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The final Battle - Hope Rises

Posted on 30 Sep 2012 @ 5:30pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sascha Oakheart & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

241 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: En Route to & In the Yadalla System

[USS Tempest – Warping to the Yadalla system]

Captain Granger chaffed at having Admiral L’Berr on board. It wasn’t having a flag officer on his ship, it was the fact that the Tempest used to be HER ship and the more she was on the bridge the more she seemed to insert herself into the command of the ship. She had commandeered his ready room and had the two Kzinti in their…arguing about who knows what.

L`Berr glared at Hezrk Jal. “Why should I believe you?! You have to know something!â€

Hezrk was not accustomed to have his word or his honor question, and this human was infuriating. However his goals for his pupil required his control…for the moment. Keeping the hiss in his tone at a minimum; “I tell you again…Whatever General Zariv has ordered is not a part my Patriarch’ plans. Nor the plans of his father or his father’s father.â€

The Heir to large for the human furnishings stood off to the side. “He speaks the truth female. My forefathers intended to take back what was ours and hold it. 200 years ago it started with blind revenge but my clans history show that as the Federation grew…uniting more and more races those plans changed.

L`Berr shook her head. “If memory serves this General is know the Patri…â€

“HE IS MY PATRIARCH!†and hopefully the fleets he thought to himself.



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