrive to aid their comrades! Zariv WILL lose! And when he does he will commit all that we have…every warrior , every resource to battle! He will destroy US because of his blind rage!

“Eventually the full force of the Federation and its allies will be rallied against us. Your forefathers knew this. You are the only one that can stop this. YOUMUST CLAIM YOUR BIRTH RIGHT!â€

“What do I say to convince them?!

Hezrk put his clawed hand on his pupils shoulder. “The truth my Lord…the truth.â€

The young Kzinti Heir nodded and stepped up to the ship’s Captain. It was not his habit to ask for anything…but here honor required it. “Captain if you would open your upper band subspace hailing channals.â€

Granger grinned ever so slightly and his head darted to his communications officer. “Open ALL frequencies.â€

“Kzinti forces…sons of Kzin. By order of your Patriarch you are ordered to cease fire! Authorization Ritt-15756994207!â€

Throughout the battlezone there was hesitation.


Da`nal was stunned. “What in the name of Kahless is going on?â€

Bracing his hands against the side of the pool table, Sascha was studiously watching the readings therein, legs spread wide to keep from toppling over at every weapons impact. But as he stood there, he realized that they weren't rocking anymore. His ears flicked back in surprise and he looked up to the core and the catwalk where Master Chief Marlin and a team were making an emergency fix. The elder NCO looked back at Oakheart, who smiled.

[IKC VaQbagh]

Kre received reports from all over that the Kzinti warriors suddenly dematerialized and were transported off the ship. And there was no more firing. "What the hell?"

Manek at tactical thought that he would be in Sto Vo Kor now, because one more blast and they would have all been there. But suddenly the attacks stopped



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