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A New Chapter

Posted on 03 Nov 2012 @ 11:16pm by

838 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Starbase 80: Airlock
Timeline: Current


Several Marines and Security personnel slowly filtered though the airlock leading to the USS Eclipse. Buried among the sea of green and yellow, a lone grey uniform made its way through the crowds. As the brown-haired woman in grey walked past, an officer in yellow approached. "Miss? Excuse me miss!"

She stopped and fixed her blue-green eyes on the stranger, her stoic expression never leaving her face. "Yes?"

"You're part of the Eclipse's former crew, right?"

She nodded.

"All departing Eclipse crew have to check in with me." he said, holding up a PADD. "You are...?"

"Ensign Valentine, Starfleet Intelligence."

He skimmed through the list of names. "Valentine...let's you are. Camilla A. Valentine, right?"

"Cammy Valentine." she corrected.

"Cammy Valentine." he repeated. "Okay Ensign, I see you're assigned to the USS Achilles. Unfortunately, the ship isn't ready to take on crew at this time." He handed her a chip. "This contains information on your temporary quarters, and your personal items will be transported there momentarily. Once the ship is ready, you'll be able to move into your actual quarters. Until then, I hope you enjoy your stay at Starbase 80."

"Thanks." she said taking the chip and walking towards the large viewports facing her former ship. The USS Eclipse loomed as only the mammoth Sovereigns could, and she found herself feeling intimidated and slightly humbled by the sight of the vessel. Cammy stood in silence for a few minutes, thinking of the last three years as part of the ship's family. She reached up and touched the window, muttering one last goodbye. "See you around, old friend."

Curious to see what the station had on tap, she headed to the turbolifts.

[Promenade Deck]

After strolling around, she finally spotted a cafe where she could get an iced coffee, a tirimisu, and a little peace and quiet. She read over some notes of a recent Bajoran computer upgrade when an all-too-familiar voice rang out. “Cammy! There you are!â€

She looked over the top of her PADD and spotted a dishwater blonde, a heart-shaped face, and a warm smile. “Hello Lisa. When did you get here?â€
“Not too long ago.†The woman said, sitting down across from her. “Listen, I just found out about some old ruins on the planet we could check out. You wanna go?â€

Cammy put on an I Really Don’t Want To Go But Can’t Say No To You smile she had long since perfected. Her interest in history was only rivaled by her interest filling out reports: both of which burned with the fiery passion of a snowstorm. “Sounds like fun.†She said, sipping her coffee. “When did you want to go?â€

“I thought we’d stay here a little while and get settled in.†Lisa answered, grabbing Cammy’s fork and sampling a piece of her tirimisu. “Speaking of getting settled in, what does Jack think of his new home?â€

“Don’t know.†Cammy answered, setting her cup down. “Haven’t seen him yet. One of the yellow jackets said they’d beam him over in a bit.â€

Lisa swallowed her bite of the coffee cake, her face very solem. “You did get that new tank for him, right? The one that’s supposed to be escape proof?â€

“Yeah, but I guarantee you he will find a way out before the week’s over.â€

“I hope not. A royal python loose on the Eclipse was bad enough. I don’t want to think of what might happen if he escaped here. Want to go check on him?â€

“I will after I finish my coffee.â€

Lisa stood up. “Then I’ll go check on him. Where are your quarters?â€

Cammy pulled the chip out of her PADD and held it out to her. “Here.â€

“Don’t you need it?†Lisa said, taking it from her.

Cammy shook her head. “I saved it to my PADD’s internal storage.†As the woman turned to leave, Cammy stood up. “Wait.†She took Lisa’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Thanks for transferring with me. It really means a lot.â€

Lisa gave her a smile. “I wasn’t going to let you go to the Achilles by yourself. Who would give me those Vulcan massages you do so well?â€

“Bring your neck over here.†Cammy said with a mischievous grin as she rubbed a thumb and two fingers together. “I’ll show you another use for neuropressure.â€

“That’s okay.†Lisa said walking off. “I’m happy to live in ignorance.â€

Cammy sat down, and pulled up the senior staff of the Achilles on her PADD. “Commodore Da’nal, huh?†she muttered to herself. “Sounds like a Klingon name.†Cammy knew that Klingons valued strength, honor, trustworthiness, brutal honesty, arrogance, passion, and an eagerness to fight head on against anything, anytime, anywhere. She then thought of her own traits, and her lips curled into a playful smile. “Oh he’s going to absolutely LOVE me.â€


Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist


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