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The Final Battle - The Battle Rages Pt 3

Posted on 30 Sep 2012 @ 5:31pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sascha Oakheart & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

982 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

Several other vessels broke off the join the Achilles and the VaQbach as they went after the nearest weapon ship. As they did the Kzinti ship’s escorts broke off and moved to intercept.

The ships were pounded by impacts the severely weakened their already devastated shields; enough so that the Kzinti boarding dart managed to penetrate and pierce the hulls of the ships


Intruder Alert, Intruder Alert The automatic intruder detection system alerted the crew . On the bridge they monitor the situation.

“Captain we have intruders on deck s 6 & 7. They are move towards the brig and main engineering.â€

“Seal the Bridge and prepare to flood security with Lt. Goodshire’s toxin.â€

“Aye sir.â€

[Deck 6]

The Kzinti that made it to security burst in to free their comrades. “We will take this ship and you all shall reclaim your honor!†However as the first security screen fell the room was sealed and flooded with the a lethal dose of the felinoid toxin.

[Deck 7]

The fighting leading to engineering was fierce. But the forces on deck 7 never got the reinforcements that had been expecting. Their comrades had failed. Never the less they pressed on towards their objective.

[Deck 7 - Engineering]

"What's this?" Doctor Oakheart asked, looking to the device Marlin had just handed him.

"It's a phaser, Doc. You point that end at the bad guy and press the button. They go bye, bye." he added condescendingly.

"Anyone ever tell you that you're an insufferable smart ass?" Sascha asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's part of the Master Chief exam, Doc. Can't pass if you ain't a smart ass." he smirked back, moving on to the next station to make sure that they were duly armed.

Sascha turned back to the pool table displays and set the small phaser on the top of the terminal. His mind was on the lower stardrive section, which had taken considerable more damage than the rest of the ship's sections. He wasn't a tactical mind so he wasn't sure if that was a function of bad luck, bad flying or just the way it was. What he was sure of was that the section wasn't doing well at all.

The screen flickered before him again and he frowned. He'd send three engineers down a deck to check on the secondary computers processing systems which were feeding the terminals at this point to leave extra power from the main computer for the rest of the ships systems, considering their level of damage. Upon hearing the door's to engineering hiss open, he turned to see what his engineers had found. Yet as the door's opened, it wasn't his engineer's he found standing there, it was two large creatures.

Two massive Kzinti stood in the doorway, and before either side could say a word, the one on the left opened fire on the room, striking Lieutenant JG Hrada square in the chest. The Bolian crumpled to the floor where he had stood, smoking from the chest. What ensued was a brilliant display of color from both sides as the pair of Kzinti opened fire and the engineers all dove for cover.

Sascha stood there, dumbfounded, pointing at the Kzinti and looking over at Marlin who was waving frantically for him to get down, jabbing his hand at the phaser on the table as well. It took Sascha almost a full minute where he stood there just watching like a blubbering idiot before he realized he should take cover. He ducked behind the pool table as the Kzinti continued to advance. Looking over the lip like a frightened school boy, he spotted the phaser and quickly reached out for it. Adjusting the settings to their maximum, he pointed it over the lip and fired one shot. It went far wide of either Kzinti and hit the wall with a shower of sparks. To his right, Marlin drew his hand slowly over his face in disbelief. Blushing slightly, Sascha raised the weapon again and this time took a steady aim.

The two Kzinti were walking below the secondary plasma conduit, which had ruptured early in the battle and had been rerouted, sealed and then routed again at a reduced capacity so as not to rupture the fix. Sascha quickly did the math in his head and then nodded, raising his weapon a few degrees and then fired. The lance of orange light streaked across the deck and impacted the patch Petty Officer th'Zara had made, rupturing it and spilling hot plasma out onto the deck but not before it went through the two Kzinti.

Marlin and Sascha both cringed as the plasma found its mark and then melted the deck plating, but it was Marlin that was the first to get up and shut off the flow, not only to save the precious plasma but to keep the hole in the deck from getting any bigger. With that finished, he ordered the doors to Engineering sealed and then turned to Oakheart.

"I didn't think you had that in you, boss." he said, offering a hand to get him to his feet.

"I'm not quite sure I do." Sascha replied distractedly.

[IKC VaQbach]

The Battle Cruiser had brought one more Kzinti ship down, but the shields were gone and weapons nearly. The cloak was still operational, but the Kzinti was able to extrapolate their position with disturbing accuracy.

"Sir, there are instruders on board! All over the ship!"

=^= Intruder alert! All warriors attack! =^=

"Ho'S'a, Turock, go get them!"

Every warrior aboard was armed with blade or disruptor. The corridors of the VaQbach were being painted with blood and Klingon and Kzinti alike were cut down. At time some were even vaporized…vanishing in a flash of energy. Even as the battle raged on outside the battle inside the VaQbach was just as deadly, but know it had become personal.



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