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The Final Battle - The Battle Rages Pt 1

Posted on 30 Sep 2012 @ 5:31pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sascha Oakheart & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,153 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Yadalla System

The Achilles, VaQbach and Bloodlust dropped from warp at the edge of the battle zone and head in a full impulse. The site before even gave Da`nal pause. ~Kahless watch over us..~

“Locate the Command and weapons ships!â€

Logan’s eyes didn’t leave her console. “I have them Sir. The Command ship is on the far edge of the battle and the Weapons ship plus escorts are head toward Yadalla prime.â€

“Helm, take us through! Target all Kzinti craft as we pass!â€

The weapons of all three sections of the Achilles , the VaQbach and the captured Kzinti vessel Bloodlust opened up as they dove into the battle cutting their way through the heart of the fighting towards there goal.

[IKC VaQbach]

"On screen!" Kre demanded when Ho'S'a informed him that weapons fire was detected on their sensors, ship to ship and on the nearby planet. In front of them a scene of a massive battle unfolded. In fact in all his years in space, he had never seen something like this. Hundreds of Fedration ships of different classes, literally being speared by the font wave of the Kzinti warships. "Set a course to intercept the closest flank and focus fire on that third ship. See if you can use the disruptors to bore holes in their shields and then fire torpedoes in those holes." It had worked in teh previous battle, and it could work here as well.

[VaQbach – Fighter deck]

=^=Honor and Glory Kraden, I shall drink with you or to you this evening. Launch is authorized=^=

The To'Duj launched first and held position at the staging area just behind and above the Va'Qbach, within seconds every V- and V-5 assault boat armed with full sized torpedoes joined the fighter escort. They would hold position till given the order to strike. Kraden opened a channel "Strike hard.. Strike Fast.. Slay them all.. Then he began singing on the Aero-Group channel for none but them to hear and they all joined in as they watched the Kziniti fleet grow on their screens! The voices were warm and aggressive as they bid each other a boisterous and confident farewell.

"Warriors! Listen to your blood,
As the voice of battle cries out!
Fight or die! When battle begins, your blood becomes hot,
The enemy falls. Their bodies are everywhere
Their blood becomes cold.
So Enjoy the battle while you accompany your brothers to war!""

[VaQbach – Bridge]

Koll knew the Va'Qbach strength was not in maneuver or even speed but in sheer power. He aimed the mighty ship like a spear straight at the nearest Kzinit battleship. He made a weaving approach accelerating to get to range. Despite keeping the mighty ship from remaining on the same horizontal plane he kept the nose dead on target to make every shot count.

"Tu'rock bring the forward disruptor online, we will need it," Kre said. "You will handle the disruptors."

“Heghlu'meH QaQ java.†{It is a good day to die.} Tu’rocK replied as he brought the disruptors online and prepared to fire

HoS'a' watched the displays on his console more than the view screen. They were leading an assault on one of the bigger gunships and it looked like there would be an opening in the shields. He fired a barrage of Photon torpedoes to crap an opening followed by a full twenty Quantum torpedoes to seal the deal.

Another area showed a Federation support vessel being hammered by fighters. There was no allied fighters close enough to give coverage so he sent a spray of photons to detonate in the area, spread far enough away so as not to damage the Federation ship, but still make it difficult for the enemy fighters to maneuver


"Umm... Sir?"

Barr looked at his science officer. the ship was on fire, the hull was buckling, they probably only had minutes to live, and he STILL manages to be apologetic, "What is it Dr Maschnost?"

"I have been looking at the power signature of the Kzinti weapons and have noticed a pattern. the weapons are cyclic. They unleash incredible power in an initial assault but then take a long time to replenish. Longer than our weapon recharge rate. If we can draw a ship to fire at a decoy and then step in the main force the instant after they will get in a couple of shots before the ships can recover to return fire."

"Hit and run?" Barr pondered. "Relay the information to the rest of the fleet. Helm get us between that group of fighters and the Pavlov. We will need to be their shields while they are beaming in wounded."

-Medical Ward VaQbach-

Shifting about as she held down one of the Federation personnel assigned to the Klingon vessel, Bel, had departed the bridge before the battle began. Of course she didn't want to depart, but she hands were needed elsewhere. Once she returned she noticed that a few Starfleet had burns and other minor injuries that were the results of pushing the engines to max. But once the battle began, it was a little tougher to patch up the Fleeters. Yet, the warrior doctor, didn't mind what so ever, she been through worse

[Kzinti Command ship]

“Sir there are several signal on an intercept course. One of them is one of ours!?â€

The High Admiral showed little concern, they had already swatted several Federation ships…what was a few more. Regardless he wanted to know what he would be dealing with; “Type?â€

“I read a Federation Prometheus Class…already separated, a Klingon Negh`var Class Battle cruiser, and…sir the other ship is one of ours. The Bloodlust.?

Grel-Tagr moved quickly to the console in disbelief. He had to see for himself and sure enough the only life signs aboard was Klingon and Humanoid. “DESTROY THEM!â€

[USS Belleau Wood]

Lt. Commander Lockett no longer sat in the command seat but at the helm. The Kzinti ships had cut through their shields and two of their warship were turning towards them.

They had no functioning weapons. Most of his skeleton crew was dead.

“ENIGNEERING – Rig the warp core to detonate on impact!â€

“Are you craz…â€

“DO IT!â€

A few seconds later the reply came. “Ready.â€

He swung the Wood towards the two warships bearing down on them even as the comm. blared with orders from his wing commander to retreat. “LOCKETT GET OUT OF THERE!â€

The ship was being blasted from both warships as the three ships closed on each other, but as the Belleau Wood reach the proper point Lockett issued a final order. “EJECT THE CORE!â€

As the core was ejected he turned the helm are over at full impulse. “RETREAT HELL!†was the last thing heard from the Wood as the ship collided with the war ship and its warp core detonated

The three ships erupted in a massive fireball.



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