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What's the Word Doc

Posted on 06 Nov 2012 @ 1:46am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sascha Oakheart

978 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Star Base 80
Timeline: (Back post) MD 2 - 1300

In the aftermath of the Battle of Yadalla the lower stardrive section had been towed away to begin repairs. While the other sections of the ship had taken damage they could at least proceed under their own power.

The ship docked in the repair bay; in the same slip as the lower drive section. Workerbee repair pods were buzzing around the lower section stripping away damaged hull plating before beginning the task of replacing the pylon and nacelle.

After the long ordeal and repeated combat the crew had been granted extended shoreleave while the ship was repaired and minor refit. Even as the crew busied themselves with their duties they were also making plans. Da`nal had to admit that even he to was looking forward to some time off; especially being reunited with his children.

Entering the slips control center he immediately saw his chief engineer overseeing the controlled chaos.

"You know, Captain. Generally speaking, Starfleet vessels aren't meant to take these kinds of beating." Doctor Oakheart called out in greeting as the Captain approached, "The only thing holding us together at this point is Chief Marlin's duct tape and a whole lot of good fortune." he added, shaking his head sadly, "I'm seriously considering advocating we strip the Achilles down to the space frame and rebuild."

Looking out the massive portals at the work being done. Yes the ship had been taken a hell of a beating....but a complete rebuild. Out of the question. "Is that really necessary Doctor, a complete rebuild? What is the current estimate on the repairs and refit?"

"That's going to depend on the spaceframe analysis in progress." Oakheart replied intelligently. "If the damage goes beyond the hull into the superstructure, then we'll have no choice but to take her down to the frame and repair directly. If it's extensive enough, there's an outside chance the Achilles as she exists here will cease to be." he continued matter-of-factly. For him it wasn't a flesh and blood breathing organism much as it was for any Captain, for him it was a problem; an engineering quandary that had a definitive solution waiting to be found. "Otherwise we risk getting ripped into itty bitty pieces the first time we jump to Warp." he said, looking now to Da'nal, "Something I'd rather avoid if I can."

"Agreed." Da`nal turned towards the portals picking up a piece of charred metal, examining it before tossing back where he'd found it and looking up at the work being done on his ship. At least Commander Young was making all of the stations resources available to them. "Do what needs to be done." Turning back to the Chief Engineer, "That's not a blank check Doctor. I want my ship ready as soon as possible."

"I can't work miracles, Captain. The repairs are what they are. If it is a manner of manpower, we'll use every person available, but otherwise... well there isn't much point in postulating at this point. We just have to wait and see wha-." he paused, interrupted by an incessant chirping from the large 'pool table' terminal that dominated the Starbase's Engineering and Repairs command section.

Doctor Oakheart paced towards the table and engaged it with a touch of his left hand, slowly beginning to read the data trickling out onto the screen in a steadily scrolling list. Sascha heaved a slow sigh.

Da`nal took a few steps forward at the sound from the table, no doubt signaling the completion of the structural analysis. "So what is th verdict Doctor? Repair or Rebuild?"

"A little of both." he replied solemnly, "The space frame is sound, but the support structure isn't."

"Well the Station's command has made their engineering staff avail..."

"That's the thing... it's not manpower that's the issue on this fix. It's expertise. You could rebuild the support structure all day long, but if it isn't done precisely to code, it will detach itself; and I don't mean detach itself at high warp. I mean detach itself in the heat of battle the first time it gets jostled by enemy fire. You'll breach your own hull."

"Then I suggest you find the additional 'expertise' you need to get the job done. But that said and the events from SB 24 to date you need a break. I want you to work some shoreleave into your repair schedule."

"Sure. Have them bring a cocktail waitress down to the port airlock, I'll have a mai tai before I head out to supervise the refit." Oakheart replied sarcastically.

"Delegate. You are not the only engineer in Starfleet that knows how to work on a starship. If you want to wait until the critical work is done that's fine but you will work some shore leave into your schedule. That's an order."

Sascha stared back at Da'nal blankly for a few moments before shaking his head, "My wife isn't going to argue with you, but I really have no desire to float aimlessly on the surf when there's all this work to finish. I don't know about you, but its a bit daunting to have the lives of the whole damned crew resting on my work."

"The lives of those under my command are always on my mind, don't ever think otherwise. See that the critical work is done to your satisfaction, but when it come to the less critical repairs...take a break. You have been going almost nonstop since coming on board.

"That's not good for you, the ship, or the crew I've known enough Engineers to know that once we get underway you are going to be watching every screen, listening to every vibration for any 'bugs' or problem. I want you to be fresh and rested not worn and exhausted from overseeing every detail of the ships repair and upgrade."


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