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Together again

Posted on 06 Nov 2012 @ 1:53am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,713 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Planet Nesh

The transporter effects faded and Da`nal found himself breathing deeply the fresh…un-recycled air.

"This is beautiful," Ayren breathed as her eyes adjusted to the light. They were standing on the edge of a cliff. Purple and orange colored skies met an ocean several kilometers in the distance far below them. To their backs a mountain range with rich foliage and massive trees blocked out the sky from their vintage point. They each had a backpack with camping equipment and climbing gear strapped to their waists and backs.

"You think we have a couple of hours left or shall we camp here somewhere?" Ayren asked. She was invigorated by the idea of adventure and some danger lurking in the unfamiliar woods. They were going to explore old ruins left by the indigenous people here, more than a thousand years ago. It had no particular archeological interest anymore, but the way to them were tricky and there were predators in the woods, although they usually didn't bother people.

Da`nal closed his eyes and let the sounds of the wilds replace the echoing sounds of the a busy starbase fill his ears. He could hear the rustling of the curious animals behind him and he scented the air detecting the musk of the animal. His blood began to pump as he anticipated the hunt to come. ~Soon my friend soon...~

He turned to Ayren as he removed his pack. "This is as good as any. I will gather stones and wood for a fire, if you want to set up the shelter."

She looked at him a little smile. "Okay," she said. "As long as you don't disappear for that hunt now...." she teased, hands on the hips. "Unless it tastes like really good and you cook it... "

He simply smiled with a huff as he set to work.

Ayren got the tent off his backpack and started to set it up. The air was so fresh and cool and it was so quiet. She could only feel Da'nal's presence, which was refreshing in itself.

The cliff and other outcroppings provided an ample supply of the rocks needed and there were several deadfalls to provide more than enough wood for a long lived, glorious fire. He could have used a phaser to make quick work of making their firewood but the manual labor was invigorating. While he did slice things up with his phaser he manually split their wood supply.

Aeryn stood back at her handiwork. The tent stood and she managed to secure the pegs firmly. There were many very modern tents and shelters available, but she opted for a rather primitive version used on earth. When she was young, they used to go camping often. Her mother insisted on roughing it. She remembered those times fondly.

The rhythmic fall of the axe on the wood comforted her somehow, so she watched Da'nal for a while before she approached him. When he took a break from swinging that axe, she placed her arms around his waist. "Is there enough wood to boil water for coffee?" she asked.

Looking at the pile he had, "More than enough." He loaded up and after a few trips they had a good stock pile. At least enough for well into the next day.

He got the fire going just as the suns light was begining to fade. The sun hadn't set yet but soon. He sat there enjoying the heat from the blaze, letting it warm him as the chill of evening began to settle in. As much as he tried to relax he couldn't. At least not fully, as there was still so much going on. The ships repairs, getting new officers and crew, seeing to the final arrangement for those that had fallen... A cry echoed from the darkness of the woods, the called returned by others. "Pack animals, probably signaling a kill."

"You look like you want to be part of that hunt," Ayren mused as she put the water on the fire to boil and got mugs out so long. She was getting a bit chilly and needed some coffee to warm her. However, there was nothing wrong to start with a sundowner."Here..." she said and handed him cup a with a good single malt whiskey she had acquired on the station, sipping some from her own. "The XO will manage.... " she said sofly.

Taking the cup he shot the earth whiskey. Not near the strongest alcohol he'd had but adequate. Nodding his head in the direction of the call they had heard. "I was thinking that I could invite the two other Klingons in the crew for the ritual hunt...for Garath."

Ayren had been waiting patiently for him to mention Garath. "That is a good idea," she said quietly. "You want to do it tomorrow?" she asked

He was actually surprised that she didn't think in too early for him, but then again she had spent a great deal of time on the QonoS so she understood more than most. "No this is our time. But before our leave ends I will set something up."

Ayren nodded as she leaned against him, showing her support for him and also needing him at the same time. "Whatever works for you," she said and gave his arm a squeeze.

Taking a seat in the camp chair bore the roaring fire he took her by the wrist and pulled he onto his lap. "Duties have kept us too busy for too long," as he ran his hand against the side of her face and into her long hair.

"That is true," she said, cupping his hand with hers as she turned her face towards him her eyes dropping to his mouth. "Far too long..." she said softly.

He pulled he in tight and together they added to the other sounds of the night. The fire raged next to them adding it's heat to theirs.

[Next Morning]

It was early when Ayren stirred. It took a few moments for her to remember where they were. The sounds and scents for the forest surrounded them even through the mesh of the tent. It was Da'nal's idea to actually use the tent to sleep in. The insects alone could cause itching and burning, and that besides the fact that there were predators around. She kissed the hand next to her mouth gently. "How long have you been awake?" she asked as she turned in his arms.

"Not long. When do you want to head to the ruins?"

"After breakfast?" she suggested. "I am rather hungry," she said and after a soft kiss she wiggled out of his arms. "It is all your fault," she teased as she started to get dressed.

Laying back as he watched her dress. "Ha! My fault?! What did I do?"

Ayren giggled as she leaned over him, but not quite touching him. A wicked smile formed on her lips. "What didn't you do....?" she said.

Standing he grinned, well I didn't bite....Oh Wait. I did didn't I?"

"You nearly always do," Ayren laughed, showing her shoulder. "But believe me.... I reciprocated," she grinned as she finished dressing. She stepped outside into the fresh cool air. "It is beautiful out here hurry up, soH magh t'gla [you lazy beast]" she said over her shoulder.

He grinned as he slapped her ass while moving out of the tent; he rekindled the fire and set the coffee pot to heat up while he cleaned up.

Ayren was in good spirits and did her part in preparing the breakfast. She had packed in some chuvmey [leftovers] from their previous meal, prepared leng Soy [voyage food] and some chej [liver] which she pan fried for herself, leaving her mate to eat his raw as she knew he liked it.

After a hearty breakfast they prepared their packs for the hike to the ruins. He was ready to go and was putting out the fire while Ayren finished getting ready.

"I am ready," Ayren said as picked up her backpack. Around her waist was a belt with climbing gear, with a knife Da'nal gave her as a present sometime ago. Though unexpected, Ayren was quite familiar with Klingon blades and knew how to use that knife.

Shouldering his pack with the majority of the gear he secured the belt. The climbing gear rattled as the set off and was a tad annoying, but he wasn't hunting so it really didn't matter. The area they had to hike though was lush but only a finger to the forest and soon they were in the clear and making their way up the foot hills. Ahead of them was the forested base of the mountain. Eventually they would have climb the looming rock face to get to the ruins.

After nearly an hour of Ayren stopped and studied the rock face. "How high you think that is?" she asked, a little out of breath as they reached the forest. The air was thinner than what she was used to and the gravity was a bit higher than on Starships. They had no equipment to aid them, which was the point to make it more challenging. She turned to see the distance they had come and it was at least four kilometers, which was good for their kind of hike. "I guess about four hundred meters for that first section.." she mumbled to herself.

They continued for the next two hours until they reached the foot of the precipice.

Removing his pack he opened the top. Grinning he removed bundles of climbing rope, carabineers, and fusing pitons. I'll head up first and set the pitons then you can lock in and make you assent."

"Okay... " she said as she prepared. She was capable of climbing up on her own, but this was further and more dangerous that she had done before. And there were strong winds higher up and the weather could change in an instant too. She hooked her carabineers in line along her belt and checked her clothin, tied her gloves and checked her shoes. Her jacket was within reach and so were water and enery snacks. She also carried the emergency kit. "I am ready."



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