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The Final Battle - It Begins

Posted on 30 Sep 2012 @ 5:30pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sascha Oakheart & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

806 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: En Route to & In the Yadalla System

[Yadalla System]

The serenity of the Yadalla system was shattered as ship after ship emerged from subspace with a flash as subspace particles spilled into normal space. Wing after wing, group after group of vessel emerged; first a few dozen, then the first hundred. Eventually the system was filled with hundreds of vessels from both sides. Hundreds of ships waited as the final arrivals took their position…thousands of lives on either side prepared for the fight to come.

The two huge fleets hung there in space, the silence of space seemed even more so as they faced off. As the planetary evacuation continued a transmission broke the tension. =^= Kzinti fleet, you have violated Federation Space and by order of the Federation Council and Starfleet Command you are ordered to power down your weapons and return to your planet of origin. =^=

[Kzinti Command ship]

Grel-Tagr teeth gleamed as he grinned at the display as waved at his aid. The warrior sent the orders to the pre-arranged wing commanders and they moved to engage. The Federation had numbers on their side but the majority their ships where old. No match for their ships.

The core of their ships formed a wedge...a massive spear at the heart of the Federation fleet. At the same time the edges of the Kzinti Armada swung out then dove in on the flanks.

The Carrier craft launched their assault craft.

Battleships and cruisers and dreadnaughts opened up with the full force of their arsenals.

Space before him was filling fast with weapons fire and explosions...and that was just the first wave.

The clash of fire power was unprecedented. This area of space had been spared the fighting from the dominion war and the Oganian’s had held the Klingons and federation from major conflicts for nearly a hundred years. How the surrounding space erupted with phaser fire, torpedoes, missiles, and anti-matter detonations as the untried commanders of the Federation fleet charged into the frey only to be wiped out of existence, along with their crews.

It didn’t take long before the Federation ships began to team up against any one enemy ship. But even then the Federation wasn’t doing well.

Because of the sheer number of ships on both sides the ‘fur bar’ (sphere of battle) began to grow larger and larger as ships maneuvered for position.

[USS Imperator]

Dirk felt the brace strap himself into his chair on the Imperator. He hated having it on but didn't take it off. There were enough injuries caused by people bouncing around and the primitive restraint stopped it. It was the first hint he got that they were within sensor range. As soon as the stars on the view screen shortened to their normal look he tapped his Comm. Badge. =^="All ships, launch all available craft, keep together and destroy as many drones as possible. Everyone else, break up into your wings, and then to groups. As discussed I want 3 ships at all times in a group. When one is incapacitated, shift accordingly." Dirk then tapped at his arm rest and turned the comms inwardly to his own ship and the two others in the group. "I want a target destroyed yesterday." Dirk turned to Rose, "All weapons available fire on first target.

Rose stood at her station, programming in several attack patterns and transmitting them to the other ships in their group. "Ships weapons are ready for your orders sir"

[Elsewhere in the Imperator]

Shibo rushed along the corridor passed several other crewmen before stopping next to an access hatch to the jefferies tubes, He holstered his rifle on his back and made sure nobody was around before climbing inside and closing it behind him. "Damn it I hate these things." He growled as he started to crawl down the grated floor on all four paws.

Eventually he reached the main junction and hopped inside; He then accessed the controls above him and opened up the hatch before standing up and grabbing onto the ladder. "I hate these even more." He murmured before placing his small padded foot-paws onto the rails and precariously started to climb up to deck one.

[USS Honshu]

Captain Duran Barr could feel the emotions of his crew as well as a broader wave of anger and hatred from the ships around him. This was one of the reasons he did not like combat. The USS Honshu was fitted as a science vessel, but she was still nebula class and that made her second only to the Galaxy and Sovereign in terms of capabilities.

"Helm, match maneuvers with the Gama group. Tactical, focus fire on the big ship's leave the fighters and smaller craft to the support vessels. Lt Maschnost, see if you can find us a critical point through their shields or armor."



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