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The Final Battle - The Battle Rages Pt 2

Posted on 30 Sep 2012 @ 5:31pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Sascha Oakheart

868 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Yadalla System

[USS Achilles]

The ship was making its way through the battle scene as the made their way to the Kzinti Command ship. The Achilles was taking damage on top of the damage it had already endured, but they kept on firing at every target that presented itself as they went.

The ship heaved hard to port as they took a massive blow. “Sir Shields down to 57%â€

[Achilles – Main Engineering]

"Engineering to Bridge." Sascha called out over a cascade of sparks from an overhead conduit. Five engineers jumped out of the way as he showed hot sparks onto the deck while another rushed to cut off the flow. It slowed Oakheart enough that he let the Bridge's response hang on the air for a moment as he called out to the others with what to do. Hearing the Bridge repeat themselves, he turned his attention back.

"This is Doctor Oakheart. We've taken major damage here, Captain. I've got cascading power failures across the board. I'm not going to be able to give you shields and weapons at full capacity - Operations is going to have to work with at least a sixty.... no, a fifty-four point three eight reduction in power." he said, doing the math quickly in his head. He looked over to Master Chief Marlin holding a roll of something in dull silver. "Master Chief, is that... duct tape?" Sascha asked.

"We're on a wing and a prayer boss. Unless you got a better idea." he said, ripping a strip off, "I'm going with the duct."

Da`nal relied to the engineer even as the ship took another hit. “Shut down all non-essential system! Keep the power as high as possible Doctor!â€

Achilles Main Sickbay-

As the the crew slowly poured into the sickbay, the Klingon Andorian doctor, rushed from one crewmen to the next as she patched up the injured. As she worked, the woman, managed to keep sickbay from getting out of control. She barked orders and gave advice on mending wounds. She had no time to pause, as she busied herself with the concern of the crew at current in her sickbay. Her goal was to patch them up and send them back to their station. yet, ever so often, she flagged one of her medics down, handed him or her a med pack and gave the person to go to the bridge, engineering or any other points on the Prometheus Class starship.

Captain Barr patted at the sparks on his uniform, "Report!"

"The Douglas is gone, and Armistice is breaking formation."

"Shields at 13%. Rerouting emergency power. Multiple Hull breaches."

Barr, glanced at the displays on his chair, more red than green, "Pull us back! Move to the Medical vessels. We will provide what cover we can to them." While we can he thought silently to himself.

[VaQbach bridge]

The start the ship had been weapons blazing, all fire focused on the one ship. From tactical it sounded as if the shield damage to the ship was minimal, but a hole did start to open. "This is taking too long!" Kre said as the VaQbach rocked with weapons fire directed to them.

"Shield are holding!"

"Kol, get the squadron to entice the ship to open the launch bay doors and take us into position to blast their launchbay! Then move us to a distance of 10 000 kilometers from their aft side"

"Cloak!" Kre ordered as the fighter squadron moved into position.

[Achilles – Upper stardrive]

“Sir the VaQbach has cloaking

“Get us between them and the Command ship!†They have no shield while cloaking…What was Kre thinking?!

The Achilles darted between the Command ship and the VaQbach as it faded away. What the Kretorg had planned was a mystery to Da`nal. He only hoped his plan worked.


"Turock, bring the secondary disruptor online and target their launch bay!"

The VaQbach swept into position as the brave fighter pilots irritated the target ship.
Suddenly the launch bay opened to release their fighters. "Fire at will!" Kre said Turock let loose, destroying the fighters as the emerged.

"There is some damage to their shields!"

"Keep firing!"

Once again the VaQbach rocked with weapons from the Kzinti ships, trying to disable them. "Damage report!"

"Our shields are done to fifty two percent."

noH ghoblu'DI' yay quv law' Hoch quv puS. {In war, there is nothing more honorable than victory.} Tu’rocK said as he began firing concentrating on enemy ship’s port shield the neon green lit up space and red hue of the Kinzite shields made for brilliant display as he continued to fire and monitor the enemy ship’s shields, “Shields weakening, 30%, 20, 10 5 and shields have dropped!†he exclaimed as monitored the progress his blood boiled the thrill of battle exhilarated him.

Finally the ship exploded as the disruptors weakened their shields long enough. The elation of victory was cut short when more explosions erupted all around the bridge when the VaQbach was hit once more.


Da`nal’s fist slammed into the arm of his command chair as explosions rippled up from the belly of the Kzinti Ship.

“Da`nal to all sections move, to engage the nearest weapon ship!â€



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