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Operation Beachhead - Licking our wounds

Posted on 29 Jun 2012 @ 7:55pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,281 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Marine encampment - Planet Mercer

[Command Houch]

The operation was a relative success meaning they had recovered Captain Longwinter, inflected heave casualties on the enemy but it had also cost them. Some had been vaporized and those witnessed had been listed KIA as had the other recovered; the wounded were rushed to their med cave, and there was only one MIA/POW.

Velez stood outside after the covering things with the Major.


The med bay looked like and field hospital after an engagement - Organized chaos. The walking wound sat around waiting to be seen as the more critical casualties were treated. Dr. Thorn finished dressing the disruptor wound to the Klingons chest and then scanned him again. The neural shock that he had suffered had resulted in a coma, ~thought Klingons were made of tougher stuff~, he thought to himself.

At the far end of the bay Dr. Rawling looked in astonishing rate his patient was healing, shaking his head. "That Angosian genetic alterations are astounding...need to get me some."

(Out of Body experience/Coma repairing)

1st Lt. Malluk moans and snapping into a upright position in a super heightened awareness. His weapon brought to his shoulder....aiming around.....but no one reacting?...

His body moves but his physical body remains...."What the hell? oh....." Looking around and remembering he was struck by a disruptor to the chest...he feels it. No wounds...but looks to his body laying on the bunk. Bandaged and next to Longwinters...

"It must be a spiritual kal'hia....Safe place for my mind to recover but body to move...". Moving almost ghostly and whisps of his transparent body moving along with him. He follows the Staff Sergeant and catches up to what has happened....returning to the Command Hut. Being he is one of the highest ranking officers. He yells and screams but is unheard being transparent and placing a hand on Staff Sergeant Jason’s shoulder to stop him...and he goes through him...

(Out of body experience returns to the body)
Returning to Malluks body on the bunk. He lies down and forces his body and mind together in a ancient Klingon healing technique. Breaking the coma and howling loudly and aggressively into the air.

The medic that was working with his back to the Klingon lieutenant nearly jumped through the wall cave on the other side of her patient. She had yet to begin to pick up the equipment that went flying but turn to find out what the hell had happened.

[Barracks Area]

Jason was pissed...even though they found their CO and he was getting medical care his team was in shambles. His LT was in a bad shape, he still didn't know how bad; one team member dead, and Dawn was missing and most likely now a POW. As much as he wanted to vent by tearing something up he had a junior Marine to make sure was squared away so he kept a lid on things.

Dropping his gear he looked up into the night sky and wondered what Teresa was doing. Was she alive? Had she taught of him at all during this mess?

Cradling his weapon he looked over to Cyfian, "How you holding up Harper?"

Cyfian just stared forward, gently tapping his weapon. Sweet dripping from his brow and every breath he took burned his lungs. He turned to Jason and stared at him with a stern face. No words just a stare, still tapping his weapon.

Jason read those eyes and knew exactly what he was feeling. Dropping a hand to his shoulder, "We'll get her back...".. As he spoke a plan began to form in his head and he looked down at the rookie. ~No,~ he mentally corrected himself, ~ he's not that any more.~ "Get something to eat but be ready to move." Without looking back he headed to the command area to find Velez.

Cyfian watch Jason walk out. Again just staring into what seemed like nothing. Unzipping his bag he took out some rations and took a small bit. His stomach grumbled in anticipation but his throat seized shut. The food was like ash in his mouth. He never really cared for the rations but being the only thing he had eaten in what seemed like days he just couldn't stomach it. Tossing the small bar back into his bag he laid on his bunk and just stared up. Gently tapping his weapon, again and again.

His thoughts turned to the Sergeant and her being alone. We had to get her back. Just the idea of her being out their alone played on Cyfian's mind. Never leave a man behind. He was always taught. Yet...

After many hours exhaustion beat him sending Cyfian into a restless sleep.

[Outside the Command Houch]

The missions debrief over Velez and several other staff members and officers head out and were looking to hit the rack. Velez stretched in the cool mountain air. If things were different he might stake a claim on this planet and retire. When he saw the Staff Sergeant approaching (still in full gear save his pack) he felt trouble brewing in his gut.

Rotating his sling and holding his rifle at his side he nodded to the Sergeant Major. "Can I have a word," looking around, "privately?"

Together they moved around a corner and when they stopped Velez shook his head as he waved off the coming request before Jason could make it. "I know what you're going to ask and the answer is no."

Jason ripped off his helmet. "She's dead if we don't!" Jason knew better than to fly off, and he calmed himself. "Sergeant Major...Top. We need to get her back before they get to far away. She should be the only outside these mountains. At least let me do a little recon."

Velez knew that 'a little recon' meant rescue and once again had to shut the one of his own matter how much he wanted to let him. "Jason you know very well that I can't authorize that. Besides you don't know if she even survived the crash..."

Jason snapped at his boss "I DON'T CARE IF SHE SURVIVED OR NOT. CAPTAIN DA`NAL DIDN'T KNOW IF WE WERE ALIVE AND HE ORCHASTRATED THIS WHOLE THING TO EITHER FIND US OR HELP US. You know that as well as I do. I don't care what song and dance he used to sell it he got it done because he did want us left behind and hung out to dry.

Velez felt the same way but he also had other things to take into consideration. Not to mention he couldn't allow a subordinate to pop of like that. Stepping up to within inches of Jason; "YOU SECURE THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW FREY! BRIANNA IS ONE OF MY PEOPLE TOO, AND IF YOU THINK I LIKE THE IDEA OF THOSE ANIMALS DOING WHO KNOWS WHAT TO ONE OF MY MARINES YOU BETTER JUST STAND THE HELL BY MARINE..."

Jason had locked himself at attention even as Velez had stepped up on him.

"...YOU HAVE LIVING TROOPS HERE THAT NEED LOOKING AFTER. TAKE CARE OF THEM FIRST - THEN WE WILL WORRY ABOUT HER." Stepping back a bit. "Jason, its been a long day. You need to eat, get some water and some rack time. Tomorrow both of us will talk to the Major and see what we can do to find Dawn."

"Aye. Aye Sergeant Major." And he turned slowly heading off to the mess area to find Cyfian; they had work to do.


LCpl Cyphian Harper

1st Lt Corisk Malluk

All others played by Chris


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